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So what IS the use of riding walls?


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I've watched the trailer many times and I'm sure so have you too. One of the cool, matrix-like scenes was Kyle running horizontally on a wall. At first, I was very excited and hypd up about that feature but then I wondered that what is so great about riding a wall? I mean it probably depends on how long you can do it aside from getting to secret & high places. In Jedi battles, you're probably on the wall for a couple of secs and thats it? It does'nt really seem that interesting to me. Someone convince me that there is something special about ridng walls.:rolleyes:

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True, it could add a suspense aspect to the whole game while ur fighting others in MP games, a list of surprise attacks you could make up on ur own, a new level of tactics u can use in MP games if a player seems too difficult to beat. It can also be useful in tight hallways or walkways to confuse ur enemy

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There was a cut snene from the end of TPM, where Obi-wan did a walk up the wall. Put he did it facing the the wall, and just flipped over backwards. That move I could see being useful. Don't know about the other wall walk. We'll see when the game comes out.

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If you've played JK/MotS the usefulness of this should be obvious. You're in a tight spot and you want to get behind your opponent (and we presume you don't have force jump, or the ceiling is too low---ow!) Answer: You jump on the wall, do a couple steps and bingo, behind your opponent.


Plus with guns, you'll have more options for agility; being able to run alongside the walls as well as on the ground would be a great tactic.


Of course, like Deathbolt pointed out, we won't know for sure till we actually play the game...

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How about an evasive move? If you see a saber flying toward you down a narrow hall, with a low ceiling, how are you going to avoid it, aside from block it. Besides, since the guy doesn't have his saber and is close enough, you can just run along the wall, let the saber pass you, kill the guy, and then turn around to block the incoming saber, assuming the saber pulls itself back.

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Guest Apparition

They said that there will be wall jumps in many previews and stuff. There is wall running as well. The usefulness? Probably rarely will it be useful, but it's still cool.


Why is it everything in a game has to have some grand purpose? If you have the choice between having the wall running and not having it, what does it hurt to throw in a cool move?

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There may be puzzles where theres a walkway next to a wall, say in nar shaddaa....... but a chunk of it has broken off, leaving a gap between you and the other side. you may have to walk on the wall to get to it. then again i suppose you could use force jump. but why would you when you can walk on a wall :)

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I kind of disagree with the people that say that things "looking cool" isnt a good reason. I mean isn't that what video games are all about? Doing something and then thinking, "Oh, god, that was so cool." I mean, thats what i think about when i play games. Maybe thats just me though.

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Ummm.... errrm.. say your fencing off an agressive opponent, say he's backing you into a wall so you cant menuever well as he's pounding on you, you cant keep up this forever. This is where wallwalking/walljump (two diffrent ones) come in handy, you can wall jump behind him and have a chance to strike him down and get out of that tight spot... even be able to back him into the wall.

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Get up, get down with the sickness, huh. But anyways, I was wondering if there are 2 types, wall running and wall jumping or just wall jumping. Because I remember someone saying somewhere that what you see on the trailer is someone starting to do a wall jump. Thats a pretty long way to run if you are just planning on jumping.

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Guest Sarcastic Saint

For crying out loud for months if not years people have been "screaming" there heads of about wanting to have a worthy follow-up to jk and that it has to have cool features etc etc....and now that its almost there...i mean what the hell is wrong with you people this game is gonna rock...its gona have cool features even if those features are completly useless safe for the fact that you are going to say..."oohh...ahhh" every now and again. :D

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Guest Apparition

Yeah, if the game is everything you want or nothing you want then what difference does it make if there is wall jumping in it as well. You don't like it? Don't think it's useful? Don't use it. Simple as that. I think that if you're going to debate something then you should do it about something that will actually have an impact on the game and the way it is played. This is as useless as complaining that the mouse cursor is cool looking. Who cares? It makes no difference. Like I said earlier, what's wrong with it? Some of the best things about a game are the little things. Better that this game has a ton of cool stuff in it then if it was just boring crap over and over.


I guess my point is that does it matter that it doesn't have much use? You can avoid it. Now if the story sucked, well, then that's something that has to be dealt with.

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