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Episode I tunes


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Any body think that music from Episode one made it into JO?


i know one of the developers said they used music from the "vast library of John Williams Star Wars music" or something like that, so it's possible. I've been listening to the soundtrack, trying to picture Kyle Fighting badguys to the sound of "Duel of the Fates"


there's a lot of other music from that movie that would fit in very well......



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Possibly some of the tunes from Ep 1 could be ported to JK2. It would be soooooo awesome if Duel of the Fates was the programmed background music for the final battle of the game (or the battle with the Dark Jedi), although that probably won't happen :( .


Or maybe the Imperial March!! ;)




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Originally posted by digl

No dotf and no Ep1 music at all, because of the timeframe


That's why there is no BF skin for MP (Although they use the EU for the story, but they don't accept the BF books...weird...)


wait....no EP1 music because of the "timeframe"?


Unlike Boba Fett, Music never dies!!


Ozzie is God


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No dotf and no Ep1 music at all, because of the timeframe

I don't remember that been sayed anywhere and I don't see any real reason to not include at least some theme songs from TPM. I guess it depends on are they connected to any specific characters(Anakin's theme, for example, can't be played without him) and there are a lot of cool themes that are generally "action" music like already mentioned DOFT and new variations of older themes from original trilogy like Emperor's/Darth Sidious' theme(BTW, awesome cue for Dark Jedi) and Force theme. I recently even pondered about chances, could they have added parts of AOTC soundtrack also there; it was recorded not so long ago, so there is a slight possibility that Clint Bajakian could have get it to his hands(Jedi Starfighter, for example, went just recently GOLD and it MUST feature at least parts of it, when it appears to store shelfs after week or two). Somehow I still doubt it though, because movie itself haven't premiered yet and LEC probably uses its music primarily in AOTC themed games first, before it's seamlessly combined with other soundtracks to be used in general SW games. Still, I'm sure dynamic music system will be astonishing. :D

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No DOTF? That sucks! Still, on the bright side I suppose that means they won't be able to use that cheesy final celebration music from Episode 1 as well :) .


That "wrong time period" excuse seems a bit lame though. I mean, isn't the time of the Imperial Remnant technically a different period to that of the original trilogy? If so, by their logic they shouldn't be using ANY of the existing Star Wars music. As I see it, it's one step away from taking a contextual approach to it and saying that 'we can't use Luke & Leia's theme because Leia doesn't appear in the game'.


I'm interested to see what these new musical arrangments based on the score will be like. Does that mean their just going to hack and paste bits from the existing scores together, or will they record any new tracks? If they're doing the latter, I certainly hope the don't use rubbish synthesizers etc. like they did for Elite Force. That would be just so lame to have John Williams and the LSO interspersed with some 5 year old on a two octave Yamaha. I still remeber playing X-Wing Collectors' Edition. It was so jarring to complete a mission and exit out from the 3d accelerated game with the original soundtrack playing, to ghastly VGA cutscenes with substandard, warbly MIDI music :mad: !

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Or you could just open the PK3 file in WinZip (or whatever other ZIP program you use), check the name and file path of the music file you want to replace, make a set of nested folders identical to the file path, stick the new music file in the proper folder in the set, rename it to the same filename as the file you want to replace, and add the root folder in the set you made to the PK3 file. That way, you actually replace the music file in question, and therefore can listen to say, Duel of the Fates, and still have dynamic music. :)

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one of the themes in Force Commander if you listen VERY closely at the end of it, it's the music played when the queen's ship arrives on coruscant...my favorite track in the whole game is that. that would be the perfect music for my funeral if i ever have one. :D

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Praise the lord that those corny garage actors will never return.


I completely agree with you! The actors in Jedi Knight were absolutely terrible. They wouldn't even be good enough to appear in an episode of some lame soap like Passions. Everytime I see those cutscenes I cringe. The acting, the terrible bluescreen and effects work, ack!


I was so happy to hear that Billy Dee Williams will be providing the voice for Lando! Now if only they could have gotten him to work on X-wing Alliance too! Lando's voice actor in XWA basically ruined the whole last mission for me.

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