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I'm a HUGE fan of online gaming, but unfortunately i only have a 56k... now in some games it's ok, i have to tweak a few things and it runs on average... but i was thinking about it and just wanted opinions, would there be any point in joining a JO clan with my con?


Or am i just day dreaming?


Or should i wait til i get ADSL?



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I'm on a 56k (runs slower then a 26k) and I can play a 40 person Tribes 2 game with 100% graphics with 35-40 fps, while having very low lag. I would imagine that would mean I could play JO with 16 people without much trouble.. but I thought I heard somewhere that the Quake 3 engine is very bad for us 56kers...


Too bad I can't get broadband where I live...

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Oh, I suspect you'll be fine, once you get used to it. The most likely and noticable thing you'll experience is a split second delay from the time you pull the trigger to the time you fire/swing which will throw off your aim for a while. Once you get used to it, you'll be just fine, usually though, if your ping is 200-350 or less even, you 'll have nothing to worry about. Q3 has remarkable netcode. I use a 56k and I'm starting to get pretty good at Elite Force. I can already beat my friend, who is fairly experienced at it(uses a DSL might I add), and I've only played 3 games of it. Then again, I'm a good aim because of my joystick so FPS's are quick to learn for me. I know my clan would accept you(provided you had the same ideals as we do and used only the light side. We're strict about that sort of thing.)


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Has anyone else tried to play MoH:AA with a 56k? Its impossible unless you can find a decent local dedicated server. Its torture really, you move say 5 steps, the game will move you 5 steps then immediatly move you back 5 steps until the lag catch's up, and don;t even think about combat, you'll be walking and next thing you know you've been dead for at least 5 seconds. i can't afford to pay $30 a month for broadband and besides that i don't even qualify for it because i live way the hell out in the middle of nowhere.




Can any of you give me some tips on what i can do to decrease lag with my 56k? i would appreciate it very much.

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im on a 56k, and i dont really have any problems in netplay. ive played quake3 before, only once, and i got drilled though. i think that was just becase there were about a zillion people in there, shooting everywhich way. sometimes i had just respawned and i got drilled!


i play halflife a lot (mostly tfc) and i own that game. i dont really have lag problems. of course, different engine, different game.

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Q3 does implement prediction for a number of effects...


But there is no hybrid hitscan weapon server/client-side hit determiniation in Q3, unlike in Half-Life.


Probably a good idea to keep hit determination on the server side.


Actually I will volunteer to be the 'bandwidth snob' and recommend XDSL. It does make for online gaming, in my experience. Why? A few reasons, in no order:


-faster downloads than analog

-faster connection into the game than analog (takes less time to download the gamestate, and join in)

-lower pings than analog

-less sluggish 'lag' online gameplay than analog

-better reliability, fewer disconnects than analog

-less packet loss than analog (usually)

-phone line isnt tied up


This in no way means that modem players are somehow 'inferior' in skill, obviously. Nor is it by way of saying that analog play online cannot be enjoyable. It is simply a recognition of the reality that XDSL is a faster, more reliable connection, in general, to the internet, than analog modem.

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Well, don't worry I say... I played JK for 3 years with a 33.6k Modem !!! Hahaha, that's right. I even became an 'elite' at nf guns with it. Of course, the JK netcode is quite different, but I've had no real problems in CS or UT either. Haven't really tried Q3, but I doubt it would cause huge hassles. Just a question of getting used to the delay, as Obi mentioned...


So really for me it's a question of upgrading to a 56k. :)


Of course, I do have a really good ISP. Always helps. Get 500ms connections to Americans...150ms to most people in Australia.

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I would suggest getting DSL if you want to join some clans. I too am currently using a 56k connection, and it's no good for 5-6 player SBX games. Although these games vary, it's just my opinion to you to get DSL. Right now my connection is 14 dollars, rotfl :>. So, I don't mine dishing in a few bills for a good connection.


But you can still get used to the lag, and have fun with 56k. So don't be discouraged.


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I played JK with a 33.6 modem and it actually helped me. It would always lag at just the right time during saber battles that I was so used to it I could time it perfectly and it was really hard for anyone to hit me. People got pissed though and told me it wasnt fair because I had "lag protection" I think they were just sore losers.

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Yeah, this is true. I've got a cable modem now so I'm good to go. I get so pissed when games lag though. I play Renegade and I just want to throw my keyboard at the screen because I will be running and then all of a sudden I will be dead. That sucks pretty bad.

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