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You can do basically anything in C++, that is, if you know how to. ;) If you have no previous knowledge of coding, you might want to play around for awhile with Visual Basic or something like it before going to C++.


What first introduced me to coding was Jedi Knights' COG files. They're a great way to learn the basic principals of coding.

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I hate C++. It's fine for easy stuff (what you'll be doing in an intro course): basic input/output, grabbing data from files, working with numbers etc. But once you get to multiple inheritance, dynamic allocation, templates, and the dirty dirty dirty STL... BLEH! Java is much nicer :D.

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I went with VB first and then played a bit with cogging and took a java course. I didn't learn much from the java course so i am also going to take a course next school year from the local collage, but i will be just auditing it.


Good luck. Your goin' to need it. ;)



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An algorithm is a tried-and-true set of commands used to perform common tasks like sorting lists, searching for items, finding shortest paths, etc. One example is a "selection sort", which sorts a list of elements by picking the smallest item and swapping it with the other items until it is in the correct place; the process is then repeated for the other items.

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