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Originally posted by darthfergie

MAN!!! YD!!!

It was just basic trigenometry...(sin) (cos) (tan)



I didn't touch sin, cos and tan because my teacher said there was a way without it ... So that is what I'm searching.


And about the Grade ... What I and Wraith9 do is called MBO here. And this is the second time I do MBO, but just a whole different direction. I'm the oldest in my class with 21 (exept for Mark, but guys that don't come don't count) and the youngest is 16 or 17.


But I must confess that the puzzle I gave you isn't the original form ... It was one step away from the original form ... wich is this:




I made the triangle to get the height ... cause I need the height to get the Area (A) ... you know like in cm2.


Cause in the end ... that's what I need to know ... A

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Originally posted by darthfergie

BTW, I think you should try the pythag...that is about the only thing I can think of at the moment:)


I'm supposed to use that ... But you need a 90 degree angle for that ... you give me one good one to use.


And while we're still talking about school ... can somebody give me translation of 'La réussite sociale' ... I don't speak french.

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Well YD...Here is my solution...

1) You work it all out how you think it could be done

2) Look in the back of Math book for answer (if it isn't there look for a similar problem)3) Re work it and see if you can figure out how they found that soultion

4) If you can't figure it out...ask someone at school tomorrow...maybe they know it so you can do it a few minutes or hours before math...

5) If you do figure it out...YOU GET IT CORRECT:D

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Originally posted by darthfergie

Well YD...Here is my solution...

1) You work it all out how you think it could be done


That is what I'v been doing all day


2) Look in the back of Math book for answer (if it isn't there look for a similar problem)


There aren't answers or similair problems ..


3) Re work it and see if you can figure out how they found that soultion


See the one before this one


4) If you can't figure it out...ask someone at school tomorrow...maybe they know it so you can do it a few minutes or hours before math...


And let they get away with the reward ... can't have that ;) And BTW ... I don't have school tomorrow


5) If you do figure it out...YOU GET IT CORRECT:D


I'm almost there ....

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Originally posted by darthfergie

Seriously I wouldn't spend more than 30 minutes on one problem MAX...unless it was for a major test then I don't know...


Seriously ... the mars isn't what's on stake here ... it's my pride. If I don't solve this ... then I'm not worthy.


If I haven't solved it by the end of tomorrow ... I'm gonna use the gonio way anyway ... But I know it can be done without.

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Originally posted by krkode

fergie what grade are u in? when did u do this stuff on geometry?


Probably somewhere around christmas a few years ago...

I remeber doing MUCh more complex things...the thing is I'm not in my school mode...in school mode I'm VERY serious and I can spit out answers like a calculator...but right now I'm in my stand by mode...No reason to get back into school mode once my brain has cooled down...it will just overstress my processor...;)

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I alread have he awnser ... poped in my head last night :D


I needed to have the area of the trapezium, but to calculate that I needed h as in the triangle (You can get the triangle from the trapezium)


What I did is dividing AB in 'x' and '30-x' That way, you can calculate h like this


I h² = 26² - x²

II h² = 28² - (30-x)²


So ...


26² - x² = 28² - (30-x)²

676 - x² = 784 - 900 + 60x - x²

792 = 60x

x = 13,2


That makes h 22,4 and the total area of the trapezeum 336 cm²

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