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Clone War Trailer D Online!


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Here's a direct link to the LARGE trailer. That means you will be able to see it anytime you want! :D"The one our supposed to have QuickTime Pro to view".



http://starwars.apple.com/ep2/clone_war/media/gate/ep2_clone_war_p640.mov "Right click and hit Save As" 31mb



You don't need QTP to view it though. :) Don't go spreading the news to much. I'm still trying to download it and I want to keep a steady speed. :D



If that doesn't work, you can try here:





Btw, if you don't want to dl it, look for my screenshots soon! :)

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Anything you see on the internet, you have downloaded. But the link I posted makes life easier for you because you won't have to go digging through your internet cache to find the movie and have a headache when you find it's not there or will only work online. :D


And this is the BIG one. Not the one you downloaded at sw.com, unless you have QTP. :)

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I finally, after long suffering was able to download it! :D



The first time I tried: It got to 92% of the 31mb then I was kicked off the net somehow.


The second time I tried: Had to restart from the beginning. At 70% of the 31mb the connection was reset. o_o


The third time I tried: I tried it at mirror planet and got it! yay me! :D

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That is awesome! Epsidode II is gonna be great, and you can forget about it being a love story.


Some parts don't seem "Star Warsy", like that gauntlet style thing is a little chessy and, and some other stuff is weird, but all the rest more than makes up for it, its gonna be amazing.

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I don't know what everyone is so upset about the download times..it took me about 30 seconds...then again, I do live in a dorm and have access to a T1 line during spring break :joy:


Now, the trailer....all I can say about that is: :D :D :D :D :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: (I'm a little excited)

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Here are some other interesting things...


In the scene where Jango shoots the missiles at Obi-Wan, at first I thought that they were shot from that place in the middle of the ship (Were they are on the toy). But then I watched it again and noticed that it came from the bottom of the ship (by the guns). So, I got out my handy-dandy cross-sections book and looked them up. They are in fact proton torpedoes.




They fire from a hidden compartment right under the blasters.


Here is a better image of the torpedo. It looks exactly the same in the book. Notice the Aurebesh writing on it....




Also, in the first scene where you see Slave 1 shooting at Obi-Wan, those blasters it is using are actually Ion cannons. Again, hidden.\/




At first I thought these were just random Jedi. But then I looked a little closer...




If you have any doubts, just watch this scene frame by frame.


And last but not least. Does this beam look familiar?



Also, notice the guy hanging his legs of the edge /\ :D

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It looks like he is getting shot but his saber is still deflecting a bolt so it is hard for me to tell. The small trailer didn't work but I was able to get permission and download the large one. :D Dang you LUCAS! You should've released this so long ago! I was having doubts but then this beauteous trailer came out and was much better than the last trailer whose name I will not utter for it's vast inferiority. I clocked I record pacing 1.12 kps (kilobytes per second) for 8 hours and 36 minutes until it was mine. And it was worth the wait.


Who's going to go to the movies friday to see the trailer on the big screen? (I am!)

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I saw the trailer. It was one of the best trailers i had ever seen and i got my first look at geonosains and anakin using two sabers. How does he get that other saber? DONT ANSWER THAT QUESTION! But my favorite part was definatley the part were he jumps off the speeder on coruscant. My only regret is that i wished they showed more of R2-D2, i'm beginning to have my doubts ...



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