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Lucas aught to put a JK2 ad in front of Ep2

Pipe Smoke

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I disagree with this. Episode II should not promote any star wars mechandise or other star wars products. Episode I was basically an advertisement for the merchandise and the movie suffered from it. Focus on making a great movie, not action figures and games.



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I too have to disagree, Episode 1 was crap...no offence...but it was and if the second one is anything like the first one putting a trailer for JKII on it would probably decrease sales if anything for JK2 plus not only that but....Lucas probably signed a contract over two years ago stating the making of JKII and at this point he probably doesn't even know what it is in fact i bet anyone here if they asked lucas "do u know who kyle katarn is?" he'd have security guards shoot you. sorry lucas old boy buts its the true, and the true SHALL SET U FREE!!!

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Let the quality of the game dictate it's sales.


Besides, movie and gaming audiences are two different entities. And I get the feeling that if I did see a promotion for JKII at AoTC, I'd feel cheap, used and embarrassed. It's like when I see a commercial for a television show while I'm watchin the very same show. It doesn't make sense, I'm already watching the show! Likewise for JKII, as TrUeFoRcE said, people interested are already going to have it or know about it.

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*shudders at the thought of a slew of low quality AotC games*

I'm sure LEC has learned something since they made "low quality" TPM games and they even said that they won't publish as many AOTC themed games as they did with TPM. So far, first one of them, Jedi Starfighter is looking really cool and I'm hoping that they will port it over to PC(after X-Box) just like they did with Starfighter(one and only decent TPM game out there).

Episode I was basically an advertisement for the merchandise and the movie suffered from it.

I have to disagree with this statement. Sorry Swoosh, but you see only one side of the story, if you think these movies are made simply because of merchandise; Lucas doesn't design some character just because it would sell well and he would get more money(of course that is ONE of the reasons and he is even more conscious about that than he was while making original trilogy), but mainly how well it works in the story. If people avoid watching movie(which is still main product one way or the other) because merchandising is too aggressive, then I suppose they aren't so interested seeing it in the first place. I personally am ONLY interested about the movie itself, merchandising comes second(if it keeps up the spirit of the movie and even expands its vision).

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Originally posted by the_immortal

I too have to disagree, Episode 1 was crap...no offence...but it was and if the second one is anything like the first one putting a trailer for JKII on it would probably decrease sales if anything for JK2...

I don't agree with JKII using the movie, but you are absolutely wrong about something


Ep1 was crap sure, but did that cause poor merchandising sales?

Answer yourself, if Ep2 turns out to be crap and there is a JKII trailer before the movie, you think it'd decrease sales? I don't think so.

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Even though the game will have been out for some months by then, I think it would make the gamer geek in me leap for joy to see the game on the BIG SCREEN if even for just 30 seconds.


The ads in front of movies these days are all crap anyway.... just regular TV commercials. I used to like the cartoons and movie previews, now there's all this other crap in front of it.


At least this would be a product I'd be interested in (and probably the audience too).


Now if JK2 ended up being a horrible game, it would probably put me in a bad mood to see it again before the movie, but hopefully that won't happen. It should put me in a good mood. ; )

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Exactly Kurgan, that was the main thing I had in mind was just how cool it would feel to see a representation of my long lived geeky passions up in front of the whole world.


For all to see.


BTW I know the idea of this actually happening is totally out of the question, just kind of humorous musing.

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i don't think episode 1 was crap, but it seemed aimed at little kids... i mean the jarjar and "ani" blowing up the controler ships... jarjar wasn't that bad but the fluky things he did- not good. the movie was good, but not compared to the other episodes. i think episode 2 will be amazing though.

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You really feel Episode one was crap?

No, I don't think so. I actually found it entertaining because it gave me just what I wanted to see: cool visual effects, John Williams' music and both explained and expanded further the SW universe original trilogy had introduced to us. People just went too far when they were practically saying it would be the best movie ever or something like that and we all know what happens when those thousands(if not millions) of fans don't get what they want: they feel themselves betrayed and say that Lucas is ruining "their" story. I think TPM only showed the fact that there are also another moviegoers than these fans, who seem to think original trilogy defines everything what happens in that galaxy far far away. You know, we can be how big fans enough, watch these movies again and again, memorize all the lines from the scripts and so one, but still, we don't get any special treatment when we go see them. It's George Lucas, who is telling the story, not us.


If we go into more detail, many point out that Jar Jar was the curse of TPM, which I think might be due to the fact that there is no similar character present in original trilogy(I heard some "fans" didn't like C-3PO first, because he was first annoying, but when he was blasted into pieces in ESB and then reassembled, he was suddenly part of the family). Like Lucas said in DVD commentary, it was his way of showing his appreciation to Buster Keaton and slapstick humour of silent movies(he has said earlier that we could watch these movies only with music and would still understand what happens), but I also think it was a clear statement, how serious some fans have really come and how deep they are in those quasi-religious teachings of the Jedi; you know you are a real fanatic, when you can't laugh at yourself or your beliefs. So, Jar Jar sticks out from the crowd of serious, almost boring characters who only throw lame jokes here and there(before him, C-3PO and RD-D2 were the only comical reliefs with occasional scoundrels like Han). There is a reason, why he is part of the story, but like you, I don't know it yet, because saga isn't complete. :cool:

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I agree their were times were Jar was useful, but he annoyed me, be at the same time refreshed the movie from the typical "Wwe are thee serious jedi defenders"


Now however the trailers show that it seems to be headed in the direction of the original trilogy. Characters made little jokes and all but were human, so it became normal to us.

Thhat was absent in episode except for jar jar binks.

Applicable to little kids yes TPM was but now the kids under 13 will have to stay at home because these next 2 sequels arent holding anything back, all out

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PreatorJudis: your goal seems to be sounding cool and above it all, with little to no consideration for actually making sense.
Thank you!
Why in the world would that be your outlook?
Because I can watch television if I want to see product ads. When I pay to go see a movie, I expect to put the hustle and bustle of having soda and jeans and cars shoved down my throat. I mean, television is mostly free, yes? So I can understand why there's a need for ads. Movie theaters; however, get a ton of jhing from concession sales. LEAVE THE ADS OFF MY MOVIES. So I've started a little one man rebellion. I'm pretty quiet about it but I'm not doing to make a huge point, just one that helps me go about my life with a smile on my face. If it gets too horrible (more than two product ads per movie at every theater I go to), I may stop buying concessions and start a letter writing campaign. Until then... just me... sitting ina dark theater... keeping track of products I will no longer buy.
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ya like i said, the only thing about the phantom menace, now that i rethink it, is the dang flukyness. when jarjar gets caught on some droid and takes out out a bunch of destroyer droids because it triggers the fire button- i mean come on! and when the droids just fall apart at the end, thats pretty unlikely. diactivate sure, but fall apart? no. and ani blowing up everything accidently? sure...


other then that, great movie- it showed some awsome jedi skills, like force speed, jump and push. not too bad of a plot either

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