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Hard to say right now if I'd always be on Tatooine. Never know when you might find out your father was a Jedi or something like that.


At the moment though, I'm planning on starting out at Tatooine as a Krayt Dragon hunter. Damn that sounds cool.


I'd also more than likely be OCH.

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my name will be hmmm......I'd use Rogue15 but it wouldn't be allowed so i'll need to use Kioet Csuhen.


I'll be a Trandoshan and be a weapons salesman.


My craft will be either an Imperial Landing Craft, A-Wing, Stormtrooper Transport, or Corellian Corvette.


Once i make enough $$$$ from weapons dealing i'll become a bounty hunter or body guard.

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look out for Kaden too hopefully ill be a smuggler so i can get what ever you need :) also i want a YT-2000 i fly them in xwing alliance and it rocks, also a YT-2400 is cool too , hey mayb ill have a few ships to use hehehe


:slave: mayb even a firespray :joy:

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