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How do you feel about the current forum rankings?

Guest Krayt Tion

How do you feel about the current forum rankings?  

89 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you feel about the current forum rankings?

    • Rankings should be JO-related
    • These Star Wars rankings are fine
    • SW is good, but change the current ones
    • Something else, neither SW nor JO
    • Rankings are dumb to begin with
    • Couldn't care less

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Guest Krayt Tion

No action is promised as a result of this thread. :c3po:


Just a little probe this is.


Comments are welcome, encouraged even. :D

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Guest Krayt Tion

And for those of you who are totally clueless, rankings are the titles under your name that show up on every post you make. My current rank is "Full of it." ;)


The current system grants you a new rank every certain number of posts.


After you have posted 1000 times you can rename your rank to whatever you desire.

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I for one have never really cared for rankings in forums, since they really don't show anything other than the number of posts the person has made (the only useful ranks to me are the ones that say who the forum leaders are, so people know how to turn to when they need help and who to listen to when things go wrong).


However, the rankings were cute for awhile, and sometimes they are abused when people try to inflate their post counts by posting spam or one sentence (even one word) posts and repeat posts. Thankfully this has really dropped off in recent months as I see it. There are usually enough things to talk about that people don't need to bother with pointless posting.


I have been talked to many times by people who insist (these are forum moderators and webmasters) that forum rankings are a good thing, because they help people keep track of their "progress" in a community, and it's a feeling of accomplishment for them to get a "new title." It's like going to the next level in a game (since forum participation is supposed to be a fun activity).


So in that sense, while I personally may not care about ranks, I know some people do, and because of this, I will continue to give people that option, unless the majority is against me. ; )


As to what those ranks should be, I'm afraid I'm not much help there. It should be something appropriate, but that's about all I can say. I guess I'll know it when I see it.

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I for one, like the rankings and voted for the "keep them star wars, but change them." Meaning keep the good ones like Wampa and Jedi, and probe droid, but take out the ones based on characters that people don't want under their names for the next 50 posts. Names like ewok, and gungan. Especially gungan.


The only name that people don't like that should be kept is Bantha Fodder. That is a good initiation period that promotes the newbies to post and at least get past 50, so that they are no longer branded as newbie bantha fodder.


Just my 2 cents.

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Guest X-Vector

I voted "rankings are dumb to begin with" although "couldn't care less" is also pretty accurate.

I'm glad over at the 3D Realms board we're all just "members" and the post count is not displayed directly.

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I couldn't care less about rankings and certainly couldn't bring myself to make sure I post loads just so I go up a rank. What does it really indicate anyway? I've been posting more frequently recently because it's been quiet at work.


That's not to say it's not worth keeping. They're totally harmless and amusing.


A suggestion is that you could have random ranks for each level so that a newbie could be Bantha Fodder, Eopie Poodoo or similar so that there was more variation.


(Like I said - work's quiet!)

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I'm all for a ranking system. I voted "SW is good, but change the current ones". Maybe a Mod could start a thread so everyone could vote on some new rankings (that is, if the majority of the people here decide they'd like it changed).


Originally posted by Antilles

can some body tell me what "name" you get in "how much" post....

Bantha Fodder 0-49

Pi Droid 50-??



I'd also like to know what the ranking system is.

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i my self dont care too much for ranks. only ppl who should have them are forum Admins and Moderators. (so u know who not to piss off:))


but you people, are being selfish, i dont think the people in the Sam And Max.Net, Grim Fandango Network, and IndyJones.net. like the star wars ones (unless theirs are different due to a nifty hack being installed :D) anyways, im sure they would want some kind of neutral ones. remember these are LUCAS forums meaning they host the aformentioned forums too, which have nothing to do with star wars (yes im aware manny calavera was in ep1 and Max appeared in JK and DF) but other than those cameos. they have nothing to do with star wars.

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I think "levels" and displaying post conts encourage spam, in general. I frequent http://www.tribalwar.com A few people have custom titles, because of some thing or another, but they did away with post counts. People's titles change after they have been a member for 1 year, then 2 years. When they had post counts, people would spam to get the highest post counts. It was downright stupid and irritating.


I voted "I couldn't care less."

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Post count is overrated, and so are rankings. Neither tell you anything whatsoever about a person's contribution to the boards. Some people have thousands of posts, but 80% of them are worthless posts not even worth reading.


That being said, I think that if we keep the ranks, they should be more Jedi Outcast related. Perhaps tone it down from a new rank every 50 posts to a new rank every 100 or 200 posts up to 1000. Reason being, I don't know if a person with a Wampa rating or a Probe Droid rating is higher because there are just so many.


Just my two republic credits.


Oh yes, and I'm completely against custom titles as well. It promotes a sense of elitism and it promotes spamming. I know very few would agree, but I'll throw it out there anyway.

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Well, I personally think that the same problem persists. A user registered three years ago is not necessarily a better poster than someone who joined three months ago. And after the server switching and all, the registration dates aren't always accurate. For example, I registered a name at JK.net in 1999 I believe and I also registerd one at OWK.net in 2000. But I'm using one from 2001. And on top of that I'm not sure if the board software allows that.

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