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Canyon Oasis


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It was okay for a time... but man it got played into the ground! I don't know how many times I have played that map over the years, along with Battle Ground Jedi. I enjoyed the occasional Bespin or Blades of Death map, or if it was a saber only game maybe Valley of the Jedi Tower. And there are LOTS of variations of Canyon Oasis out there by level designers, I think I would want something brand new instead of a rehash of an old level... but maybe that's just me.

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I just hope they don't forsake the wide open areas of JediKnight and go with little tight levels like Quake 3 and Soldier of Fortune.


Personally, I think the weaponry is more fitted for open areas. There should be nice wide dueling areas, and multiple levels for sniping and whatnot.


I would be awfully dissapointed if they made Q3A type levels.


[Notice the use of the word levels, rather than maps, or arenas. Another part of JediKnight history which makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. I remember having to trying and deal with Half-Life players calling levels 'maps', which is a false term unless you look at it from the sky.]

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Kick ass map all the same but plagued with hackers beause people only plaed co. some palyed bgj too jsut incase your'e a saberer. but i still liked cycling maps too :)

I hope they make an advanced version, like knock dopwn a wall and add soem thing on to it... that would be great, would need to be caref,ully dfesigned tho.

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I believe in options and everyone getting what they want, so I'd have to say that I'd like to see every level from JK & MotS ported/recreated in JK2. A few of those levels would have potential to look alot better with a new engine. I think people that don't want ANY of the levels ported, are just being elitist. JK/MotS had some very fun/interesting maps and alot of people would play them if they were ported. If you don't like those maps, simply don't download them. <-- This concept has always been difficult for some people to grasp. Anyone who just automatically writes all of the JK/MotS levels off as something that we should never play in JK2 are being close-minded in my opinion. Where there's a demand, I say go for it.

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Originally posted by Darth Ewok

I think they mentioned in some interview or a dev chat, that they was remaking one of the multiplayer maps. I'm pretty sure (and hoping) it'll be Cloud City from MoTS tho. Hopefully it'll be more in tune to the movie than the MoTS version was.

you are right

I think it was at the gamesdomain chat

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CO was a great level, but there were many "better" levels IMHO, I enjoyed Bespin Mining Station, Blades of Death, and Nar Shaddaa Loading Terminal much better.


In fact, about the only level I really found boring for JK1 was Battleground Jedi.


CO was a simple, but fun level, that sadly, was waaaay over played by too many people, and had too many bad remakes made of it by the mod community (BigCanyon, BigOasis, etc etc).


I'm sure we'll get a dozen imitations and ports by the mod community in short order.. (for better or for worse)

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Canyon Oasis is a great gun-and-saber map. Although some people complain about its low-ammo (so there's a map called JI Oasis with loads of ammo).


Battleground Jedi has become the standard saber-laddering map No shield pick-up, definitely 2 slashes and you're gone.


I heard some people at Massassi.net are trying to make a program to convert JKI maps to JKII...:)

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endo mate i agree with ya for me it was my fist jk mp game agianmst one of mates through MODEM play funny thing is he had played it b4 and i kicked his a$$ and u know thast the saying (i thik this is how it goes) what you see is what you love and to me its my first fav map in the whole jk as well as JHS

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Originally posted by ReAcToR

I believe in options and everyone getting what they want, so I'd have to say that I'd like to see every level from JK & MotS ported/recreated in JK2. A few of those levels would have potential to look alot better with a new engine. I think people that don't want ANY of the levels ported, are just being elitist. JK/MotS had some very fun/interesting maps and alot of people would play them if they were ported. If you don't like those maps, simply don't download them. <-- This concept has always been difficult for some people to grasp. Anyone who just automatically writes all of the JK/MotS levels off as something that we should never play in JK2 are being close-minded in my opinion. Where there's a demand, I say go for it.


Yah, I liked the Spaceport level from MotS and of course Canyon Oasis from JK. What would be cool is if Raven released all the JK and MotS levels in a special update pack seperate from JKII so you could play all the old ones with the Q3 engine!! :cool:

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