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Trailer II Discussion


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Download the movie!!


Cool Multiplayer mode :)


How did Kyle do the lightsaver-backstab thing?? He can feel the Dark Jedi?


The last Jedi you see in Cloud City sounds like Jerec's voice....


and the most important: MARCH 29TH!! MARCH 29TH!!@$#!$! Ok i'll go now :)

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Confirmed Saber Colors for MP:










Did you see the last map? Isn't that the scene in Empire Strikes Back when Han gets forzen? That will be an awesome map.


As well, that cool back saber strike just half way into the trailer is great!


This game is gonna rock.

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OMG....the FORCE RAGE....its...its.....its....unstopable!!!!


The JEDI MIND TRICK SEQUENCE looked awesome the way kyle planted the explosives.....and the officers blew up..lol:D


The acrobatics are something else.......very good stuff!!!!:D:D:D


March 29th :D:D:D.....WOHOOOOO:D:D:D



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Here is a summary/my impressions of the trailer.


First of all, I have to say that I'm amazed. It really looks like this game is going to be a lot better than I had expected it to be. First, we see a sentry gun on top of a few crates. Nothing too much, other than Kyle actually destroying it. We also learned that once you force push someone, you can kill them while they're laying on the ground. Additionally, the lightbat is not only limited to swinging... we were introduced to the Lightbat Throw of Doom . ;)


We also see a backstab with Kyle's saber, which was simply amazing to look at. Apparently, when a reborn dies, they drop their saber and it stays on, too.


Another thing to point out is that they did indeed change the noise the bowcaster makes. I like it a bit more. Force jump has the same old sound effect, though.


We also get a glimpse of the flag from CTF mode. I can't complain, I like it. Additionally, a woman will be voicing the status updates. Sounds kind of like the woman in ESB who controls the ion gun. Nice touch.


Then we're treated with a few scenes with mines. The tripmine doesn't show too much detail, but it seems to work well. I have no idea what that homing projectile was that was fallowing the guy. And then in arguably the best part of the trailer, Kyle force persuades three officers, plants mines behind them, and detonates them, sending the imps flying. Amazing!


Additionally, we see what looks like a map based on a Star Destroyer. It looks absolutely wonderful. We also see the three-star force choke as well--kickass. Then a cool wallrun, followed by pulling a trooper and cutting him down. Very cool stuff. Then, I believe we see a glimpse of Force Rage (?). Well, whatever it was, it kicked ass.


And then at the finale, we see a Dark Jedi (with a voice erily similar to Vader's) in the carbon-freezing chamber, "sensing" you. I have no idea who it is, but I can't wait to face him.


And of course, March 29th is our official release date, folks!


All in all, a wonderful trailer. I really can't complain about anything (other than theLightbat Throw of Doom ). To summarize my feelings, I must say that I haven't been this excited for a game in a very, very long time.

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I really like the backwards stab Kyle used to kill a reborn jedi.


I liked that level 3 force grip. bash him around ;)


and I also like the part where Kyle pushes the rodian off a cliffe.


I also liked it when they purpusly influence the soldiers to make them think Kyle wasn't there and planted bombs.


LucasArts and Raven seems to be fond of the dark side.


But don't worry. So am I. :evil1::D

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Yea all the important colors are there but they'd best have orange available too. That's all that's missing.


My greatest concern, I fear was a bit more reinforced here... the MP level design does not remind me of JK's, but rather of Q3A... and others like that. I will have to actually get my hands on it to really say for sure though.


I really hope you can turn off the crosshair while in 3rd person, i'm sure you can.


That last level where the dark jedi is, we've seen like a billion shots of... no i don't think it's that carbon chamber (which was in mots anyway...) i think it's a similar sort of thing but not that exactly. Maybe though.


Anyway, over all... quite dope. A lot of good stuff!

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The thing I noticed most was how fast everything happened. Actually, I think we may have seen JK in fast forward. The first trailer (and the PC gamer one for that matter) went much slower so I think this one may have had it's speed increased somehow... perhaps this is an in-game option? What do you all think?

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First off, I din't care for the homing weapon, I think they are cheap.


I LOVE the 'acrobatics'. To quote a song that I can't remember the title, "I'll rip $h1t and backflip like a jedi."


Backwards stab was cool. Wonder how they will work that so you know when to do it.


And if I am not mistaken, after he wall walks (toward the end) and swings his sabre, he leaves a mark on the wall, like he sliced through it. Nice touch.


It did seem fast(bad). Some of the MP maps looked large(good).

hehe, stormtroopers and Tie pilots w/ sabres. The GRIP owned.

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