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The meaning of the title...Jedi *Outcast*


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This has probably been discussed before, like 5 months ago, but I'm curious. What do you all think the title means? Jedi Outcast? Why 'Outcast'? Is it because he hasn't touched the force in a while, or is it because (as some preview suggested) Luke doesn't want Kyle to be part of his academy because he's tasted the Dark Side and gave up for a while? What do you think?



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Originally posted by Syko

Is it because he hasn't touched the force in a while, or is it because (as some preview suggested) Luke doesn't want Kyle to be part of his academy because he's tasted the Dark Side and gave up for a while? What do you think?




Well, it would be a bit hypocritical of Luke, seeing that he also turned to the Dark Side in the EU (Dark Empire, Dark Empire II), and as the Jedi Academy trilogy is part of the EU, it's hard to ignore Luke's own troubled past.


I'd go with Woad in that Kyle is a bit of a maverick, a loner, who does what is necessary to get the job done, even if it means breaking the rules, or travelling the knife edge between Light and Dark. Even in JK, his primary motivation was revenge for what had been done to his father...and that is a dark emotion, hence his inner conflict. I also think he's an Outcast because he's never really accepted the Jedi code, as such.

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I agree with stormhammer it is because he handles everything differently and trys to get the job done, i mean he is also a mercenary. Then again he must not be the most effecient person i mean he wastes 3 det packs on just 3 mere officers, he must have a sence of humor. A dark one that is ...



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I agree, he is a true rebel but not a moron. He fears the Dark Side and knows what it can do. That can make him dangerous around Padawans... you think? I think something similar will happen in EP2 with Anakin and Christpher Lee's character, "who's the bad guy when it all hits the fan?" is the question from JK and the expansion. Maybe Luke fears that Kyle is too powerful to join his academy and be taught be even Luke himself. Wow, does any other game have so much history and depth? Gotta love the Star Wars universe!!!!

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Geez, JediGunny! I didn't read your post because I saw Ep2 in it. There are some of us who don't want to know the storyline. Please from now on post **spoiler** before you "spoil" the plot. But don't worry about it, you are new.


Anyway, I think it is termed outcast because he doesn't belong anywhere. He has no true friends among the academy, because he turned to the dark side and never really reembraced the light side or even the Force. He has no true friends among the republic because he is nothing more than a mercenary, even if he is a good mercenary. He might have contacts and connections, but no friends. The only person who is his true and honest friend is Jan Ors. But other than her, he is an "outcast" from society.

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At the end of MotS, right after the ending cutscene, Kyle said some snide remark to Mara (after she had saved him from the Dark Side) and she got pissed (because he was such an ungrateful twit) and beat him to a bloody pulp. Needless to say Kyle was quite upset, and Mara admitted that it was probably just some of that Dark influence still on Kyle and not really his fault.


Sadly however, this drove a wedge between them (no, not that Wedge) and they went their seperate ways (oh well, Luke Skywalker gets her anyway, this would bring up later tension between Kyle and Luke (over Mara) which explains the first saber duel you have with Luke after the training mission, and if you win, you gain the forbidden knowledge of the Dark side powers.)


So some time later, Kyle finally recovers and gets out of the cast.


Hence the title....

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Originally posted by Sithcloak

I agree with stormhammer it is because he handles everything differently and trys to get the job done, i mean he is also a mercenary.

I agree with Sithcloak and Stormhammer and would like to add that I also think that his force didn't grow through trying with a master. He's had no master to teach him. He uses the force in ways that a trained jedi probably wouldn't even think of, let along do.

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Kyle is a bit of a maverick, a loner, who does what is necessary to get the job done, even if it means breaking the rules, or travelling the knife edge between Light and Dark.


Have you considered narrating movie trailers and perhaps opening sequences for Lorenzo Llamas vehicles?



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Hey all. My first time posting here, and I figured I'd post my thoughts on this subject. Vagabond is probably right in that the title "Outcast" specifically refers to the main bad guy (or gal as the case may be) being cast out of the New Jedi Order, but like in all good literature there are a lot of hidden deeper meanings to things. So, I'm sure the title could have a double meaning, and refer to Kyle as well, as others have already suggested.


If I'm right, then just think of it. Both Kyle and the main bad guy are outcasts in their own way, yet fate would have them pitted against each other. Ah, classic Star Wars. Something to think about when the game is released and we can experience the story firsthand.


Xiao Long

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