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Maybe I’ve missed something, but I haven’t seen any mention of Jan Ors or Katarn’s personal ship, the Moldy Crow - do they still play significant roles in Jedi Outcast?


"In the Jedi Outcast timeline, Kyle has retired the Moldy Crow in favor of his new ship, the Raven’s Claw, a fast and powerful light carrier."


BOOO! Bad form, Raven! The Moldy Crow was a part of Katarn!

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As Agen_Terminator said...the Moldy Crow crashed in the (light side) JK story, and that's the storyline that's being followed through, via MotS, to Jedi Outcast.


As for Raven's Claw...I like the name, and it actually makes a lot of sense. From a Crow to a Raven...doesn't take that much of a leap of imagination, and it totally fits with who developed the game. ;)


Makes you wonder if this was all foreseen during the original development of DF... :eyeraise: *cue spooky music*

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