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Any ideas for mods right now.


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Originally posted by Naphtali

Does anyone have any small plans in the early stages for a mod in JO, although not out ambitous mod creators can still get a general idea of what they want so how about it?


any ideas? just early stages


Whoa a little early...many more ideas will emerge as soon as the game is released :) but here's some idea...


BFP2!!!!! (Skin and Saber) <-- a must


Blood & Gore?




Dragon Ball...nevermind

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I think the first mod (and the only mod i will use when it comes out) should be to add some blood and gore. A lot of people say that doesn't "fit" the star wars universe but I dont really care, I just think it would be a lot cooler to cut a stormtrooper in half than to hit him and watch him fall over with no visible signs of even being hit.

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Theres already a full game for that bliv, Global Ops. I think that there are going to be a lot of twin saber mods because of Episode 2 and what I have seen from the trailer Anakin uses twin sabers and I think thats going to replace the lightstaff for mods on jk2.

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Hmmm, let's get the obvious ones out of the way (and no, I probably won't have time to do them all, I may do something else entirely):


Mods we'll probably see attempted fairly early on:


Coop missions (or "assault ut" style levels)


Blood+dismemberment patch (probably have the blood on/off too)


Fisticuffs+kicking patch (kick anytime, fists as a seperate weapon)


"Realistic Damage" mod (unless it's already an option that is)


Double-Bladed Lightsaber/staff mod


Two Lightsabers at once mod (or "akimbo arena")


Every Single Gosh Darn Star Wars Character Ever Concieved of from the EU, Prequels and Classic Trilogy as a Skin/model pack+taunts


Every single gosh darn JK/MotS mp map converted over to JK2


maps converted over from other popular FPS games


mods that bring back the classic weapons/force powers and skins that were in past Dark Forces series games




What I'd like to see:


Some of the mod ideas that were originally going to be in Obi-Wan... such as the Capture/Protect the Queen mode,


and the usual:


a class based "Jedi Fortress" type mod (remember "Infiltrate"? MotS classes?)


JK2 Jailbreak (remember JK Jailbreak?)


JK2 Defusion (I'd love to see it.. it's a forgotten mod from Quake1... grab the bomb, take it to the defuse point before it blows up.. everybody else tries to kill the bomber and take it and do the same, if you wait too long... boom.. nuclear explosion!)


JK2 Headball (maybe... with the Blood/Dismemberment patch, this should be a cinc)


some kind of vehicular combat arena/race... if those drivable vehicles are really all they're cracked up to be...


custom sabers and saber handles.... SP scenarios..


skins, skins, skins....


In addition to the coop/assault types of mods, I'd really like to see some classic SW scenarios reenacted.... Ground battle on Endor, Hoth base attack, defeat Jabba's men over the Great Pit of Carkoon, etc. with the improved AI this could really rock.

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If you ask me, i think that a single player mod about the comic series would be very cool...you could play, for example, as nomi sunrider or one of the other old school jedi in a battle against the sith and mandalores...this could yield some interesting results...some more saber battle animations and highly detailed models all wearing that cool ancient armor...fighting exar kun with his dual saber as an end boss would be an added plus :p


for multiplayer, we could add in a "Capture the Sith temple" mode or something...in which a group of light jedi has to battle the sith (lightsabers and force only of course) in order to seize an ancient holocron within a sith temple

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Kurgan, in reply to your statement about the JK1 and MotS maps ported to JKII. I asked Ken Hoekstra about perhaps they could port the best maps from both games (JK and MotS) to JKII as something they would offer for a free d/l. He said that he would pass the thought to the others. I realize that there will probably be some people that may do this but an official JK/MotS Map Pack would rock if they did it!! :D

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i would like to see new SP episodes with Kyle or even a new Jedi. Maybe some Mace Windu adventures!!




Team objective based multiplayer (which I am thinking of starting myself)

2 teams, 1 New Republic and 1 Empire. Have classes such as medic, Jedi, recon, soldier, heavy weapons, demolitions, but limit amout- so not everyone is a Jedi and so on.

Capture and Hold type scenarios like Day of Defeat. I picture it almost like the ending of EP1 where the soldiers ran off to make the objective while the Jedi stayed to battle it out with sabers and the Force.


Whatta ya think?


BTW my spelling sux

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Originally posted by S3w3r_Cr4b

If you ask me, i think that a single player mod about the comic series would be very cool...you could play, for example, as nomi sunrider or one of the other old school jedi in a battle against the sith and mandalores...this could yield some interesting results...some more saber battle animations and highly detailed models all wearing that cool ancient armor...fighting exar kun with his dual saber as an end boss would be an added plus :p


for multiplayer, we could add in a "Capture the Sith temple" mode or something...in which a group of light jedi has to battle the sith (lightsabers and force only of course) in order to seize an ancient holocron within a sith temple


yhat would sound assome meaning golden age of the sith

i want indiana jones total conversion!!!!!



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I'd like to see the "Make JK2 EXACTLY like JK1 so everyone who considers themselves a l33t bastard can be happy." Mod.


we could call it, MJK2ELJK1SEWCTALBCBH v1.2. Say it with me now, MJK2ELJK1SEWCTALBCBH v1.2, just rolls right off the tounge.



/end sarcasm.

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This thread is suffering from the "over-ambitious newbie" syndrome, I hope our community won't suffer from that too. What do I mean? Big plans by inexperienced modders inevitably leads to failure. In the JK community, the only total tonversions that were realeased were the ones that started small and released their stuff bit by bit, level by level. For every TC that was released there were about 50 that didn't, and that's not an exaggeration.


So, instead of planning an Indiana Jones or DragonBall Z TC, which is an utter waste of time, think about releaseing a 3-skin skin pack or a one-weapon mod. As the community matures, and more knowledge is available about the intricate workings of the game, more ambitious projects will start to seem more feasible, but not at this point.


A mod I could see myself working on is class-based (MotS-style) or objective-based team (Infiltrate-style) gameplay. The idea of playing Rebels vs. Imperials on the Blockade Runner, or on Hoth, or on Endor seems like too much fun :D

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