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How old is everybody?

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Originally posted by X-Wing Guy

11 You may think I'm stupid but my lowest grade on my report card was a 97! I got straight A's! :p I really don't want to know what you other people got. (if you're still in school):D


Yer in what, middle school? Ye've got a long way to go, laddie. :p


Straight A's in high school. Ick.

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Guest X-Wing Guy

I know that high school and college are much harder but my mother was validictorion in high school so I got all the smart from my mom


GO IU!! I'm a Hoosier!

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waz wrong with a little hyper flirty rhyming? :p


btw my bday was January 21, 1984, so death is only 1 year younger than me. ;)



don't worry i won't go overboard like someone else did a while ago...

edit: no i don't drink either.


and here is my picture:



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sometimes a web cam is a bad idea, all the people ask you for a pic and sometime you donpt want to show it, for example I hate to take pic of myself and i usually don´t show anyone, but since DSS has a digital camera, my face is used to scare the rats in everybodys house, :p

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