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Star Wars Trivia ( the real thing)

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Ok... i think these boards are beginning to look empty. it looks like Com and me are the only one posting here... and sometimes you see Juztyn or MikeC place some info.


Well i thought we should put in a game or something.





Here are the rules:

I will ask a question and the first 3 guys that answers correctly will get points. There is only one answer per person possible.

Its Wednesday today. I will look if i can place a new question Friday. i will ask 20 questions in total. And the big winner will win a price :D


First good answer wins 5 points

Second good answer wins 2 points

Third good answer wins 1 point


1st Question!

The creature laying at Jabba's tale in his palace, (RotJ) What kind of creature is that?


Good luck

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Ok... we got 3 good anwers.

so the points go to:

MikeC: 5 points

Mister E: 2 points

Wraith 8(:D): 1 point


2nd Question!

The Millenium Falcon made The Kesselrun. But how fast was it?

So how fast did the Milleium Falcon do over the Kesselrun?


(easy one)

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Well, its not really a speed but he made the Kessel run in under 12 parsects. That's the distance he was from the Maw (cluster of black holes). The closer you got to the Maw the faster you had to go to keep from getting sucked in.


I'll have to see if I can find any references to the actual speed he was doing.

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You really shouldn't post links to the answers, that's the same source I was gonna use. Kinda ruins it. :D


Your right about parsecs not being a speed value but a distance measurement. And it's not the distance he was from the Maw Cluster, but the distance the transports had travelled. The distance was under 12 parsecs, which amount to around 39 lightyears (rounded off downwards). !NOTE! The distance light travels in a year in Star Wars is slightly longer then in our galaxy since it is based on Coruscant time and not Earth time.

How fast he went, depends on several factors we don't know, like, where did Han start from, how far apart the transports were from eachother when they started to move, if the 12 parsecs are the total distance they covered or if each travelled the same amount of distance, which also brings up the question of how many transports were involved, how much time did it take to deliver the goods and the speed of the transports, and finally, what was in between these transports, allthough that last factor probably was the Maw Cluster. :D Probably left some factors out. :p


And am I late to answer the first question? :) I've been busy lately. Here's the answer anyway:

It's a Kowakian monkey-lizard. He's Jabba's court jester and his name is Salacious Crumb.




it looks like Com and me are the only one posting here... and sometimes you see Juztyn or MikeC place some info.

Oh, and once again you leave me out! That's ok, I get it when I'm not wanted. :(

*walks away and starts sulking*



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3 GOOD ANSWERS.... but i was hoping that Com Raven would stop by more often.

ok... the score:


MikeC: 10 points

Mister E: 3 points

Jan Gaarni: 2 points

Wraith 8: 1 point


3rd Question!

In the Icy cave on Hoth, Luke cut of an arm on the Wampa Ice monster. Wich arm did he cut off???


(another easy one :D)

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hmmmm.... i never excutaly heard that that planet was destroyed. but Tarkin said in A new hope... lets test the fire power of this station. and i guessed that the laser wasnt used yet......




The answer i was looking for:



Jan Gaarni: 12 points

MikeC: 11 points

Mister E: 5 points

Wraith 8: 2 points

Rogue 15: 2 poinrs


5th Question:

What is the other name for 'Sandpeople'???

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The Sandpeople are also known as Tusken Raiders.


And Tarken never actually said it hadn't been tested before. What he said was that he thought it was time to demonstrate to the galaxy how powerfull the Empire really was at the time, and he did it by blowing up Alderaan.


Despayre, like Dantooine, was too remote, perhaps even more remote, to make an effective demonstration, thus people never really heard about it being destroyed.

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