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Silly RPG

Darth Homer

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Guest Supreme Warlord

*as I am rolled up in a football. I stay there thinking how to defeat this so stupid man that keeps coming back alive*


I am mad that Drake cuts my head off and I regrow another head and that was painful. I am mad that Heavyarm is putting me in an football.


*Heavyarm throws me to Drake and I decided to do something to him*


*I change myself from a football to a 900 ton pure steel in a shape of a cube.*


*I land on Drake and I hear a bunch of swishing sound.*


Supreme: My bad!


*I reform back to my human body and then went after heavyarm while he was laughing at Darke for being stupid of trying to change me when I would do something to him.*


*Heavyarm see me and his eyes pops out because I have transformed into a 120 foot giant and stepped on him with my foot*


*I scrapped heavyarm off of my foot and put him in my mouth to eat him.*




*I swallowed him*


Supreme: Delicious!!!


*I raise my arm in victory and knowing I got Heayarm and Drake*


Supreme: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I am too good.

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*stands up mad now*

ok warfreak it's time

*activates a second blue lightsaber and joins it with his fris one making a double bladed blue lightsaber

drake-up jump the bogey


*leaps in the air cutting warlord in half and then proceds to keep cutting him till there is little tiney pices of warlord all over the place

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Supreme: Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! STOP!!!!


*I pull my self together again to form my human body.*


Supreme: You know what? I want you to suffer horribly for cutting me up.


*Drake pales at this suggestion and wonders what I mean by that*


Supreme: you like outer space?


*I teleport Drake and me up to Outer space. I have a space suit on. Drake does not and he is suffocating.*


Supreme: Beautiful view is it my young friend? ahhhhh smell that space...Oh my dear you looking a little blue my friend...


*Drakes bloods beings to boil and then a few minute later Drake explodes*


Supreme: well how rude to blow up on me....*wiping blood off of my viewplate.


*I teleport back and see Darth Homer*


Supreme: Enough! you have rabble on long enough and you are annoying me with that droning voice. So I will return you alive and that way you can shut up and hit something.


*I bring Homer back alive. then I wake Havoc up and he is muttering something about donuts...*

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*yells many curses when he blows up but uses the force to return to the living*


now whay did you have to go and do that

*swings his lightsaber cutting his head of but also cuts his heart out*


take that you bald man

*takes one look at drath homer and swings his lightsaber killing him*

you looked better dead


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Guest Supreme Warlord

Supreme: CAPTAIN DRAKE!!!! You killed him!!!!! you bastard! *takes my double bladed saber(god saber hehehe) and plune it in Drake heart then goes up to his brain*


*then I snap my finder and Drake explodes again*


Supreme: I love blowing people up it is so cool :D ahhhh for you homer....I will bring you back again but if you get kill again I will leave you like that and bring back the black hole and you will run for an eternity.


*I return Homer back alive*

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*appers behind a tree*

why do you keep blowing me up

*takes his double saber apart making them two*

you can't kill me no matter what you do

i'm that strong in the force

*rasies a hand and fries warlord with force lighting*


i am the master of both the jedi and the sith

you silly fool

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Havoc: MMmmmm...donuts.....no...I don't want to go to school, mom....mmmm..whaaatt? WHat?


Havoc wakes up and sees Warlord standing over him, then Warlord walks away to deal with Drake. Havoc then sees a living Darth Homer, who immediately gets killed by Drake.


Havoc: "aw crap, now I gotta listen the old Ghost drone again!"


Then Warlord brings Darth Homer back to life again, I gotta admit, this is getting really old Homer. Dead...Alive...Dead....Alive, pick one and stay with it, would ya! ;)


Havoc decides that the best course of action would be to seek cover from warring Gods, after all he's been killed once before!


*Havoc runs into nearby woods and climbs tree and Watches clash of titans from there*

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Guest Supreme Warlord

*I use force absorb to absorb his force lighting*


Supreme: Hold on drake just got to do something...


*teleport to where Havoc is hiding at.*


Supreme: I normall dont do this but you seem scare and I dont want you to be but I will give you god powers if you help me fight Heavyarm.


*Havoc looks at me like he wants it. I start to chant and then BOOOM!!!!!!! Havoc now has powers.


*I teleport back to Drake*


Supreme: As for you, I dont care if you have the universe on your side. You are going DOWN!!!!


*I punch him in the stomach then in the face with stone fist*


*Drakes starts to cry like a baby because I punch him*


Supreme: awwww what wrong? you a baby? hahahahaha


*I snap my finger and he is under water drowning*

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Havoc stands in awe, he feels slightly...changed.


Havoc to self: "so I'm a god now, huh?""I've always wanted to know this..."


Havoc begins to focus intently, squints and raises his arms up above his head. As sweat begins to form on Havoc's brow, A glowing mass forms between his hands and begins to swirl violently and grow larger. The mass keeps growing until it is the size of a small planet. Then The glowing mass suddenly forms into solid rock, Havoc struggles to hold the giant rock up, but finally succumbs to the wieght and is crushed beneath the planet sized boulder.


Before Havoc is completely Asphixiated, one last thought crosses his mind, "Gee, I guess God can do anything. He really can make a rock so big he can't hold it up!"


And with that, the God formally known as Havoc, rested his eyes for the last time...


*Moral of the Story: Never give God-like powers to a Moron!*

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Guest Supreme Warlord

*as I am dealing with Drake, i was aware of what the god of moron was doing*


*I sent a telepathic message to Havoc...."Hey havoc gods cant die...sorry...you cant...nada...zip...nothing...you cant die...thought I cheer you up with that.:) "...ends telepathic message*

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Slowly the boulder rolls off Havoc, and he stands up, brushes hmself off and thinks to himself, "So I really can't die, huh?", "I don't buy it!"


Havoc has found a new purpose in life, he will use his new found powers to find a way to kill himself, thus proving God's can die.


*Folks, He really isn't the sharpest tool in the shed*


So with that, Havoc pulls out his trusty weapons pack, pulls out a Thermal Detonator, activates it, and proceeds to swallow it. Havoc then runs over to nearest available flammable substance storage depot and sits on a large stack of Barrels and awaits the inevitable...


*Remember folks, this is all in the name of science, so don't try this at home!*

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Guest Supreme Warlord

*I once again send another telepathic message to Havoc..."Have you not observe me and heavyarm? we have done all we can to kill each other and we still come back alive...Painful...yes....oh that reminds me expect a lot of pain from that thermal detonator that you swallow...anyway you cant die....sorry..."...ends message*

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I REALLY wish you people could just get along...


Homer, now alive again, surveys the scene. He sees huge boulders, evidence of people being blown up, and Havoc looks a little wet and a faint beeping can be heard from his stomach.


What was I doing? Oh yeah...the Raiders...where are they? And what ever happened to Rhett?


Homer walks off towards the direction of his first death.

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Havoc Sees Darth Homer head off in another direction, and makes a rapid decision. "Hey Darth Homer!" , Havoc leaped off the barrells and ran off after Darth Homer.


Suddenly there is a deadened BOOM, and then Havoc burped "MMMmm... I don't remember eating Hotdogs?" "This God stuff really sucks, How's a man get killed around here?!"


Finally Havoc catches up with Homer, "Hey, are you heading somewhere where there will be lethal battle, and ominous dangers? If so, take me with you...please!" "I'm on a mission, you see, I need to die!"


*Now there's something you don't hear every day folks!*

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Turns to Havoc


Well, I was just headed to my first death site, I wanna know what exactly happened. I remember being surrounded by Tuskens, but everything after that is a blank until I woke up over there.


Homer points to where he was resurrected.


I was hoping to meet up whith Rhett somewhere along the way to see if he knew anything. Where's his tower? It shoulld be visible from here....hmmmmm.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

*As I recover from that neck breaking, nuclear bombing, I get angry and then I take Heavyarm and said*


Warlord: It is now time to die, Mr. Heavyarm. I am known as Supreme Kai. The Overseer of all. I see all and know all.


*A strange red glow emits from my eyes and it connects with Heavyarms eyes. I begin to take away his semi-god powers. After a few minute, Heavyarm has been reduced to a mere mortal that can die now*


Warlord: I wont kill you, I will let someone else do it(you will still have the Force). As for you Captain Drake...


*I repeat the process that I did with Heavyarm. Captain Drake is now a mere mortal.*


Warlord: Now you both know better than to try to use your god powers for the wrong reason. I gave you chances to say sorry to me but now you have been sufficently punished enough.


*I look over to where Havoc is at and I teleport to there*


Warlord: Hello, I dont think mortals knows how to kill a god...However if you search deeply you may know how to kill yourself. I doubt it though. there is only one way. there is your hint.


*I see where Crazy dog is at and I teleport over to where he is*


Warlord: Want me to help you? or do you want to borrow my Death Star? Lemme know. To everybody: OH YEAH BEFORE I FORGET Heavyarm and Drake can now be kill. So anybody wanting to exact revenge here is your chance!

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