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Silly RPG

Darth Homer

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Guest Supreme Warlord

*I put on some clothes on my new stronger body and stronger in the force*


Warlord: Thank you Captain Drake. I am in your debt.


*I see the mess of Crazy Dog body and Thanks the force that he is dead*


To Mitth'raw'nuruodo


Warlord: we are the good guys. i just have turn from my evil ways...or actually my god ways. We would be extremely honor to have such an powerful and intelligent Chiss jedi to join us. We can start a New Order of Jedi. Well what is your answer?

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To Warlord and Drake:

"Now Wai... I say.. Wait a cotton picking second, not 10 minutes ago you asked if I would join you and RULE the Galaxy. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but only Sith want to rule the Galaxy? Shouldn't Light Jedi simply respect authority and protect Peace and Justice?"


Turns To Thrawn:

"Be careful Master Chiss, you should weigh carefully the words of these two seeemingly good Jedi. Then again, I myself, just got done asking a known Sith Lord if I could travel with him... D'OH!" *Smacks Forehead*


"Am I a Good guy or a Bad Guy? I am my own Paradox..." Havoc Sits down from the pain of his newly found headache, and Once again Havoc becomes lost in thought...

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Guest Supreme Warlord

To Havoc


[mindtrick] we are good jedi. we are the light side jedi.[mindtrick]


*havoc repeats what I have said*


Warlord: See I told you people we are light jedi. Guardian of Peace and crap blah blah blah. :D


To Mitth'raw'nuruodo


Warlord: Dont worry about him. He is very stupid at the min. because he also lost his god powers. So anyway do you want to join us? we would be so honor.

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After Warlord's Mindtrick Havoc becomes even more confused...


"So I am granted God powers by Light side, stripped of them by by dark side. So I am a good guy, But then ask Dark side If I can travel with him, and argue with Light side. So I am a Bad Guy."


Just then Drake force throws Havoc against a wall


"Ouch! If you guys are a good guys and beating up on me, then that makes me a bad guy? But then I spent how many hours trying to kill myself? So that makes me a good guy for trying to kill a bad guy (Myself)? So really, deep down... I'm a good guy, with a bad guy exterior (Which means I get all the chicks ;) )!"


"So, If I'm really a good guy and you are beating up on me, that makes you bad guys!" *points to Drake and Warlord*


"Of Course!!! It all makes sense now..."


Thrawn, Darth Homer, Crazy Dog, Drake and Warlord all stand there with blank looks on their faces, lost and as confused as ever. Trying to figure out just how to make sense out of what Havoc just said, Not knowing what exactly to do next...


*Folks, Havoc truly defines the term: "Dizzying Intellect"*

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Guest Supreme Warlord

To all except Havoc


*I look to all the others*


Warlord: should we end his misery? I think he thinks that I think that he thinks that he is a bad guy. (I love doing that:p ) So let get him!

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Homer sits and watches the battle between Salculd and Warlord. Neither one ever gaining the upperhand.


Impressive, most impressive.


With that, Homer ignites his blade and cleaves Havoc in two.


I did that for everybody's sake. Wait a sec...he didn't have a saber...he only had this RING. It couldn't be....the SCHWARTZ!!! :eek: :eek:


That's what was making him all weird!!


Just then, Yogurt appears and starts pitching merchandise.


I got Silly RPG Lunchboxes, Sill RPG T-shirts, and even SILLY RPG ROCKETLAUNCHERS!! Ages 6-11


Everyone stands around with a blank stare on their faces. :eyeraise: :eyeraise: :eyeraise: :eyeraise: :eyeraise: :eyeraise:

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As Havoc Is cleaved in two the last words he utters are:


"So a Sith Cleaves me in two, that makes me a good guy..."


And the man who was once called Havoc ceased to exist. Wether good guy or Bad guy, He was no more...


Some say, If you listen very closely at night when it's really quiet you can hear his voice echo from the grave


"But I had the Schwartz, so that makes me a good guy, right? But now I'm a ghost, so that makes me bad, or is it the other way around?..."


Now tell me that isn't "haunting"! :D

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Guest Supreme Warlord

*I pulled out my lightsaber and activated it just in time to block most of Heavyarm parries.*


Warlord: Must we do this again? I am far stronger in the Force than you are. Pluse Captain Drake is against you. We are allies in the Force. Crazy Dog is dead. You are about to die, Sith scum.


*I back up and then force jump, flipping forward. As I hurled toward the ground with my saber in a downward postion, I force push heavyarm and he fell to the ground.*

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Havoc Appears as a Force Spirit to Darth Homer:


"Darth Homer, Since you were so kind as to end my own misery and have continued to Role play superbly inspite of the adolescent 'I killed you... Nah-ah, I killed you... Well, I came back to life and killed you' banter that has plagued this thread, It is the will of the Force that I aid you as your spiritual guide in the Force as you continue your role-playing experience."


"Oh, and by the way, since becoming one with the Force, I have been granted extreme clarity. I am no longer plagued by easy questions and simple math problems"


"So if you ever need anything just reach out in the Force and I will be there, Darth Homer..."


And as Havoc's ghost slowly faded from view, Havoc left with those famous words of wisdom echoing in Darth Homer's mind...


"May the...May the...the... LINE?!"


*heard from off-stage*



"Oh yeah... May the Force be with you, Darth Homer..."


*Some things never change!*

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Ok, who kicked me?


Homer ignites his double saber and looks around the room. Everyone else waits, tense, as the highly trained Sith warrior searches for his assailant. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


IT WAS YOU!!! Why you little!!!!


Homer begins to chase Havoc's ghost around.


Come back here!!!


Everyone else lets out a sigh of relief and begins to chuckle at Homer's ignorance.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

*As Heavyarm shocked me, in retalition Drake force choke him. I took this time to activate my lightsaber and did a spin backward lighsaber backthrust. The saber went toward to Heavyarm heart*


Warlord: Dont ever mess with me or Captain Drake!


*I thought about how big of an idiot Darth Homer is and was highly entraining an idea of killing him instantly...wonder what Captain Drake thinks...*

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