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Silly RPG

Darth Homer

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Supreme: No it is not okay to brainwash me. If you did you would be the most luckiest guy to brainwash a god.


*to Heavyarm*


*the force temporialy infected me and took away my powers but I focus enough and got it back because the Force is not my main source of power*


Supreme: Hah! you may have got me there for a second but the Force is not my main source of powers. I am naturally a god and you borrowed those power from the force but now you wont.


*I decided that Heavyarm is very annoying and he is a mortal...so I kill him. I Force grip him and then I Force threw him up in the air and he came falling down and there was a big mess where Heavyarm used to be.*


*I look over to drake and thought he is getting quite annoying but I enjoy his challenge*


Supreme: you know I could easily server your connection to the Force...but you are fun to kill and play with. I will play for now hehehehe. and dont worry I will play fair.


*I activate my green saber and raised it in a en garde position*


Supreme: Let dance, Drake.


*I jump up and then brought down my saber in a hack slack position*

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Guest Supreme Warlord

*I snap my wrist, bringing my lightsaber blade in a downward position to block Drake move. Our saber locked*


Supreme: I understand it enough or else how would I be fighting?


*I open myself more to the force, letting the Force guide my hand. I did a 180 degree turn, bringing my lightsaber on the other side of Drake which is undefended. I aimed for his legs.*

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Guest Supreme Warlord

*As my saber is locked again with his other saber. I Force push him as Crazy Dog is shooting at him to get him away from me*


Warlord: Allow me to use my god power to contain Crazy Dog and heavyarm, Drake.


*I made a gesture with my hand and Crazy Dog has been teleported to a cell with a 4 side of 50 feet thick steel. Then I made another gesture and Heavyarm is in the same place as crazy dog. I sealed the top with a 50 feet thick steel as I have sealed the bottom*


Warlord: now back to our fight. I believe you are quite strong in the Force but not that strong. *grins evily*


*I did a forward flip and did a Horizontal slash toward to Drake head*

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We interrupt your reguarly-scheduled RPG for the following announcements:


*Ok you guys, this is just getting repetitive and stupid. Let's get off the whole 'god' trip and just have fun with this. From this point forward in this thread, NO ONE is allowed to be a god or in any way, shape, or form gain godlike powers (with the exception of strong Force powers). If you don't like this policy, tough...I created this thread, so I can have it closed if you choose to ignore me.*


*DRINK YODA SODA! It's the only soda in the entire GALAXY gauranteed to be endorsed by YODA!! "Mmmm, good this soda is!! Come, come, good soda!!" And there you have it!! YODA LOVES IT!! Get yours TODAY!!


YODA SODA not available on Tatooine, Endor or any planet controlled by the Sith. *


We now return you to your reguarly scheduled RPG.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

*I roll out of the way as well like Captain Drake.*


Supreme: join forces huh? hmmmmm yes let rule the forum! *extend my hand to shake on it*


*meanwhile I am thinking how in the world will I survive in this world without my god powers. Nuts*

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Suddenly a Chiss appears on the scene. He snatches his lightsaber from his belt and ignites it. When he see the power of the nanites however, he quickly comes up with a new idea. :evil2: He uses the force to REPROGRAM the nanites! CD is now being messily devoured from the inside out by his own nanites!!! :eek: HA HA HA! Another triumph for virtue and right! Now with a flick of his thumb he deactivates his lightsaber. Still a bit dazed from the intese confrontation he says, "Alright, who are the good guys here, that I'm defending?" He looks around for a team to join. . .

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