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The different kinds of player ive seen


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After playing multiplayer for about 12 hours over these past two days :D its becoming increasingly clear that there are several distinct types of player in this game


1) The Sabre Purists : Only ever use the sabre and the force. Express mild distaste or derision for Armsmen (see below) and usually unreserved disgust for GunWhores (see below)


2) Armsmen : These are the ones who use anything they can pick up, the sabre is just another weapon as is the force, likely to swap to sabre for a close combat fight but not shy about using their merr-sonn missile launcher either


3) Gunwhores : Whats a lightsabre??? These are the ones who never use anything but guns, and the nastier varieties will never use anything except throwables, DEMP2 and flechette , none of which can be blocked by sabre. This, coupled with the camping and spamming that accompanies these weapons generates almost universal dislike against these people.


4)The warez monkeys : The ones who come in and either brag about their l33t w4r3z skilz or else spend their entire time ingame *****ing about how this game sucks. Often named Padawan and frequently ignorant of even basic game functions due to not having a manual. Common catchcries include "how do u use the force" and "omg this sucks rtcw/renegade/global ops/counter strike/etc/etc/etc.. is better than this" . Hated by all except their own.


5) The Duelists : Actively seek duels and challenge almost anyone they find. Early on they tend to find like minded people and whenever they meet in combat they will stop and conduct a proper duel. This behaviour often accompanies Sabre Purism.


Well im a sabre purist duelist , what about the rest of you :) , any other personality types shining through for you?

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I don't have it yet, but I suspect I'll be a Sabre Purist/Duleist. I dubbed myself a "Blade Snob" while playing Heretic II, and I can't see that my tastes will have changed too dramatically given an opportunity to consider myself part of an "Elite" group once again. ;)

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i will probaly be ethere a gunswhore or a saberest, and o yeah BOBA FETT all the way. All you jedis will die to my guns, well hopefully, lol. I will use the saber sometimes, but to me it kinda looks cheap in mp, but yet thats only my opinon, and i havent gotten the game yet, FRIDAY hurry up.:fett: :fett: :fett:

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I'll be between 1 and 2, mostly 1 though.


I Love saber fighting, but sometimes a gun can come in handy, like dealing with snipers or for those rare occasions I feel like running though a map with the fire button held down and see how far I can get before getting killed :)


But ya, the saber is the weapon of choice :)



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I'm using my first ever post here to say I'm a saber purist. If I want to shoot someone or blow someone to bits, I can load up Tribes or RtCW.


And let me just say that Raven devs are gods, I spent 30 minutes on my lunch break (me and my underling here skipped out to EB and bought it this morning, poor EB guy hadn't even checked them into inventory yet) goofing around with bots, and they've done some really first-rate work with the lightsaber controls.

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I'm waiting until I finish SP before I even touch MP, but when I get there...

Originally posted by Vanor

I'll be between 1 and 2, mostly 1 though.


I Love saber fighting, but sometimes a gun can come in handy, like dealing with snipers or for those rare occasions I feel like running though a map with the fire button held down and see how far I can get before getting killed :)


But ya, the saber is the weapon of choice :)

this pretty much describes it perfectly! ;)

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Saber Purist all the way. If I need range, I use saber throw or lightning.


boba, everyone uses sabers because it's the game's trademark. Guns are boring, and done better in more gun-oriented games anyway.

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i've changed my mind about being a gunswhore, after watching all the movies on gamespot, over again, i am going to be a 1 and 5, DARK SIDE that is, MUhahahahaMMMUMUUUHAAHAHAHAH


not this going to be this : :mob:






going to be this: :duel:







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