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Possible Indy 4 Titles

Boba Rhett

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As you all know, we'll be getting an Indiana Jones 4 sooner or later. They haven't released a name yet for the next one so let's come up with some possible ones, shall we? ;)



Indiana Jones and the Bees Are Dangerous


Indiana Jones and the Attack of the Clones


Indiana Jones: JUNIOR !!!!!


Indiana Jones and The Hunt for Jar Jar!


Indiana Jones and the Temple of Da GIMPS!


Indiana Jones and the retirement home of destiny


Indiana Jones and the bus pass of fate!


Indiana Jones and I Hope He Keeps His Shirt On


Indiana Jones and the Cash-In of doom


Indiana Jones and the Journey to the Bathroom


Indiana Jones and the Cold Handed Proctologist


Indiana Jones and the Scary New World


Indiana Jones in the Diapers of Doom


Indiana Jones in the Search For His Youth


Indiana Jones and the Mysterious Heartburn


and finally,


Indiana Jones and the Holy $#!?, They're Doing Another Sequel at Last!




Now add your own! :D

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Indiana Jones and the guy with the whip


Indiana jones and company


Indiana Jones and his adventures


The return of the Indiana Jones


Indiana Jones Strikes back


Indiana Jones: a new hope


Indiana Jones and the fellowship of his enemies


Indiana Jones and Princess Leia


Indiana Jones: not him again ;)


Indiana Jones and the fans too!


Indiana Jones: an old man now


Indiana Jones: memoirs of the past


Indiana Jones: Hey, Its me!


Indiana Jones and the giant Barney :eek:


Indiana Jones and the Abandoned Death star


Indiana Jones: i have a bad feeling about this!




ummmm can;t think of anymore


btw i never knew this was coming out

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Indiana Jones and the Search for Noah's Ark


Indiana Jones and the Crusade After Last


Indiana Jones and the Bottomless Coffee Mug


Indiana Jones and the Disappearing Avatars


Indiana Jones and the Nesting If Statements

(one for us programmers)

Indiana Jones and the Search for a Sequel Title

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Indiana Jones: Raider of the lost hair


Indiana Jones: We don't know, he's making it up as he goes!


Indiana Jones: Just to clarify, Last Crusade didn't mean his


Indiana Jones: The Next Generation


The Hat of Indiana (Ala Mask of Zorro)


Indiana Jones: Keeping up with the Jones'


Indiana Jones: How gray is too gray?


Indiana Jones and the rogaine temple


Indiana Jones and the fountain of youth


Indiana Jones: here come the nazis... again


Indiana Jones: we need a quick buck, hey it worked for Star Wars!


Indiana Jones and the pension of doom


Indiana Jones and the mysterious Medicare claim


Indiana Jones 4, as in the number of heart bypasses the cast will need performed while filming


Indiana Jones: Shorty's Revenge


Dr. Jones and the women


Indiana Jones: Bengay nights


Indiana Jones: Dude, where's my horse?


Indiana Jones and The colonoscopy of doom



Just some fun ideas ;)

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Indiana Jones: It's not the years or the mileage... It's both!


Indiana Jones and the friday fish fry


Indiana Jones and the sunday drive


Indiana Jones: starring Ben Affleck, hey it works for the Jack Ryan! :rolleyes:


Indiana Jones and the Bingo ladies


Indiana Jones: Is it time for my pills?


Indiana Jones and the geriatric park


Indiana Jones and the lottery ticket of fate

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