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The Two Towers Trailer!

Boba Rhett

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Sweet Monkey! I had the chance to see the trailer this saturday while I was in Minneapolis. This trailer rocks!


Here's just a few things I'll comment on,


1. Gollum has a talking part in the trailer, the voice if perfect, It shows him on his way down the cliff face crawling towards the Sleeping hobbits mumbling something about "Nasty Hobbits....ring their little necks..."


2. It also shows a scene of Merry and Pips' run in with the Ents. "Pippin holding Treebeard's nose, I think".


3. There's also a few scenes of the battles that will take place in the next movie such as.....HELM'S DEEP! :D This will be the coolest movie battle ever! :)


4. We get to see Gandalf, in all his White glory when he reveals himself to Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas.


5. There's quite a few clips in the trailer of Theoden getting dressed for war.


6. Wormtongue looks perfect, too! What a little stinker, he is! :D



That's all I can recall now. I have to hit the sack. :)


Sorry for not providing a link to a download of the trailer but as far as I know, it's not available anywere yet except at theatres. So go see LOTR again. :D Don't panic when you do't see it before the movie starts. It comes on right before the films credits role at the end. ;)



If anyone knows were/when I can download it at, tell me please! :)

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yesssss, yessss good gollu,, smeagol, we wants it, we wants it, we wants to see trailer. We not see trrailer, we wanntttssssss it.


Cool, i think the ents will look interesting


anyway why were the colors changed, not that im displeased, they look pretty "cool"

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Rhett comes through again. ;) Well...kinda.....




That link is to an 8mb video that shows some of the scenes from the trailer. It shows Treebeard but no Gollum though. :( If it doesn't work, try right clickng and saving.




I'll post screenies later for those of you who do't want to dl it. ;)

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Guest SlashAndBurn

Have you guys head about the SE DVD for Fellowship? its going to have over 4 hours of extras including some deleted scenes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Jedi_Knight

a ent is actually suppose to be a trent, if you don't believe me look up warhammer sites and most games have trents not ents


Hey, Tolkiens work is the base of most RPG's in the first place. If Tolkien says they are Ents, then the others have changed the name. I have seen both in ADD.



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Guest Supreme Warlord

Ents is just a tree with intelligences. that should help out a lot. It is really simple...just read the books. :D

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