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Hey to all forumers and mods and admins

Delphi's Clone

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I am sorry for what i have done yesaterday there is no exuse for what i did :( and i dont want to lei about that and even if i get banned i hope that you guys will not stay mad at me i have leared my lesson and if i can stay i will prove it no more leing or cheating or anything els bad for me on these forums I am sorry with all my hart and i will prove to you guys that i have changed. and if you guys have anything you want me to do (change) about myself please feel free to tell me i would most likely be happy to oblige.


and i'll say this again i am really sorry. this goes for every one.

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well ok i hate to say this jeff but i made multipal names for myself and voted for myself with them on the senate.... i'm sorry so now you have heard it for me.


oh ya and fergi how you said "go prove it", it has already in prosses since 11-21-2001 03:00 PM i will not tell you guys a lie anymore...and no i wont make another topic about this this was supposed to be the last one by me about this....

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Guest jeffdarke


how did you get caught?

i will vote for you now, its people like you that get us places in the world.

come to think of it we are a t war now and in about 50 years we will all die from glabal warming and the frech are still....i best not go into that the mods wont like me for it

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Delphi ... you're one of those people I just don't understand. You are asking for attention all the time. You say you are Delphi from westwood, you make multiple acounts and trie to get yourself in the senate. You apologize for it, you say you intended it that way, you say a lot of things ... just for the sake of getting attention.


That is something you should work on. I don't know you in real life, but I think you're pretty much the same way there. Just try not to put all the focus on you. Just be who you are ... yourself! People will respect you too if you're more quiet, maybe even more.


I was about to put a verse out of Proverbs here, but I won't. But I did realize that a lot of the Proverbs could be used in the guidelines of this forum ...

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Delphi M8 you've been a bloody fool I have no axe

to grind against you the reason I say this to you

is that in this world nobody like's a cheat or a liar

you would be daft to throw another chance away

if the MOD's give you one by doing this again

I hope you don't get banned M8 and hope to

see you post hear in the future, if you get another

chance Delphi dont blow it. ;)

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hey guys i wont have much time on here this week so if you dont see me that often please dont bann me for not comeing here i mean i do have a life......


And i am not VIPER ask teh Mods they know i'm not i have a different IP rghhhhhhhhh


lol ya i love that smiley


thank you Wraith 9 i never knew hehe

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Then why doesn't he do it right now? As I said, it's empty trash-talk.


He DID try to come back under another IP (probably his friend's computer, if he has any) but we permabanned him once again.







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