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What's with this?


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Getting a whole new forum scheme works on a different level than getting our sigs and avatars coming back. In order to compensate for the heavy server load, the avatars and sigs had to be nixed, if only for now. They will return eventually, but please don't yell at the admins. They're doing all they can to keep you guys happy, but there's only so much they can do.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

I liked my avatar but hey the server is slow at the minute lol! :-) okay the admis also put the time limit on the forum! We cant post until one min. is up! man!:mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by AU_heavyarms

hey, sherack, I forgot to tell ya. Get rid of sigs and avatars. If you can't keep them on, then they are a waste of money.


Hey Heavyarms why get on Sherack's case all of the sudden?

He only killed one thread. First one he has closed in a long time. It was his choice to make and as a high admin he has the power to make those changes. Live with it. If you don't like his actions just PM him some good reasons to turn his desicion around.


Besides the Avs and sigs are off temporarily because of of slowness in the server. Regardless of public belief it isn't our fault. It is a minor error that is being corrected by our hosts.


Thirdly...Don't get so up tight that you start blaming Sher for everything here. Don't EVER get that mad at him. I can garentee you it will almost NEVER be all his fault for anything regarding the server.


(If he closes a thread don't get mad and flame him. PM him asking why he closed it. If he has good reasons LET IT GO. It isn't as if he was closing the thread just because of you. He would most likely have a logical motive. If he doesn't then tell him so. In the case of "What if" he has a good motive)



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Guest Supreme Warlord

the avatars is back but the sig is not. I am just wondering what was that supposely "minor error" was? you guys are not just mincing words are you?:)

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