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I'm sorry........


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Ok I'm sorry about the way I have acted in the months before this I wish (although not likely) that you can unban my ip it has taken me forever to change and I have discovered that I can only change the ip for 24 hours, well first appoligy has to go out to rhett he tried to get me under control,but he couldn't second to chris for not being so mean, and to leon who has always tried to keep control and lastly all the forum members that I am not ingaged in a clan war...............................thank you and goodbye

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i think you guys should send him an e-mail and talk it over with him and see what you can do about thias maybee this can be sloved in a nice way and maybee you guys will get a nother forumer i mean he might have changed and he did say i'm sorry.


First: Your sig is WAY to big......its over 200k+ and takes up a WHOLE screen......


He has a viable point Delphi...it does take up the entire screen...so please take out at least on part of it. Thank you -darthfergie

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Gungan Warrior

if he hasn't changed then why did he post that he was sorry:eek:


So he can get back on and annoy us again. Thats the way he does things. Every time he got banned at first he would come back and be fine for a short while. then he would start spamming and flaming again. After a while, he never even was nice for a while, he jsut came back and back to flame and spam.

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i think you guys should send him an e-mail and talk it over with him and see what you can do about thias maybee this can be sloved in a nice way and maybee you guys will get a nother forumer i mean he might have changed and he did say i'm sorry.


Leon has talked it over with him many times. And I really mean many. I'm sure alot of the moderators had nice long discussions with him. But if he comes back he will just pull another stupid stunt by flaming more people...and if he has changed...to bad. He wasted all of his 523 chances...Delphi your doing much the same thing exept you don't flame you just goof...

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Originally posted by Kioet Csuhen

just tell him this is his final chance, if he messes up, get hold of his ip address, and hack his computer.


If your talking about Viper, he had about 57 too many final chances...and they already know who his IP provider is and what his IP is...they had to permenant ban him remember...

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There's a reason why we have banning next to warnings.

After a warning, people can apologize and shape up.

If they don't they get banned. Simply because we can't trust it anymore.


And a ban is permanently, yes. Surely you don't think we allow anything to happen without consequence, just as long as people say 'I'm sorry' after a while ?

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Guest Lord Tirion

Viper isnt fooling anybody. He hasnt changed one bit. It was 3 days ago that he flamed me yet again on the Zone but made a HUGE mistake of playing against me in a game. He was beaten in less than 8 minutes. But it was yesterday that he flamed all of Nexsis saying we suck and when Xizor went to go play him, he ran away... just as he always did on this forum when he got challenged after flapping his lips. We dont need him on this forum one bit. We have plent of great posters here already with mods who have already given him ample chances for him to change only for Viper to curse them and give them the finger.


And then he has the audacity to come back and ask forgiveness after all the crap he pulled. Hell, Day 1 for me posting here he flamed me for no reason. Who the hell needs people like that on this forum?

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Guest Crazy_dogreturn

Hey, if anyone wants me to hack Viper's computer, ask me. For only $5 I can hack into nearly anyone's computer.


It's not legal, I know but I only said I could ... *lol*.:p

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Guest Crazy_dogreturn

The only computers I hack into are my mum's and dad's (I don't mess with anything in thier files, I only do it for fun), some friends who want me to try to hack games they make on thier Gamemaker software , and that bastard on the zone who was saying interesting comments about s***, my family, how he hates the UK and how he compares me with a cow (really, I'm a dog;) ). Not that I was offended too much, but I made sure the guy was taught a lesson, so I hacked his PC, and changed the password for 3 days, then I pm-ed him telling him if he doesn't stop bieng a nuicence I won't tell him his new password.


Heh, heh, after that he no longer messes with me.

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Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

There's a reason why we have banning next to warnings.

After a warning, people can apologize and shape up.

If they don't they get banned. Simply because we can't trust it anymore.


And a ban is permanently, yes. Surely you don't think we allow anything to happen without consequence, just as long as people say 'I'm sorry' after a while ?


What about temp bans? Are they like diamond, which are forever? ;)

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