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Official Unofficial Naboo campaign [Read all]

Com Raven

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What do you mean???


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Once again I REALLY like mine :D


Scenario 1= The King has died...Captain Panaka (i think he is a hero) finds him dead and he and his guard force search out the traitor...(kill a few people nothing major)


Scenario 2= Several factions of 'potential' canidates fight it out...you/Panaka are on a quest to desern the best heir to the throne. You and your small task force are attacked several times by the waring factions...you find Amidala/Padme...end scenario


Scenario 3= Amidala anounces her intent for the throne...and is attacked by most of the waring factions...she has but one ally (I forgot his name...the advisor to amidala in the movies that stays behind) They fight together and defeat several factions...


Scenario 4= Amidala is now put up against the strongest faction...the faction of the king's nephew...fight it out...


Scenario 5= Amidala is being crowned queen and rules no military action will be taken against the TF...She is captured...Qui-Gon and Obi-One rescue here...oh and Jar Jar too...you have to get her to the hangar alive...


Scenario 6= Infiltration of the Palace after they come back...capture Nute Gunray...


And maybe these two bonus scenarios...Or you can figure out your ow versions...


Scenario 7= *bonus scenario* You get to defend Theed from the TF invaders with the small skeleton force that Naboo holds...


Scenario 8=*bonus scenario* face off with the Gungans...Panaka vs. Boss Nass...


But we need a core designing group...and soon...I'll be posting a Thread for Naboo Core Design Group.

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Insteada one "whole" suggested storyline I'D take a few ideas from each ..



CAmpaign should include :


- "prehistoric" fightin against Gungans (just forget that thing about them fightin or not ! If Lucaslicensing can't bfigure it out, it's bot our fault !!)

- something of Fergie'S Fight for the Rule

-of course stand against Trade Fed



-(less priority) later against Imps, but I'd rather go with above stuff ...


And very good idea Fergie withg that Thread about definite team ...

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MIssion 1 : First Contact with Gungans


Mission 2&3 : Fergie's story ...

Mission 4 : Escape from Theed, lots of heroes


Mission 5 : rescue Sio Bibble who was forced to send message (don't know who suggested it, good idea ...), regular troops


Mission 6 : infiltrate Palace, once again heroes ...


If there's not a lotta complaint about it, we take this one !

Not perfect and not enough of your great idea in it, but we should get started ...


And if this one is cool, we can continue ...

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Well, that sounds mighty fine :)


But we should go into more detail for each mission and the total campaign before anyone starts working on it.


here's my idea (continued from comravens idea):


1. First contact with gungans


The colonists land on naboo, and claim it theirs (this could be done with a wav file like: I hereby claim this planet...bla bla bla). There is a short time to build up the base before the gungans attack. The colonists survive, and need to destroy the gungan monument (or other important thingy) to beat the gungans. It ends with a conversation where peace is made.




Fergies story

IMO it should be centered around the main character


4 Escape from theed


We could center it around obi-wan and Qui-gon / around the queen and her handmaidens or around a totally 'new' character.

I would go for the new character here goes:

Sabe evades the initial capture of the queen, walks around a bit and finds a group of soldiers/ militiamen/ whatever. They decide to fight their way out. While doing so, they come across serveral scenes from the movie.


5 Rescue Sio Bibble


Attack a prison camp to get your workers and some reinforcements. With that, you build up a base and need to destroy the TF command center so that Sio Bibble appears from the debris. Then you need to get him to a certain spot on the map. The difficulty in this mission lies in the time counter; you have to destroy the command center before Sio is transported out of the system. After the command center is destroyed, you have to keep the guy alive and bring him to the exit-spot.

The use of aircraft in this mission should be made almost impossible (alot of AA) to keep things balanced.


6 Infiltrate palace


Well....like in the movie....


7 bonus mission


We should have a bonus mission, any ideas?

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Yeah, that's a good idea for mission one, it gives it more of a reason.


Let's wait for more replies before we consider this the final story. At that time we should have some people ready that can create the scenario.

We can also make a poll, on the main page, to see what people think of the idea.

And then we can let the creators loose.




Oh, and what about the bonus mission, I dont have any ideas yet.

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I'm co-ordinating the whole project...(since I'm a mod in here it helps)


Stan has agreed to do scenarios, recruitment, etc...he is the all around designer I don't think he is officially involving SCN Punk in this, but he has asked for them to come and volunteer...


As for the missions...we need to start getting those planed out and voted on as soon as we can. Then we can get to the designing...Hopefully we can have a basic storyline by Christmas or soon afterwards...

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My sugestions were on the last page...that is my campaign idea...


We need several popular campaign ideas (layed out well so you don't have references to other people's, etc) Then I will post a poll with the most popular 4 or 5 and the people will voteon which is the best. Then we make the best...:)

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