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Mother &^%$&%%(*^% insomnia


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Don't give me any "daylight savings" bullshit, you all know it's a conspiracy. UFOs are abducting all the people in the United States everywhere every year, and they all experience one hour of "lost time". You know it's true.

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Actually wouldn't he have lost an hour? Actually Shmargin, before trying to go to the doctor or something, try staying awake for two days, it not only will restore the biological clock to order, but it could make you just tired enough to get the pattern back to normal.


If not, my friend always knocks himself on Tylenol PMs and wakes up great... but then he's a big junkie.

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Seems like everyone has their own forms of insomnia... since the symptoms are showing heh... actually it was that SOB Ben Franklin who invented it... probably for the sake of being named the inventor of something completely useless these says (like his stove chair or whatever the hell it was)

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Please tell me your name is not Tyler Durden


Originally posted by Shmargin

Yeah, I'm about to diagnos myself with insomnia....for the past week and a half, ive been going to sleep around midnight or so, then waking up like an hour or so later, and having a ***** of a time going back to sleep. Today, I went to bed around 3am, you would assume, i wouldnt have much trouble falling asleep. Well, I laied there for like, an hour, fell asleep. Woke up, for NO REASON AT ALL sat up, and started to get up, noticed it was only 4:30am, laid back down. Laid there till around 5:50am. Got up. Swore alot. And sat down here and told you all about it.

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Heh....I wish...htat would be pretty cool if i was insane enough to create someone that i thought was real.........Hell.....Who knows....maybe I have.....I mean, I'm not with some of my friends all the time.....and they show up at weird times sometimes.....

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