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I'm moving to Virginia! HELP ME!!!


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I've lived in Singapore for 5 years now. I just got word last night that there's a 95% chance that we're moving. I'm hoping for that 5% as I consider Singapore home. It seems though that the odds are against me. I'm almost 12 now, and I'll be moving over Summer. I want to at least finish Middle School here! Can anyone give me advice?

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All i can say is if your planning to do high school and college in america, then its better you move now. Because its always good to have a little middle school record going into High school.


I moved to USA when i was in the 10th grade(june 2001), and it was really hard to catch up, and i dont think ive still caight up yet (im still in the 10th grade)


Its always better in High school with a little middle school experience.


Thats all i have to say about that

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Originally posted by DashRendar

O ya and BEG to be homeschooled :D


haha that's what i did so i didn't have to go to highschool.....then when i took a test to get into this 'hey this looks like a cool school' they turned me down, who knows why, but I'm SO DARN HAPPY i didn't go to that piece of crap, cuz those poor fools had to wear UNIFORMS!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH



but of course, i haven't socialized in years except for online, which is a good thing these forums are up, otherwise I would need a psychiatrist or something like that. This summer we're moving to pennsylvania....I can NOT wait, cuz my best friend lives there. :D

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I'm moving because my dad is getting a job offer from Exon. I'm in 6th grade, and I learn more advanced stuff then people in the U.S. that are in 6th grade. I'm probably the youngest ever to join these forums. Weird huh? The only thing good about school in Virginia is that I don't have to wear a blasted uniform! That's all I'm looking forward to though. Singapore's basically home for me. I don't want to move, so HELP ME!!! Give me advice or give me a plan!

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"I learn more advanced stuff then people in the U.S. that are in 6th grade"


And you would know becasue?


All conutries have bad schools and stupid people shame they get air time and the honor students don't.



No one ever wants to move but as kids you have no real choice all you can do is tell them your against it and then let them decide what to do. If you do come here you shouldn't have many problems you already speak english your famialy would have a stable income. Thou you better get used to cold winters and snow.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Dont worry America Rulez. So if you have a problem with a country our government will kick them. :D

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I've been caught in the act! OH NO! Heck I always register above the required age then if I can and want to, I change it to my real one. But I'm pretty sure this forum's safe, so I made my age my real one. Besides, it takes so long to get the fax so why wait?

Thanks for the support. At least I'll be closer to most of you. But bye bye to all those whi I was closer to. At least I'll be able to finish 6th grade here.

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Well you remember that kid, whatshisname with the spray paint and he was beat down by Singaporean (Singaporeese?) Police.. Thats what I was thinking of when I typed that. That and this one Christopher Buckley essay...


But if I'm right about the stingy thing, then prepare to be shocked by the good ol USA (Which is younger than 75% of the countries in the world), where Nuns openly curse on the streets, and people are as subtle as Nuclear Warhead testing! And we also have the highest homicide rate in the world! Hahahaha! Welcome to America!

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Guest Supreme Warlord

My dear friend,


Do not listen to Clefo for he is know to be a psycho...;)


If you are coming to America be ready for lots of change especially in freedom. You can now diss your teacher more openly. You can now talk back to the government. You can now talk back to the Police officers. You can now run naked on the street that you want to run on because it is freedom baby!!! get your groove on in America! lol j/k :D Have fun in America because




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