Zoom Rabbit Posted April 23, 2002 Share Posted April 23, 2002 I must confess that I have never watched all of it. What a dusty, mean, desperate little movie... *(Warbling desert riff from movie.)* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kylilin Posted April 24, 2002 Share Posted April 24, 2002 The first DVD I bought was "King of New York", I recommend it, its a great flick. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rebel Loyaltist Posted June 20, 2002 Author Share Posted June 20, 2002 So Nute did ya ever find that enyclopedia(sp)? What enyclopedia was? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander 598 Posted June 21, 2002 Share Posted June 21, 2002 DAMMIT I MISSED AN ENTIRE DISCUSSION ON WWII!!!!!!!!!! I don't believe that the Soviets were ever part of either one. They were sorta on there own. The Polish were a resistance group. They were allied. Burma was just an occupied island. My dad had a friend whose dad fought there. Can't remember what those guys called themselves... The Soviets were of the Soviet Union not the Allies not the Axis. They never had anyone from SHAEF over there. No US,British,French soldiers went there. About the most they got from the Allies was some outdated tanks(Courtesy US Army) and some Half-Tracks(Courtesy US Army). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zargon Posted June 21, 2002 Share Posted June 21, 2002 considering that FDR, Churchhill and Stalin used to have coffee together, I think the USSR was allied. The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly is a great great flick, I love Eastwoods old westerns. Anyone seen Kelly's Hero's? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander 598 Posted June 21, 2002 Share Posted June 21, 2002 TREATY OF NONAGGRESSION BETWEEN GERMANY AND THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS MOSCOW, August 23, 1939. The Government of the German Reich and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics desirous of strengthening the cause of peace between Germany and the U.S.S.R and proceeding from the fundamental provisions of the Neutrality Agreement concluded in April 1926 between Germany and the U.S.S.R., have reached the following agreement: ARTICLE I Both High Contracting Parties obligate, themselves to desist from any act of violence, any aggressive action, and any attack on each other, either individually or jointly with other powers. ARTICLE II Should one of the High Contracting Parties become the object of belligerent action by a third power, the other High Contracting Party shall in no manner lend its support to this third power. ARTICLE III The Governments of the two High Contracting Parties shall in the future maintain continual contact with one another for the purpose of consultation in order to exchange information on problems affecting their common interests. ARTICLE IV Neither of the two High Contracting Parties shall participate in any grouping of powers whatsoever that is directly or indirectly aimed at the other party. ARTICLE V Should disputes or conflicts arise between the High Contracting Parties over problems of one kind or another, both parties shall settle these disputes or conflicts exclusively through friendly exchange of opinion or, if necessary, through the establishment of arbitration commissions. ARTICLE VI The present treaty is concluded for a period of ten years, with the provision that, in so far as one of the High Contracting Parties does not denounce it one year prior to the expiration of this period, the validity of this treaty shall automatically be extended for another five years. ARTICLE VI The present treaty shall be ratified within the shortest possible time. The ratifications shall be exchanged in Berlin. The agreement shall enter into force as soon as it is signed. Done in duplicate, in the German and Russian languages. For the Government of the German Reich: V. RIBBENTROP With full power of the Government of the USSR: V. MOLOTOV ------------------------------------------------ The USSR and Germany were on friendly terms until 1941. I just wanted to draw that to your attention. Stalin and Hitler met. They probably had coffee to. But they weren't good friends and they didn't help each other as stated in Article II. I know FDR and Churchhill met with Stalin but I don't believ anybody liked Stalins Communist ideas. Until I can find a document proving that the USSR was part of the Allies I will think otherwise. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edlib Posted June 21, 2002 Share Posted June 21, 2002 I think so... is that the one where he leads a bunch of stoned-out hippie types to steal a fortune in captured Nazi booty? If that's the one I'm thinking of it was cool. Weird, but cool... seeing as how it was supposed to take place 30 years before the hippies ever existed. Donald Sutherland was a riot in it. I really liked "Where Eagles Dare" too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jem Posted June 21, 2002 Share Posted June 21, 2002 Yup that's Kelly's Heroes. I posted something on that movie not to long ago but the post got erased due to the server transfer and no one saw it And the hippie is the guy obscessed with tanks and his has a loudspeaker to play some music during battle (like the Choppers in Apocalypse Now...). But i wouldn't say he was a hippie, maybe a crazy pre-hippie or something like that. I liked the general's reaction during the movie: "Sir we've got some men 40km ahead the front line, in enemy zone" "40km? then what the are we doing here?... those guys are heroes not like any of you. That's what I meant about being a true soldier! Let's go! And bring me my medal case, they all deserve one!" It went something like that, the general, of course, not knowing those heroes true motivation I especially liked Telly Savala's fine acting. Anyways I just came back from seeing BlackHawk Down, it was a good movie but Kelly's Heroes stays the best war movie I've seen, way far ahead any other. I think everybody is able to guess who's the "hippie" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edlib Posted June 22, 2002 Share Posted June 22, 2002 Now that I think about it,.. Donald Sutherland's character in that movie is very close to the image I have in my mind's-eye of what I've always imagined Zoomie to be like. Really. Kinda a cross between that character and Shaggy from Scooby-Doo. (The cartoon, not the movie... which looks really, REALLY horrible. I thought the Hollywood hack-factory hit an unpassable all-time low with the Bullwinkle movie. I was wrong.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jem Posted June 22, 2002 Share Posted June 22, 2002 LOL SO TRUE! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zargon Posted June 23, 2002 Share Posted June 23, 2002 you do know that the USSR did fight in WWII eventially right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue Nine Posted June 23, 2002 Share Posted June 23, 2002 Resurrecting dead topics is not cool. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zargon Posted June 23, 2002 Share Posted June 23, 2002 not like there is much else to post in............. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander 598 Posted June 23, 2002 Share Posted June 23, 2002 Quote Originally posted by Zargon you do know that the USSR did fight in WWII eventially right? [sarcasm] And I thought all those Germans in Russia were just lost for five years... [/sarcasm] I probably know more about the Russian front than you do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zargon Posted June 23, 2002 Share Posted June 23, 2002 Quote Originally posted by Commander 598 I probably know more about the Russian front than you do. yeah, that would be really ****ing hard..........not everyone gets hard on's reading military history books..I know about as much as I really care too. I try to not know enough that I get snobby about it with people, only thing I failed in that is cars........ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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