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ZoE GurL

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Hey, I haven't posted in this thread yet. Amaze. This will be a long one, probably, so bear with me. In no particular order:



Rage Against The Machine



Oingo Boingo (Danny Elfman's band)






Beastie Boys















The Smashing Pumpkins


There. I think I've now managed to offend everyone with my pretty eclectic tastes. I guess when it comes to the music, I tend to like bands rather then genres. Here I have examples of a lot of bands that I think are great. However, If someone were to ask me if I generally liked the genre that one of these particular bands belonged to, I would probably say no.

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I used to have a burnt copy of OK Computer but I went to the store and bought a copy eventually, I couldn't handle the guilt. Since then I've given up burning CD's completely. Not many people think about the fact that they're stealing from people who worked hard to make that music. Now I go ape s*** at people who ask me to burn CD's or have burnt CD's.

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Kiss From A Rose - Seal

Neverending Story - Christopher Hamil

Mirror, Mirror - M2M

Maigo - Totoro OST

Kaze - Totoro OST

Okaasan - Totoro OST

Sanpo - Totoro OST

Tonari no Totoro - Totoro OST

J - Jungle De Ikou

You Get To Burning - Nadesico

Pure Again - Breath of Fire III

Signal of Loneliness- Lain

Distant Ballad - Ninja Scroll

We Have To Wish - AMG! The Movie

I Can Hear A Love Song - Tenchi Forever

Manatsu no Eve - Manatsu no Eve OST

Alchemy of Love - Tenchi Muyo! in Love

Carrying You - Laputa

Duvet - Boa

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Originally posted by Gexx

glad to see another anime fan!

What am I, chopped liver?


I could bore you with a very long list, but I'll just say that my musical tastes cover everything from Beethoven to Abba to Marylin Manson to Judas Priest. Radiohead owns, OK Computer one of the best albums ever in existence, second only to Beethovens 9th Symphony, and followed closely by Pet Shop Boys Discography. This is only my opinion, of course.

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Has anyone heard of Blind Guardian? They are one of my favorite bands. "The Bard's Song - In The Forest" (Track 7 on "Somewhere Far Beyond") is my favorite. On Newgrounds, someone made a serious music video to it (anime-style, of course) and I LOVED it! That's how I first heard of them.

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Anyone heard

of the band Residents?

They have those eyeball masks.

They're messed up,

but they're awesome.


the Residents made the music

for an old Inscape game called

"Bad Day at the Midway"


Inscape was one of my fav old

game makers. I think they were

getting better as they went.


I have Bad Day at the Midway

The Dark Eye

and Drowned God.

I never got their Devo game

about the monkey

(pre power puff girls.)


hey Isis reminds me of Bubbles.

Isis you are a powerpuff girl!

only you'll have to be called


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Well, I AM blonde...


*Phases into a turquoise PPG dress and flies around, giggling and throwing sugar, spice, and of course, POCKY!*


But I am also...




*Transforms into her sailor pretty girl outfit and grabs her Magic Pocky Stick decorated with moons and turtles!*




*Poses an animé pose and winks.*

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