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Sith Knight Temple Arena....

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it works, i sent it to massassi and GUESS WHAT!!!!!!




Forget that, i deleted the zip file, and don't feel like typing another readme file........they ALWAYS screw up one way or another. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i probably have a virus in my hotmail :rolleyes:.

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hey i have 1 of those...


but i like how i'm able to upgrade it...if only i could figure out what i need to upgrade my video card and i'll be flying. :p


my specs..


Compaq Presario

Intel 810

320 Megs of SDRAM (originally only 64, i got a good deal at comptuer show and spent $30 som for 256 more and now it goes fast enough for all my games...)

1.4 gigs left of hd...cuz i have all my games loaded in. And i dislike having to reinstall them constantly, did enough of that with the old 486...

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Originally posted by talldudeX

At least your comp isn't a compaq presario with about 7 gb's of harddrive space...I'm so old fashioned...

ill bet you 3000 dollars i have worse :D


Pentium II

266 Mhz

32 mb memory

2,3 GB harddisk

Monster 3DII


the only thing good about my comp is that i have ADSL!

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

well my comp is just a screwed up comp..... for all the things i use it for.... it is beneath it...... the thing has problems all the time... it doesn work right........ *kicks comp again*


Okay here we go:


QUESTION NUMBER ONE: Did you put all the Mysteries of the Sith stuff into one separate folder (should be named "MotS"?)


Answer this question...and if needed I will ask more...and hopefully we can figure out what is wrong :D

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