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Aresenian main titles Special Edition

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LOL!!!!! Awesome!! :D


You should make a Special Special Edition that adds on something witty about some of the forum members :D


Oh, and the subtitles are awesome...that means I can show my Mexican (English-challenged) friends, and they can get it :D

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Keiran_Halcyon:I didn't start it, well in fact I did, but it was not my intention.

Redwing: That's what they all say.

Wraith 8: Yeah... even redwing sais so all the time.

Redwing: I do??????

Wraith 8: Yeah you always say that you didnt do it.

Redwing: Well...I didn't.

Wraith 8: That's what they all say.

Redwing: Why you little.


hahahahha lol... that was fun

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