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This is sad, how most people actually saber fight. *READ*


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I was in a server (I'm always using saber, unless someone else uses an Area of Effect weapon against me, in which I also switch to a weapon) and was dueling people. Eventually, something bothered me about everyone trying to defeat me, but I wasn't quite sure what it was.


I finally stopping attacking, and STOOD there IN place. The other person was ALL over the place swinging left and right, doing flips, rolling around, twirling in circles...but he NEVER hit me! I just stood there, watching him has he danced around all over the place. He EVENTUALLY got close enough, where I just kicked him ONCE and he died.


Man, all that effort...poor guy.


Guys, come on. Let's have some REAL saber fights in duels. Stop swinging randomly hoping for a lucky hit.


TO those who DON'T do this, this isn't meant for you.

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:D I love the berserkers


Nothings cooler than standing there with them going nuts, then quickly going in, making one good strike and landing then just standing there again. Kinda like a bull and a matador After a few of these they will realise how much they suck and either quit or ask for help.


At least these guys are keen to get dirty tho. Unlike the all too common backwards running drain/grippers.

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Yes, it must seem odd. Can I just ask...the next time you see one of these, watch for their ping during the game at the end of a match. If it's quite high, that may be an explanation...because I'm probably guilty of this myself at times. With heavy lag, and forced into a saber fight...I usually just go in swingin'-and-grinnin' hoping for a lucky hit. Saber defence against an opponent you see intermittently skipping across the screen is a tad difficult. :D


And sometimes the server spends half a minute catching up with all your actions...so it looks like a demented Russian dance... :D

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sings "can can, can you do the can can" while doing the can can while playing JO while typing this post while typing while while wondering if i spelt while right while i think the word while looks abit funny while messing with my wang clip

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Originally posted by VSAF

sings "can can, can you do the can can" while doing the can can while playing JO while typing this post while typing while while wondering if i spelt while right while i think the word while looks abit funny while messing with my wang clip


Which brings us to out next point everyone. Don't do crack.

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ROFLMAO!! :p -I have run across alot of those cheap-saber wh0rez on bad-crack you speak of as well! -I usually just stand there with my saber off for a minute or so watching the show while occasionally rolling outta the way a couple times before I just put them out of thier blind-rage misery:rolleyes: :D

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Stranger yet is the fact that the bots are programmed to be even worse; at Jedi Master difficulty, they'll spend half the time running around you if you stand still, and if you face them for a while they'll often run up to you and swing until they die from idle saber impact. The SP bots are nothing like this, and I don't think it's because of the different saber system either.

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You know, some people are just kind of lame.. Whilst some people could be criticised for not fighting in a sane way, you're also kind of doing the online equivalent of taking the pi*s out of disabled people here... (a slight exaggeration maybe..)


The fact is God didn't exactly hand out talent in equal measures...

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and some people may have just learnt how to roll/dive/do flips/wall walk etc. and it is pretty fun so maybe they are just doing those moves just for the sake of doing them and/or trying to make those moves automatic (i.e. practising them).. when the novelty wears off, they will start using the moves in a rational way


its the same in any game when you learn some new move or something new in the game (for example long-jumping and tau-jumping in Half-Life, dodging + shock combo in UT, strafe jumping and rocket jumping in Quake 3) many people will be doing it all the time just for the sake of it and just because its something new + fun, and when it has become automatic and they are used to it people will start thinking when is the good time to do each move etc

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yeah that's true

I've been accused of bunny hopping, when I was just trying to learn the medium stance special move in mp. It's a lot harder to do than in sp. I hardly ever do it now coz more times than not I'll just hop up in the air and get cut down. I wish they could make the distance-from-opponent a bit broader so it was easier to pull off.


but ah well :)

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It is nearly impossible to hit someone with the medium special attack.


Heh, I went RIGHT Up to an AFK and did it point blank range 3 times and it never hit them. Only good if someone plans on running through you..which is...never?



To others, no, this person was all "uber" and crap, he's the ultimate saber fighter, fear me, try to kill me. That kind of person....well, he sucked...period. He never even hit once.

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i kind of like to use the heavy stance, especially on lower lag servers.... it seems to me there is more skill involved, and it doesnt seem to be all random uber fast hitting all the time... though for some odd reason, ppl dont like it when you kill them with heavy, i guess its cheap because it reaquires more skill to use? or maybe its the one hit kills they dont like :D

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Heavy stance... more skill involved? Are you joking? Everyone just runs around doing the jump-downslash finishing move lol. Even if they don't do that they just do wide arc slashes that can kill in a hit or 2.


If you ask me heavy stance is WAY over powered.. either that or we just haven't figured out the 'finishing move' of light and medium. I prefer medium if I'm fighting someone using heavy.. although I tend to get in more hits over all using anything but that and your just nicking them... plus the ducked/upward slash move catches a lot of poeple off guard.

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

It is nearly impossible to hit someone with the medium special attack.


Heh, I went RIGHT Up to an AFK and did it point blank range 3 times and it never hit them. Only good if someone plans on running through you..which is...never?


Its quite cool if you can pull them (with them ending up on the ground) and then doing it, pushing pushes them too far and they'd be able to get up and react by the time you're floating in the air.


The coolest looking special move, but far. :)

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