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Open Poll: Favorite MP FPS


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I was just wondering what your favorite multi-player first person shooter game is, excluding Jedi Outcast (if it is your favorite). Are you more inclined to play tactical games like Tribes or Rainbow Six, or more run, gun, and blast games like Q3, UT, etc?

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I used to play some RUNE online...but most of my online experiences have not been good...disconnected servers and the like. :(


Jedi Outcast is the only game I've managed to actually play for any length of time online. Still get some Connection Interrupted messages, pings of 999, and disconnections...but when it works, it works quite well. I had resigned myself to just having bot matches, but now I don't have to. :)

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Originally posted by acdcfanbill

as of right now, Jedi Knight, but in 5 years ill tell you if it has changed to JO :D



I actually like JK better than JO, but my all-time favorite MP is Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. Of course, JO must be by far the best single-player game out there. Probably the only one I really actually liked.

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If I go by how long I played and was with the community and have years of fun with, It would have to be quake1. I thought I was never going to stop playing that. Quake1 had an awsome community, mods, maps, time runs, demos and one of my favorite, custom movies made in the game with voice overs and all. If I go by how much intensity I played it, I would have to say UT. JO is slowing becoming a favorite, but it wont be until they get the SDK out.

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I'm not a big online gamer so I'm not familiar with a lot of the better ones. the last FPS game I played regularly online was Halflife alond with all its expantions and mods. Other than that the only game I played regularly online was Diablo 2 but it's not a FPS. I am completely addicted to JK2 though and play it online as often as i can.

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i have played half-life mods like Action Half-Life (still a favorite), Day of Defeat and Team Fortress Classic. but nowadays i'm playing JO only. i always wanted a game with sword fights and good video, and now here it is :). thus, i'm playing in order to become better a master of the lightsaber :D

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Aliens vs Predator 2 for me. I really like the way each race plays differently, and they have a bunch of really great weapons.


Plus the survivor mode is a total blast when you have marines as the survivor race and predators as the mutate race. Its a hella rush when you're the last marine left and a bunch of invised preds are out for your blood, making your motion tracker go off the hook. :) :) :) :)




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