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Confederate and Republic atributes.


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Guest DarthMaulUK

It's not going to be easy to judge at this early stage, but be sure, Galactic battles.com will be one of, or the FIRST website to have unit information about X-Pack.


Watch out in the Civilisation section of our site.



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I would think one of the basic attributes of the Republic would be kick ass jedi, meaning that they might have some additional jedi upgrades, or maybe could produce jedi slightly cheaper.


The confederates on the other hand seem a little bit more difficult, they may have some of the same advantages that the TF does seeing as how they are a droid army as well. The new super battle droid should be pretty tough as well as a heavy/ repeater trooper, or maybe as a special fortress unit.

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Originally posted by TheMightyJim2k

I would think one of the basic attributes of the Republic would be kick ass jedi, meaning that they might have some additional jedi upgrades, or maybe could produce jedi slightly cheaper.


The confederates on the other hand seem a little bit more difficult, they may have some of the same advantages that the TF does seeing as how they are a droid army as well. The new super battle droid should be pretty tough as well as a heavy/ repeater trooper, or maybe as a special fortress unit.


Repulic jedi?


i was wondering do you even know that the republic is evil

and confedrates good?

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I think that the attributes and the special unit of the republic will be the following:



Strong in : Troops ( they're all clones )

Air ( jedi starfighter, republic gunship )

Mech ( much like the Empire )

Unique Unit : Maybe the jedi starfighter...

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Jedi Starfighter is the Unique Unit for Republic.




The Confeds. are really bad anyway you slice them.

1. They are headed up by Count Dooku, Apprentice to Darth Sid.

2. They hire Jango to KILL Padme! How evil can you get!;)

3. Trade Fed is their biggest benefactor


Republic is bad

1. CLONES!!!:eek:

2. Palpy is the leader

3. The Senate is run by Siddy


So who is the good guy you ask?



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It is the Jedi Starfighter! ;)


The confederacy's UU is the flying Genosian, which is a melee unit.


The Republic will be very strong on Jedi, and Gaber announced tonight that one of the Republic Jedi upgrades will be 'Sight beyond Sight' (by Thundera!) which gives them and their infantry a huge LOS increase!!! I can remember what the increase was specifically but it was HUGE!


The Confederacy sound average by normal standards, but their real use comes in by their use of animal units bought at the animal nursery. These units cost FOOD only, which gives the impression that they are a very aggressive civ, probably good for rushing.

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Sight beyond sight? Hmmm...That sounds a bit corny..How about Sight Linked or Shared Vision?

BTW Duder, where'd Gaber say that the Jedi Starfighter is the unique unit? I've been out of it for a little while :(

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