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Perhaps no Zoom for awhile

Zoom Rabbit

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Well, the last time I was missing in action, folx seemed concerned over what happened to me. This time, I'll post a whole new thread just to let everyone know...Zoom will probably be off-line for a bit. ;)


My roomies and I are returning this expensive rent-to-own computer to its true owners due to lack of money. :D If I can get my antiquated comp to run on cable service, I should be back online soon. If not, then I may be down my rabbit hole for an extended period...


So. :) Don't panic. I'm fine, and will be back to XWA just as soon as I can. Zoom out.

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are you kidding me, if there was no aol, then there would be no x-wing alliance, then when zoom needs to communicate the only person who will have to listen to this rabbit gone mad will be me.noooooooooooooo. seriously though, i sure am glad we are still on line. now the only problem we have is me and my double dolphins, denise and dana. wow its so hard to type when they want to eat lunch........hey stop getting me wet....gotta go. a great big rasta asta to all

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PT, you are one strange little human... ;)


Come June 28, after my free trial is up, AOL is FIRED! :mad: Their service now could suck a brass duck through ninety feet of garden hose. When it logs on, it inundates the screen with pop-ups so bad I just automatically minimize it and use explorer. :rolleyes: The worst part is when I try to close the darn thing. It makes you sit while it downloads some mysterious nonsense--telling the computer to shut down doesn't work. It fiendishly takes over and overrides your instructions So far, I've just been manually turning the machine off.


:p Zoom wins, you AOL internet pimps.

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Zoom, you wouldn't mind letting an highly volatile gas stake claim to your couch at night in exchange for some of himself to make your car go faster?


This explosion in a bottle is looking for a new place of residence...

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit



My computer wouldn't do the cable thing. :rolleyes:


...AOL still works, though. :D Slow, though. I'd gotten spoiled.


What kind of cable modem is it? Ethernet cable modems should work on pretty much anything, mines running off a 333 atm but i have a p100 that could do it. If its a USB modem then i don't know.

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