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Heavy Stance Complainers - Great news from DEV!!! Woot!!!


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Originally posted by Risk18

What servers does everyone play on that DFA is so bad? Backstab spammers are far more annoying.


Heavy stance gets knocked down with push/pull/kick all of the time. Usually some DFA spammer just gets ignored or blasted.


Pull/Backstab spammers are the worst imo. I see "assfighters" all the time now. Sometimes it's escapeable, but most of the time it's not. There's also a bug with the Light-backstab doing full damage even while you are in front of the person(as the saber goes into ready position)


Way to reply 1 - 2 months behind on an obsolete thread.



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Basically a light stance person gets 4 times the points as a heavy stance person - so that person is rewarded for having to use skill.


LOL since when did heavy stance require no skill? Are you joking? You have to use precise timing and aim while trying to avoid the damn throw whores. DFA is very hard to use since you can move and its only good as a surprise move.


Hey, I think all of the stances require skill to use but hasn't it always been known that a n00Bs can use Light and just start pressing buttons wildly to get a few kills. So if any stance requires "less" skill to use its light.

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When will you people realize, the game isnt perfect... never will be. STOP E-MAILING RAVEN ALL BECUSE YOU CANT FIND THE WAY TO COUNTER AN ATTACK!


DFA: The guys jumping at you, how hard is it to do a side step or roll


BackSlash: were do i start? the "turn on protect before he hits you" trick works, push them... mmm dont get pulled... stay away from there backs... Trust me... when it comes to CTF i'm one of the better players, i deal with back stabers all the time and i use it when i feel the need to *out-hoe* the hoes.


mmm btw... for all you darkie whiners out there... you can LISTEN for when there absorb goes off... then you have your chance to grip/drain/shock/pull what ever...



mmm teh lite syde i yews...

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Originally posted by D'akt Sangwar


its not the fact we dont like it (which we dont) its the fact that it is totally unbalanced


And your reasoning for calling it unbalanced?

Could it be that you are fragged too many times by heavy stance users because of any lack of defensive movement on your part?



I use medium, light AND red stance ...and have no problems countering any of them....but if I get beaten by someone using one or all of those stances in a duel, I do not presume that it must be because of some unbalanced gameplay issue, but rather a lack of skill or luck on my part.


but, then again, I don't play on dad's cable modem either...

most of the whiners most likely do......

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