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What do u want the next planet to be?

Crazy_dog no.3

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Yeah, back to what I was saying about Hoth. Many of you think it is pointless, but think about it. If you have a big bounty on you, you could go hide out on Hoth. lay low for a while or something like that. Sure, traders and such wouldn't have much use for Hoth, but hell traders won't have much use for anything but the city areas of planets. Well, I guess they may need to get goods, but they will probably get them through farmers and stuff. but as for Hoth, people could build homes there and use them as hideaways. After all, a bounty hunter would have a hard time finding you there, and even if they did there's always the whole wampa/russian winter thing going on so it would be hard for them to reach you even if they knew where you were.

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