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Indy Jones 4 To Start Production This June!?

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You read that right! Harry, from aint-it-cool.com, "whom I trust" just recieved word that Indy 4 may begin productions as early as this June!


Check out what he has to say,



Is INDIANA JONES 4 set to start production this June?


Hey folks, Harry here... I know this may indeed sound like a lot of ********, but this source has been dead on right on a couple of scoops in the past... PLUS... I have a second source that confirmed that movement directly related to this project moving forward has been initiated in the production side of things. The second source, which I can't divulge was very solid on this. So take it with a tad of salt, but realize... the rumor has some pretty strong legs at this stage. Here's Buster (not the previous name the scooper has taken)...


Hey Harry, came off the set of Catch Me If You Can this past week and I can't say who, but someone very very up there did indeed reveal that Indiana Jones 4 will not be happening as everyone thinks in 2004. It goes before camera this June! When you think about the hints, it makes sense... George Lucas saying, "if I finished episode two this week I have to start on Indy 4 next week". There is Spielberg's free time. Plus Ford not yet signed on anything for the summer. Trust me on this one, Indy 4 starts shooting soon. Call me "Buster".




Keep your fingers crossed everyone!

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Harry from aint-it-cool.com comes through again!


Sean Connery to return as Henry Jones Sr! & Possible Release Date!


Hey folks, Harry here... I've been hearing a lot of news about the fourth Indiana Jones film since the posting I put up. Plans are solidifying, but not so quickly to start shooting this summer. They do have a writer and they are looking to see this as coming about July 4th, 2004 and if there are delays, same date 2005. The writer they have has yet to be confirmed by me, so I'll stay silent on it at the moment, but it wouldn't be the first time he's tinkered with the character. Ahem. And it is being set out to top all previous Indy Stories. We'll see. However, while the script is being written the storyline apparently exists (I'm working on it!). We've heard that it entails at least a scene with Indy's previous loves. And now... Henry Jones Sr! Here ya go....


Sean Connery (in Italy to recieve an achievment from italian television) told yesterday to italian journalists that probably he will play again the role of Indy's farther.



The rumors is that the writer is Tom Stoppard.




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