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WeiRd kWesTioNs

Lord Helmet

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Gavor, that's a request and not a question. Getting to the point, the only "d00dspeak" I see is mike's saying "ya" instead of "yeah". First off this is an online forum. People use "d00dspeak" because they find it easier to type. Second, if it was mike you were referring to, back the f!ck off. Look at the post numbers kid. He has something like 273 over you. He's been here for a while, you're a new comer. Don't go off telling people what to do when you have a grand total of 6 posts, even if it makes your arms twitch. It's just not kosher.

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1. Joke

2. WeiRd kWesTioNs was the speak referenced

3. You're pedantic. Yes ok, its a request.

4. Abbreviations are different to d00dspeak. (ya not yeah is an abbreviation anyway)

5. I like Mike, and i wasn't meaning him. He probably has a sense of humor though and wouldnt have cared if i did.

6. A lower number of posts doesnt make me a lesser person.


Don't get all riled up. Sorry you misunderstood my post.

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If you fired a gun at a mirror would the bullet bounce back?




I think the lightsaber (if it didn't vaporize the water) might "appear" to bend as does any long length object that is put in water but thats probably the extent.


Now you of course wouldn't even need to ask these questions about one of my highly affordable yet strangly durable blasters!







Rich Bastard



"Hey kid, wanna buy a blaster?"

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Sorry gaovr, I was in a pissy mood. I did jump my gun, I'm just tired of people coming into forums and stuff all young and green and then acting like they can tell others what to do.....I know it doesn't mean you are less of a person, but in the given case it's still frustrating

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No problem. After reading my post it's easy to interpret it as a 'my way is better than yours' style whinge. It's hard to get tone across in forum posts.

Unless I sound angry just assume my posts are good-natured :). Once again i'm impressed by how nice people here are. The Aces High forum I used to post to was very er, bad tempered and abusive I guess would be the best description. I try hard not to tell people what to do. Now. Lets talk SWG instead!

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boys boys boys.... im away for one day and you start killing new members :D.


hi there....


you know what you should do when you dont want it to sound all serious? use some more smilies :D :D :p;)

i do :D


and yes these are very friendly boards.. mostly because the boards arent that busy yet... but in time i think this forum will be flooded with people just like the JediknightII boards were :D

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In JKII the lightsaber turns off if you hold it into the water, so I'll guess it'll be the same in SWG.


But the whole concept of the lightsabre is ofcourse...ridiculous. But its really, really, really cool. I think, logicwise, it should go on forever.....but I'm willing to shut down the tiny logic center in my brain for this.

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Posted by Zendjir:

In JKII the lightsaber turns off if you hold it into the water, so I'll guess it'll be the same in SWG.

That's when the handel is submerged, not if the blad touches the water. :)



Lightsabers basically consist of a handel, a powersource and 1 or more crystals that the energybeam goes thru. The crystals used also determine the color of the blade.


The blade extends out from an emitter in the center of the handel about a meter, then arcs back along itself to the negative charged High-Energy Flux Aperture around the edge of the handel. This creates a closed energy loop and is why lightsabers can be ignited for years without re-charging, as long as it does not touch anything.


Only when the loop is broken will the powercells begin to drain noticably.

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Because that would be highly impractical. Simple as that. COME ON! Lucas had NOT studied 5 years of light and particle physics when he wrote the screenplay :) If it went on unhindered, it would be like a non-stop laser gun. And that would suck in the movies. Aight?

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

Eeeh, Mr. Dog?


Did you miss my last post? :D


I think you're getting confused here. It isn't about lighting them forever, but that the end comes to a stop. The diamter of the blade is the same throughout, so logically it should never end. You'd light it and the sabre would reach into infinite, cutting through the universe. :)


Naturally it wouldn't be in a straight line, because gravity would bend it.

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Hmmm, I see I'll have to underline and refrase abit:


The blade/beam extends out from an emitter in the center of the handel about a meter, then arcs back along itself to the negative charged High-Energy Flux Aperture around the edge of the handel. This creates a closed energy loop - and is also why lightsabers can be ignited for years without re-charging, as long as it does not touch anything.


Now do you see?

The end doesn't come to a stop - it arcs back to the handel on the outside, then comes out of the center again. ;)

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