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My first attempt at a poem..


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A hippo ate my monkey

Danced really funky

It ate my bed

And stood on my head

It called my friends up on the telephone

Ate Spiderman when the movie shown

Four spiders crawled down the wall

That crazy hippo ate them all

It ate a tube of purple paint

Collapsed on the floor in a dead faint

Turned green, yellow and blue

Barfed up ten frogs plus two

Cloned itself

Ate itself

Pink pastel Crest strips

One too many acid trips

Ate a joystick

Made itself sick

Ate computers till it cried

But when it ate the 14th Death Star, it...died

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Eye have a spelling chequer,

It came with my Pea See

It has many marques from my review,

Mistakes Eye cannot Sea,

Works in this Thread two!


[Ok, I stole from the newspaper a few years back. It still made me laugh]

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I'm sick of all the greed,

I'm sick of all the hate,

I'm sick of they we treat eachother,

every single day.


I'm sick of all the pain,

from oh so long ago,

I'm sick of all the torment,

That "god" deemed to put me through.


I'm sick of being kicked,

cast off to the side,

Just because I'm not the strongest,

or the most popular guy.


I'm sick of all the time

The time i spend alone,

while your out having fun,

and i am stuck at home.


I'm sick of all the time,

That i have helped you.

I'm sick of all the time,

that i wasted on you.


Part of me wishes,

that all that was for something

but when i see you with him,

I'm honestly sick of trying.


I wished that i had never meet you,

that i was still care free,

And i wouldn't have to worry

about you every single day.


I'm sorry for not being someone,

who's "perfect" and unflawed.

I'm sorry for being somone,

who just really, really cared.



And Original work by me.


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