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Types of goverment ...


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Right now I'm working on a merit badge that requires you to show 5 different types of goverment on the world map. Sorry to sound un-educated but are there any absolue monarchys or dictatorships now days? I haven't been keeping track of the news untill a year or two ago.



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China's communist not Dictator.. same with Cuba


I would say Afghanistan, but thanks to US intervention you may not get your Merit Badge,


Iraq is a Dictatorship so is Iran and Pakistan etc...

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I'm not too sure on Iran but I'm 95% sure Pakistan is.. Its ruled by a Military General which equals dictatorship..


Communism is a real form of government, I mean its (Kinda) practiced today right?

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USA: Constitutional Federalist Republic :) :) :)


France: Constitutional Republic


Britain: Constitutional Monarchy


* Saudi Arabia: Absoulte Monarchy *


* Pakistan: Military Dictatorship *


China: Communist Oligarchy


* Cuba: Communist Dictatorship *


Iran: Theocracy (Rule by Religious Authority)


- I'm a Political Science Major, so these are accurate.

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Aren't Iran and Pakistan monarchies. Oh, and China and Cuba are in theory cummunist countries, but in true communism there isn't a government at all. So they are more of a dictatorship than communist country.


What happened with the communism was that the idea of "you get the same amount of money even if you don't work as hard" failed because the people were lazy humans. "Oh, if it is the same how much we work, then why work that much at all?". Thus, Stalin was forced to recruit an MP army to keep the workers busy, and well....


However, I have this theory that if only a country is communism for long enough, people will start realising that they need to work harder and it will stabilize (US democrats: don't flame me for this). In Norway, we don't have grades in elementary school (as everyone at the same age are supposed to b in the same grade level), but the elementary school kids still do all of their work. All we get back from doing well is knowing we answered everything correctly on that quiz last week, or that the teacher puts a nice little sticker in our books. Kind of similar to communism that way, but again, don't flame me.

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