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ASS Fighters.


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Geez I thought DFA was bad. There are tons more people using the ASS Fighting moves.


How sad is it that you have to run backwards into a fight to win it.


It really says a lot about the community.


Raven did there best to balance the sabers to no avial.

There are new lamers in town.


I thought after the patch people might actually be forced to develop some skill.


It wont suprise me if everyone just tells me that the move isn't really that great or I'm a newb that can't deal. They did the same thing for DFA. EVERYONE is using it and damn its pathetic.


I could usually keep up with or beat the DFAers in a FFA its not even close with ASS fighters. I'm in the middle and everyone above me is an ass fighter.


So now I will probably only play rarely while I wait for a new patch.


Congratulations ASS fighters if you wanted to really ruin the community its working. A game this good deserves far more players than it has.

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As has been stated before, this move existed in 1.02. People were just too busy doing DFA to bother with learning this move. But when they made DFA fair and balanced, some jackasses out there decided to go looking for a NEW one-hit kill. Then they started spamming it on the servers. Then OTHER jackasses watched them, and THEY started spamming it. And you know what? It spreads. Like a virus.


I wonder if people like this actually have fun doing that, or if they get bored with just seeing who can do the cheapass move first to see who wins. I wouldn't even mind if the game was based on ALL one hit kills, IE: ANY sabre hit is a kill, but I really don't think there should be ANY one hit kills in this game, given the way the rest of the sabre fighting is set up. I don't mind if they have heavily damaging moves, but those moves need to have corresponding costs to them. IE: what happened with DFA -- you do the move, you leave yourself open. Better hope you hit dead center. The problem is, the backstabs are unblockable, they don't leave the player vulnerable, and they cause an instant kill.


People will now run backasswards towards you, wait until they reach an obstacle, and use the move. If it's a player, they kill them instantly. If it's a wall, they just turn and run backasswards in a different direction. And god forbid there's any kind of cluster in a game. you KNOW whoever is in the center will do the backstab move with medium stance and sweep around killing everyone. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind having a backstab in the game. I think it's cool to have. And there are ways to counter it, or at least not get killed by it. But, a backstab should not be the most effective attack. That's not what we call balance.


Still, Raven knows this is a problem and will be tweaking the move. They've said as much on these boards.


My suggestions for avoiding this problem are:


1.) Find reliable servers where the regulars don't use the move.

2.) Use long range attacks (throw, grip, lightning -- especially lightning, or ranged weapons) to kill the enemy.

3.) Vote the person who does it off the server.


Personally, I don't think the backstab moves as they exist should be allowed in the game. I try not to do them, unless it happens by accident. The reason being that if one person sees someone else do it on a server, three minutes later, EVERYONE is doing it, except maybe the people who aren't doing it out of protest.


I played against this one skillless whore last night who went by the name of [AoD]Funboy. I initiated a vote to kick him off, but only one other person voted yes. Two people voted no, and the rest didn't vote. I guess they didn't mind having the move spammed on them. Anyway, this little prick was racking up the kills, UNTIL some OTHER guy started doing the exact same move to him. At that point, he started getting killed a lot more. Plus, since this was team FFA, we managed to gang up on him. One guy gripped him, and the rest of us threw our sabres at him or lightninged him. He had absorb, but I guess he had been too busy pulling people to have any force power left. I laughed and laughed and laughed.


On a personally satisfying note, I DID manage to kill him by kicking him. THAT felt great. BOOT TO THE HEAD!


Anyway, Raven's aware of this, and the next patch will likely address this issue. For the time being, I can generally avoid the problem, and if I see a guy doing it, I'll just stay away from him. My goal in the game is to have fun sabre fights, because that's what I enjoy most. Ideally, I'll win those fights, but if I don't, no biggie. So, ultimately, I don't care if these little bastards are at the top of the score list. My problem with them is that fighting them is no fun and is pointless. Therefore, I just avoid them if I see them on a server.

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yeah, that attack sucks, but imagine if raven just took it out, it really is a great way to suprise people (notice i said suprise, and not run backward)...the time it takes to recover after that kind of attack is a long time, and thats why it deals more damage, so as soon as you see it, you have time to hit them with a heavy blow

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I just hope they fix it.


Quick like.


I too wonder if they actually have fun doing that crap.


I think they honestly believe they are good when they get a lot of kills doing it.


Maybe I should adjust my goal in games.


I'm pretty focused on winning FFA's.


I don't know why. I don't get any REAL satisfaction, aside from telling myself..... "hey I didn't have to use any cheap moves to win the game" But usually its just beating up on n00bs and one move whores. Now with the new ass fighters I don't even win usually.


I think I will try to adjust my focus but it will be difficult.


Maybe I'll stick to duel servers, though I hate waiting and you still see ass fighters in those.


or be one of those guys running around looking for duels on FFA's. I never understood those guys before. Now I do.

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hi all, i'd just like to give my view on the backstab move since i still like it.

first of all, i'm not the greatest saberist and it's not my intention of spamming anything, the blue backstab is so slow i rarely hit anything with it anyways.


i like it cos it looks very cool that's about the whole reason and when i do kill someone in one hit with it, i feel pretty happy about it cos i deserved the kill, it only happens to me once or twice a night anyway so i can't be using that move in a very lame way i think.


also i don't do the backwards ass thing you described but i do sometimes try to jump over my opponents head, land behind him and then do the backstab.

but the way i see it, it takes a little time to jump oversomeone, it takes a little time to judge if i didn't jump too far over him and it takes time to complete the backstab animation.

so if by that time the guy is still in the close up spot right behind me, he didn't really moved now did he and who stands frozen on the spot in a duel anyways.

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It is SOOO fitting, and reminds me of that episode on shockwave.com of eric cartman and I think Kyle sumo wrestling...


"Master his ass... is... too great!!!"




"There is indeed great power in your ass Eric."


the best part about "Ass fighers" as I think I call them from now on, is that at least DFA was somewhat, oh I dunno... REMOTELY cool looking?


But ass fighters is so fitting because they literaly ARE fighting with thier ass...


Basically we have all gotten what we asked for... the total wastes of sperm and egg will finaly have a big sign over thier head saying: "I have to wear a helmet on the bus to school!"


And not only that but they look SO, I dunno... undignified using the "Ass stance..." Nice call even if it Is obvious heheh.


P.S. the backstab itself is cool as all hell, it's just the running backwards shoving your big bulbus ass in my face that is how shall I say it... more befitting of a SW spoof than a SW game?

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rofl.. nothin like being in a saber only ffa and everyones in close fighting and some loser does a backslash and kills 3 people at once.



hell i was INFRONT of the guy when he did a backslash and i died.... i dunno how the hell that happened.






its simple... dont get behind the guy... i do just like i did with dfaers... i ran in circles and always kept moving, then they are forced to fight.



i had a GREAT ffa saber no force fight for like an hour and everyone fought cool except one guy who we always gangbanged quick who spammed the one move. i fought another guy constantly who was very tough and only used that move once that i saw, we had a hell of a lot of fun.

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I think the lesson we learned from the patch is that unless every move is "balanced" to the point of being completely useless, people will still spam.


They can ruin the backstab and people will spam lightning. They can take away lightning and people will spam saber throw. They can spoil saber throw and people will spam something else.


And you know what? The problem isn't with the game, or the "lamerz" who are doing the spamming. It is with the other players who sit there and let them spam. One would think that knowing what moves your opponents like would be a huge advantage, but self-proclaimed "skilled" players will walk right into DFAs or backstabs, KNOWING that they are coming. Spamming isn't actually a problem, unless you're an idiot.


If only there was a way Raven could balance out idiocy in games, because that's whats ruining it.

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"ASS Fighters" very funny. :D


I don't have a problem with them, they'll get board and go away.........


That is probably why you can't increase your FOV beyond 110, otherwise you could see everyone behind you as well as in front.

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I haven't had that much experience with this yet, but I don't think it is bad for this to be a one hit one kill move if they change 2 things:


1. Make it so you can't spin during the move, so your aim better be good.


2. Since the backstab is an unblockable move, any attack from the rear to someone performing a backstab should also be unblockable & a one hit one kill move. This way if you try to backstab me & I move to the side (making you miss) & slash crossways above your poking saber (where you can't block it), you either get cut in half or lose your head. And if I don't move to the side quick enough & we both execute our moves at the same time, then we both die! This would make things more fair, yet still fun as hell, I think.

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I think i'm on the same level as you guys in that the backstab has it's place in a fight and that's when in a fight your opponent gets behind you to attack and you need to strike first, i have always thought of it as a defensive mode as opposed to an offensive move, i mean ASS fighting (lmao) that's too much, are people more exposed to force powers when they are coming at you backwards? i mean would a good push send them sprawling? i'll have to test that.

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backstabbers are just doing what it takes to win. There is nothing wrong with using everything in the game to win. How can you honestly expect people just to tie their hands behind their back because of what you perceive of as honor and skill. Skill ultimately means who gets the most kills in FFA and duels. If you don't agree then you're just judging people's skills by some unquantifiable properties that suit your purpose.


This is a problem with the game not the people. There needs to be some incentive not to backstab other than "someone might think I'm being cheap," some delay or punishment plus not killing in one hit. Until then peoplw will still do it to win and I don't see why they shouldn't.

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Really, backstabbing points should be at least cut in half. However that's not the only problem. The problem now is also kicking. You can't really swing a lightsabre at someone who is kicking you all the time, since every kick blocks the move you make with a lightsabre. I think that the kicking damage should be reduced to take out 2hp per kick, or to abolish the kick totally.

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I think it's a good move to have in the game, I just don't think there should be ANY one hit kill moves, unless ALL moves are one hit kills. Now THAT would be a cool mod. If you get touched by the sabre, you're toast. It'd make for pretty fast fights, I think, although people would play quite defensively. Shields could protect you, but when they were gone, you'd be dead as a doornail.


If they tone down the damage that the backstab deals out and make it so you can't spin, I'll have no problem with the move.


As far as people spamming sabre throw, I can block that no problem. Spamming lightning is no problem either, as long as you have absorb at a level equal to the level of the lightning user. I think it's fair that lightning will still damage you if your level of absorb is lower than their lightning level.


If they fixed the backstab, I'd say the game'd be perfect. AND well balanced. Sure there'll always be people who try to spam one move, but most of the other moves that they could spam aren't that dangerous. The DFA was never that dangerous as a move, per se, it was the bugginess of the move that was the problem. The new DFA works just fine. If someone wants to spam that, bring it on, man. If you kill me, good kill. You caught me off guard or used the move effectively. But the backstab in its current form has got to go.


Regardless, Raven knows about this and is working to fix it. how they fix it exactly remains to be seen.

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Originally posted by =SSC=Kal-El

Really, backstabbing points should be at least cut in half. However that's not the only problem. The problem now is also kicking. You can't really swing a lightsabre at someone who is kicking you all the time, since every kick blocks the move you make with a lightsabre. I think that the kicking damage should be reduced to take out 2hp per kick, or to abolish the kick totally.


The kick doesn't bother me as much now.


But it seems like everyone in this community is out to abuse one thing or another.


They are destroying the little community that is now left.


Pre-patch I ran into a lot of kick whores. You are right you couldn't hit them. Even if you did they would still kick you down.


Now I've seen people who only throw their saber, they just wait for you to swing then throw.


These one move whores are so ****ing boring to play against. How is whoring one move fun? Do these morons think they are good?


I've basically quit while I wait on a new patch. But I'm afraid once they finally nerf all these whore moves they will find another way to kill that doesn't require any skill.


I think I can say after playing many many games, that this is one of the worst communities I have ever seen. Seems like everyone is bent on finding one move to whore. This backswing thing is a plauge EVERYONE is using it.

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I've found one way to beat ass masters. It works especially well with the pull-'n'-stab maneuver.


The solution?





Sing it with me now!


"People spamming the backstab move...give 'em a boot to the head!"


Yes, I found the kick to be more than effective in both evading and pissing off the competition. Usually they don't bother to do the kick, since they're so intent on spamming the backstab. So play as a lightside jedi, turn on absorb, and start kicking!


Also, if you do happen to get pulled, remember, you can do a kick as you get up.


It won't necessarily kill the guy, but it'll sure irritate 'em. Plus, since a lot of them can't do the kick (I guess doubletapping is too hard), you can pretty much kick them ad nauseum. Which, to me, seems poetic justice. If someone's gonna do a cheap move on me over and over, I'll do a cheap and GOOFY move on them over and over.


Finally, it's ESPECIALLY satisfying when you manage to get a kill from the boot to the head. :)

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one thing to remember, when you see a ass fighter just jump over em or go to the side to avoid!

another great thing to do is use grip and hold them low...someone will come along and saber him for ya ...so wht if you dont get the kill makes the ass fighter think twice next time he wants to do it! :)

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Originally posted by Raven_Xwing

one thing to remember, when you see a ass fighter just jump over em or go to the side to avoid!

another great thing to do is use grip and hold them low...someone will come along and saber him for ya ...so wht if you dont get the kill makes the ass fighter think twice next time he wants to do it! :)


I play NF mostly.

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Originally posted by idlemind

backstabbers are just doing what it takes to win.


Really now?


DFAers were doing the same thing, and obviously someone whined about it until we got this patch.


Back off of a FFA someday (stand on a ledge) and watch. It's amazing. Plus it's got a bug in it.


The reason this is going to be MUCH worse than DFA is simple. I've been in many games where someone wants to know how they can do that 'heavy jump' thing, and if it's a descent server, someone would show them (or not). How many times would you have to ask how you can walk backwards hunched over while pushing a button?


Rejoice nOObs! This patch is for YOU!

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To be fair, the backstab WAS in 1.02. People just didn't do it because these same little bastards who spam this move now, were too busy doing DFA instead. Now that they've got an even easier version of it, they spam that.


I played on a server tonight where people did NOTHING but that move. I think I stayed on it for maybe a grand total of 3 to 5 minutes before I said, "the hell with this. What's the point?"


Raven will fix this, I think, though. Look how they handled the last patch. If that's what they believe is the right way to play, then you can bet the ass masters' days are numbered.

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