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Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

uhmm i think the arm got cut off and everything burned closed... so the couldnt restore his arm.


The term is cauterized. And it burns off everything, nerve endings and all. They could probably graft new ones on, but whatevah.

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Allready saw it 3 times by Monday evenig.


2nd time, i was starting to get bored for the parts between thebegining chase, and When Obi-wan Goes after Jango.


3rd time i almsot fell asleep wit hte whole Naboo romance thing.


Hayden, did not do a good acting on the scenese that NEEDED the good acting, mainly after he got his mother. I blame the director for that. I think MS. Protman did a great job


No need to have 3p0 on Genosis, it was distracting


I figured out the main problem i have with Jar-Jar is the way he talks. maybe we can get James Earl jones to do voice overs on him :D I think Jar-Jar is a better character... but he is sitll there for the kiddies.


I wish the Yoda fight scene was a bit longer, and yoda was actaully able to do something to dooku... maybe chop something of HIS off.


Favorite nute quote "She can't do that! Shoot her... or something"

Also his reaction after Padme loses part of her shirt, you can obviousl see him wishing MORE came off then the little scrap around the waist (but it was Only done to expose more skin, for the raving fan boys)


I think one thing everyone is forgeting that was actaulyl done very well thanks to Obi-wan wasthe relationship between Anakin and Obi-wan. Also the many hints of previous adventures.


the Lightsaber fgifhting wasn't all that great.. i mean there was 10 secons whee all you could see were Dookus and anakins faces as sabers clashed. BOORING, i dont know waht that was suppsoe to show, and i couldn't see enough to understand. The non-yoda saber fighting was unrealistic for me, mostly Philpino stick fighting techniques and most of the techniques did not look like they were trying to hurt the opponent, more liek attacking eachothers sabers instead :(


yoda's ears still wiggle like jello.


One scene that i know was cut out involved jar-jar and Yoda, lasted for about 10 minutes:


Jar-Jar: Yousa talk funny

Yoda: you funny talk

Jar-Jar: Yousa talk funny

Yoda: you funny talk

Jar-Jar: Yousa talk funny

Yoda: you funny talk

Jar-Jar: Yousa talk funny

Yoda: you funny talk

Jar-Jar: Yousa talk funny

Yoda: you funny talk


and so on, until palapitine revealed himself and diced jar jar into little ity bits

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Originally posted by Andromeda

i thought Hayden did a stellar acting job. he did the conflicted anakin so well, a job that was extremely difficult to even think about doing, let alone executing it the way he did. i was disappointed with Natalie's performance, but i'm willing to put that down as Lucas's fault at directing instead of her acting abilities,


The writing (not the directing) is what I'm thinking, actually.


Based on discussions I've had with friends, most of the problems in TPM and AotC can be traced back to the writing. Take the courtship scenes. Most of what Anakin and Amidala were saying was bad fairy-tale romantic shtick. They actually acted a remarkably good job when you consider what they must have been working with.


In the OT, Lucas had someone else revise the scripts to get the dialogue right, but now he's (apparently) become convinced that he doesn't need it. And no-one would dare question Supreme Emperor Lucas to his face.


threepio's jokes=irritating after the fifth corny one in a row..."what a drag," and "i'm beside myself" were a bit much.


Agreed wholeheartedly.


It was intended to insert a little levity, but it didn't match the flavour of the OT. It's only in the prequels when we get the slapstic/puns in the middle of the climactic battle sequences.


In future viewings, I'll just write off Threep's comments as Anthony Daniels MST3King his own scene.


What really pulled me out of the movie was the CGI-work. Don't get me wrong, I love CGI in movies if it's doing something that couldn't be done otherwise, but this is at the point of doing CGI effects just for the sake of doing CGI effects.


And it wasn't even good CGI; the cloaks and robes on Jar Jar, Yoda, and a few others made it look like bad video game cinematics. (Remember the second-last cutscene in JK? Jerec's cape "billowing" as he drops into the valley?)

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ahem. My Take

Note: I've seen it ONCE. yes, once and that was more than a week ago. if i start talking about something in the novel, that's because i'm stupid.


here we go:


I liked the pan up. How odd.

Amidala's Amerika Bomber was a thousand times cooler than the SR-71 from last time. I particularly enjoyed the detail work they did on the destruction of it, most notably the collapsed wings. The Amidala decoy thing will never work on me ever, as even with a faceplate I instantly knew it was her. I guess I'm weird or something because I can tell it was her from looking at her LEGS.

Jar Jar was tolerable to me this time. Last time, I was somewhere between seething indifference and burning hatred. That's when Anakin opened his mouth I think. Thus began 'the bad.' In defense of the writing, Anakin has quite literally no experience with the ladies. Amidala doesn't act at all like a 25 year old and probably didn't have a normal childhood, so they're both ****ed up when it comes to the romance crap. They probably were repeating whatever they saw on whatever passes for a sitcom on coruscant.

The Zam Wesell sub-plot was the third best part of the movie. I enjoyed the actual street in front of Dex's. I have absolutely nothing negative to say about that part of the movie and am glad that it created a Zam Wesell action figure that has a detachable arm.

Skip ahead a lot: i giggled at the Lawrence of Arabia cameo shot when they arrived on Naboo. Most of the stuff on Naboo didn't bother me. OMG TEH ROMANCE. Suck it up and remember that you'll get to see pseudo-stormies soon. Hayden and Natalie demostrate their inability to act here a lot. I could have done without that scene with the cow-tick thing that Anakin attempted to ride or wrestle or whatever. I also enjoyed the 'fireplace' dress she had on. Also, Anakin somehow woos Amidala at this point...? Frankly, I don't know how he pulls this off. I can throw a pear at a person too, but that don't mean she's gonna marry me. I was also struck by the fact that the last guy Amidala had an interest in was like when she was ten or something. That part of the movie reminded me a lot of the part of ESB where the Falcon's stuck in the asteroid. Later, that will be known as "the part I always skip when watching the movie."

Oh yeah, I also wanted to cry because of that stupid younglings scene.

Whilst that was going on, Obi-Wan was gallavating around on Kamino. This was the second best part of the movie. The Kaminoans were some of the coolest aliens yet in a SW movie. One point two million soldiers seemed like an awful small number to me though. The Jango vs Obi scene was solid gold.

I hate an loathe Tatooine. I will pretend that part of the movie didn't happen, although if we'd been show more murderizing of sandpeople I would have liked it. I hate them. Qui-Gon's voiceover should have gotten more play in the movie. The novel spoke of it quite extensively and I will spare you the detail because you must read it for yourself. It's THAT big a deal.

We leave Tatooine and head to Geonosis for the best part of hte whole damn thing. Normally, I hate and loathe C-3PO on a level only matched by my legendary dislike of Red China. However, I laughed at threepio this time and immediately prayed for death. The droid assembly line was a neat scene. The arena scenes were the best. I think the CG was superb, but we're so used to it that we SEE it now. If I was to teleport back to 1993 when Jurassic Park came out and saw just the part where the LAATs performed their extraction in the arena, my head would have exploded. I could have watched a whole two hours worth of just the Battle of Geonosis alone. Field artillery in a sci-fi movie! Amazing. Sadly, Yoda does not make a good general. He doesn't convey his ideas swiftly and clearly. I say that the Clone Commander (the dude with the gold on his armor) is who won the day.

What I hated: yoda fighting. yes. i didn't like that. why? I enjoy mexican midget wrestling, and let me tell you, sometimes those guys fly around like ****ing spiderman. seriously. So yoda jumping around like a midget on crack AND speed was something I could not take seriously.


In conclusion:

I adored: the LAAT, the Death Star, Nute Gunray

I hated: crack addict Yoda

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Originally posted by edlib


There! Are you happy now?!?



Sorry, I have no sympathy for anyone who hasn't yet seen the movie who comes to a Star Wars themed web-forum a week after the film is released and opens a thread called "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones" and is shocked when details of the movie are discussed.


The original post had nothing to do with the movie!

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True, the Thread subject was to say what have you achieved during the time lapse between Ep.I and Ep.II


Personally, nothing much exept the fact that I got accepted in the University of Ottawa so watch out Flying Beastie.

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Originally posted by Jem

True, the Thread subject was to say what have you achieved during the time lapse between Ep.I and Ep.II

Yes, while that's true enough, in the usual XWA fashion the thread took off into an entirely new direction within 10 posts to become a Ep. 2 movie review thread.


What's the 'statute-of-limitations' on these kind of things things anyway? I mean, how long does the movie have to out in wide commercial release before we can start talking freely about it without noting every possible spoiler? I would figure a week among hardcore Star Wars fans would be more than enough time.


OK, back on topic... since that seems to be the trend:


In that time span I:


Entered my 30's;

Finally got a good paying-full time job that I don't hate;

And bought a decent computer, new car, and a house (in that order)

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Originally posted by Jem

Personally, nothing much exept the fact that I got accepted in the University of Ottawa so watch out Flying Beastie.




They really will let anyone in here. ;)


j/k, of course, glad to have you within swatting distance. Oh, and don't worry about the construction; hopefully, Laurier St. will begin to reappear sometime in 2003.


For those of you who haven't seen it: yes, that's right, (unrelated) construction projects have successfully wiped out an entire street for ~four blocks. Thing is, the street in question (A) bisects campus and must be crossed (it can no longer be) to reach the administration building, and (B) is the street that I have to walk on to get across the canal and to campus. :rolleyess


My 10-15 minute walk has turned into a half-hour-long trek around two detours, up a hillside, through a debris field, and through the perpetual dust-storm downwind of the debris-field. :mad:

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Originally posted by Flying Beastie



They really will let anyone in here. ;)


You know, I did say to myself exactly the same thing.

They must have made a mistake while they classified those aplication files or something :p

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Saw it yesterday, thought it was pretty good. The Genois(SP) Jedi battle had soooo much unused potential.


Those long-necked cloning aliens were freaking creepy. Their brightly-lit, sterile white endless hallways and soothing voices make them seem like they've all had full frontal lobotomies so no one would get angry or fight or anything.


It's nice to see large-scale military tactics change. Before battle droids marched shoulder to shoulder while slowly advancing and firing, now they space themselves out a foot or two while slowly advancing and firing.


Why call it the Clone War? Why not the Civil War? Or the Droid War?

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Originally posted by Taarkin

Those long-necked cloning aliens were freaking creepy.


I'm probably gonna get flamed for this, but I thought the kaminoans were beautiful, even sexy.


It's those eyes, with the little galaxies instead of pupils. So hypnotic; I could stare into them all day. :cool:


BTW: Taun We's voice was done by (I think) the same woman who voiced Airrazor on Beast Wars: Transformers.

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