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Star Wars Trivia version 1.1

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Lets see, there was of course Vader's flag ship the Executor.


The Lusankya was buried under Coruscant and used as a prison by Ysanne Isard. She later flew it up and out of the planet with devestating results for anyone in the area.


The Iron Fist was Zinj's flagship. He also had another that was destroyed (and he used to fool the New Republic into thinking the Iron Fist was destroyed). Let me see if I can find its name. No, I want to say it was the Razor but that may be totally wrong.


That makes 4. For the life of me I can't think of the 5th.

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What the heck, i'll take a shot.


Executor- Lord Vader's Flagship. Built after the Battle of Yavin. The Imperial Admirals thought it would be another Death Star, and tried to sabatoge it. They sent a message to the Rebels, and Luke Skywalker volunteered to sabotage it. One of the admirals betrayed the others, and led Vader to the meeting place where the admirals and Luke were. Luke escaped with the help of R2, who set off a bunch of steam, and Tanith Shire, a flirty Tug puller at the Fondor ship yards (KDY had nothing to do with it, which annoyed them) The Executor led the attack on Hoth, where Ozzel was killed by Vader for entering too close to Hoth. Piett tookover The Executor chased tje Falcon later, and almost captured it. In Shadows of the Empire, The Executor destroyed a Kotholis shipyard, the Vergresso Asteroid Base, and Fallen's fist. It was the command ship duriing the construction of Death Star II. It was destroyed by A-Wing Pilot Arvyl Cyrnd, who rammed the bridge.


Knight Hammer- Was Admiral Daala's flagship after she killed the bickering warlords. Had a unique armor that made it look black. Attacked Yavin 4. Was crippled by Callista, who flew into the hanger in a TIE Bomber and launched a volley of missiles. It was later destroyed.


Lusankya- Originally called the Executor also. Made at the Kuat Drive Yards. Hidden underground on Coruscant, no one noticed because of Palpatine's Force fogging. Isard used it as a prison and as a place to create her sleeper agents. Inmates included Corran Horn, Jan Dodonna, and Tycho Celchu. Corran escaped, and helped find Jan and the other prisoners. At the battle of Thyferra,it was surrendered to Wedge. Wedge married Corran and Mirax on it. It was recently used against the Vong.


Iron Fist- Zsinji's flagship. Originally called the Brawl. Was given to Zsinji for his quick thinking at destroying every single ship on Dathomir so the Nightsister's wouldn't escape. Zsinji renamed it Iron First in honor of his first command, a Victory Star Destroyer. It was chased by Solo and his taskforce. It was destroyed over Dathomir.


Razor's Kiss- Built at KDY. Zsinji hired several pirate groups to help capture it in a suicide mission including the "Hawk Bats" which was acutually Wraith Squadron. Shalla Nelprin, a Wraith, became part of Zsinji's infiltrating team, and went aboard the Razor's Kiss. She planted a tracking device, and escaped. The Razor's Kiss then was captured by Zsinji. IT was later destroyed by Solo's taskforce. For her part of planting the tracker, Shalla was able to paint half a Super Star Destroyer shadow on her X-Wing. Zsinji recovered the remains of Razor's Kiss and made a mock Iron Fist called Second Death. It was filled with explosives and it had one of the first orbital Nightcloaks. When Solo's force attacked the Iron Fist, Second Death was also there secretly. Zsinji detonated it, while Iron Fist escaped under the shadow of an Orbital Nightcloak. and destroyed almost all of Solo's starfighters. Solo thought that it was the Iron Fist that blew up.

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Ok, I've let this one hang open for about long enough now... I'll tone the difficulty down a bit (and actually check my facts this time :( )


Ok, this questions points go to:


1st Setsuko - 6 points + 5 bonus points!

2nd Jan Gaarni - 4 points

3rd MikeC (even though he only gave 4) - 3 points

4th DashRendar1 - 2 points

no 5th place.


We can all see where Setsuko's bonus points went to, well done that girl...


So the current rankings:


1st. Setsuko 56.7 points

2nd Jan Gaarni 52.9 points

3rd. RoyalGuard 46 points

4th. MikeC 39.9 points

5th. Darth Evad 39 points

6th. Com Raven 22 points

7th. Koffin 7 points

8th. Darth Simpson 6 points

Dash Rendar1 6 points

9th. Rogue15 5 points

Gaalgoth 5 points

10thJman3ooo 1 point


So, as it stands Setsuko's gargantuan post gives her an impressive lead, and Dash makes more progress up the rankings. On to the next question, which should please the purists and be a lot easier to answer...


Question 15:


We all know that Captain Needa was the poor Imperial Officer who apologised so fatally to Lord Vader, but what was the name of the Star Destroyer he (Needa) was commanding at the time? The bonus point for this question will be awarded to the first person to name Needa's less famous cousin, who was instrumental in the New Republic's first conquest of Coruscant.

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Captain Lorth Needa commanded the Star Destroyer Avenger and it was part of Lord Vader's task force, Death Squadron, prior to the Battle of Hoth.


He also has a cousin, Lieutenant Virar Needa, which held command of the OSETS 2711, an Orbital Solar Energy Transfer Satellite above Coruscant.


The Avenger also have an impressive merit, participating in over 440 planetary suppressions since it was commisioned. It has seen 8 different captains in over the course of only 2 years. One captain was Ferdas. It participated in the search for Han Solo's ship under Captain Needa's command, aswell as such famous battles above the sixth planet in the Hoth system and the forest moon of Endor.

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Needa commanded the Star Destroyer Avenger. In ESB The Ion Cannon at Hoth hit it, allowing the first Rebel Transport to escape.

(Officer: Sir, Rebel ships coming into our sector.

Needa: Good, our first catch of the day)


The Avenger is the Star Destroyer that chases the Falcon out of the Asteroid Field, and gives the Executor the "priority signal" (see Bounty Hunter scene)The Millenium Falcon then landed on the back of the bridge of the Avenger when it left the Asteroid Belt, thereby keeping it hidden from the sensors. That's when Needa apologizes to Vader, and meets his end.


Note: According to Book 2 of X-Wing, Needa was actually sympathetic to the Rebels.


Virar Needa commanded the solar panel in Wedge's Gamble. He is a staunch Imperial, even though it was because of his cousin that landed him with such a boring job. When the Rebels invade Coruscant, Needa feels the need to defend his station. His crew, however, didn't share the same sentiment. His station then actually helps the Rebels. His staion reflects a beam of light onto a Golan Station, thereby helping to destroy it.

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hmm technicly he had an even less famous cousin, Bob Needa,


He's a gas station attendant in souther mississippi but you wouldnt know alot about him, he was written out of the will. What would he do with the Avenger anyways?

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Ok, that was quick, maybe a little too easy...


Points: (I'm splitting the bonus point between Jan and Dash - Jan gets 0.5 as he gave the exact station Virar worked on, Dash provided more detail about Virar's role in the fall of Coruscant.)


1st Jan Gaarni 6.5 points

2nd Setsuko 4 points

3rd Darth Evad 3 points

4th DashRendar1 2 points

5th Koffin 1 point


That shakes things up a little bit:

1st. Setsuko 60.7 points

2nd Jan Gaarni 59.4 points

3rd. RoyalGuard 46 points

4th. Darth Evad 42 points

5th. MikeC 39.9 points

6th. Com Raven 22 points

7th. Koffin 8 points

Dash Rendar1 8 points

8th. Darth Simpson 6 points

9th. Rogue15 5 points

Gaalgoth 5 points

10thJman3ooo 1 point


So setsuko just maintains her lead and Darth and Dash both make it further up the rankings.


Question 16:


What Species does the bounty hunter Zuckuss belong to?


Bonus points for:

1 - What air mix he breathes.

1 - Background on the species homeworld.

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The Gands lived on the planet Gand. It was a gaseous planet, which is why Zuckuss had to wear special breathing aparatus.

They were were very 'religious', making sure they carried out rituals when ever it was required of them. It is these rituals that they attribute to helping them find thier prey.

They are very proud of thier abilities as bounty hunters (findsmen as they are known on Gand).

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Zuckuss is a Gand.


He wears a breathing apparatus that gives ammonia. Oxygen is fatal to him. One time, he actually swallowed oxygen, severely scarring his lungs. He had his lungs repaired by the Rebels in return for his and 4-LOM's rescuing of a Rebel Transport after Hoth.


A Gand normally has to talk to in the third person if he/she is not a FIndsman. First name if he/she was pleased. Last name if he/she was upset, and "Gand"if truly mortigied. In order to become a Findsman, he/she had to go under observation by Gand elders. Ooryl, Corran Horn's Wingman, went under the same thing. When the Gand passed, he/she participated in a Jaweemine (sp?) Bassically, it was a rite of passage. After a Jawemine, a Gand can say "I", "me", etc.

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Ok, now I know that Wraith doesn't want the reigns of power back, I'll keep going...


Points for the last question...


1st Setsuko - 6 points

2nd MikeC - 4 points

3rd Jan Gaarni - 3 points

4th Darth Evad - 2 points

5th DashRendar1 - 1 point + 1 bonus point


well researched Dash!

The new rankings:


1st. Setsuko 66.7 points

2nd Jan Gaarni 62.4 points

3rd. RoyalGuard 46 points

4th. Darth Evad 44 points

5th. MikeC 43.9 points

6th. Com Raven 22 points

7th. Dash Rendar1 10 points

8th. Koffin 8 points

9th Darth Simpson 6 points

10th. Rogue15 5 points

Gaalgoth 5 points

11thJman3ooo 1 point


So Setsuko extends her lead a little more, will she become the Michael Schumacher of Star Wars Trivia? We'll find out today!


Question 17:

What was the name of the Imperial TIE squadron, headed by Baron Soontir Fel, that was roughly analogous to the Rebellion's Rogue Squadron? (Bit of a gift to Wraith 8 there :D )

1 - Bonus Point: Name the Baron's Son.

1 - Bonus Point: What relation is the Baron to Wedge Antilles?

1 - Bonus Point: Any history of the squadron...

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181st Tie squad


soonter fel was the best tie pilot the imps had. the TIES had a red stripes across the solar wings.


soonter fell joined up with the rebellion after a while. he even joined Rogue Squadron and flew with Wedge. he later on married Wedge his sister. they both disapeared.


when Wedge started to form Wraith Squadron he ran into Fell again. he was now working for Admiral Zinj. Zinj wanted fell to destroy Wedge. when wegde went into a a one to one battle, wegde shot down fell. and landed beside him. he saw it wasnt fell in the cockpit. it was an actor that was playing Fell. the actor was the counter part of Garil Loran. he died there on the survice.

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want a long read?


go ahead :D


one of the youngest Imperial Navy officers to obtain the rank of Captain and command a ship, Fel was everything one would expect from a recruiting poster. Broad-shouldered and handsome from years of working as a farmer, Fel was a native of Corellia and had come through the ranks as a decorated and legendary TIE Fighter pilot. However, he did not enter the Imperial Academy willingly. Instead, he was bribed into go in order to stop him from testifying against Ilir Post, on the threat that his father would be charged with a flurry of minor crimes if he didn't go. This took him away from the farming that he loved so much, but he was determined to make the best of the situation. Fel was a contemporary of Han Solo and Loka Hask while at the Carida Academy, regularly defeating Hask while often challenging Solo. After graduating with honors as his class' salutatorian, Fel earned command of the Pride of the Senate shortly before the Battle of Nar Shaddaa, and was quite puzzled by Admiral Greelanx's battle plans. They did not allow for any flexibility during the battle, while executing the Base Delta Zero order to the letter. Fel had never participated in such an exercise, and questioned the wisdom of decimating Nar Shaddaa. However, the battle was quickly upon him, and the minimal battle plan outlined by Greelanx - coupled with the surprising ability of the smugglers to damage the Imperial fleet - soon resulted an Imperial retreat. Fel, appalled at the losses and at Greelanx's orders to retreat, remained behind to retrieve as many of his pilots as he could before redezvousing with the fleet. Greelanx was angry with Fel's insubordination, but Fel resolved to report Greelanx's poor planning to his superiors. He was assigned to the 37th Imperial Fighter Wing before transferring to Prefsbelt IV as a flight instructor. After receiving high honors, Fel actually was responsible for the training of Tycho Celchu, Biggs Darklighter, and Hobbie Klivian. He was offered a position in Moff Tarkin's bodyguard unit by Tarkin himself, but the defection of Biggs Darklighter and Derek Klivian relegated Fel to the 181st Imperial Fighter Group, which was under the command of Evir Derricote. They scored a hollow victory at Ord Biniir, on the same day as the Battle of Yavin, but Fel was given a commendation on Coruscant in an effort to bolster Imperial morale. There, he met Wynssa Starflare, and they fell deeply in love. Shortly afterward, Fel became known to Ysanne Isard, who challenged his loyalty by trying to seduce him. He refused, and although she praised his loyalty, she also hated him. Fel saw through Isard's ploy and into the heart of the Empire, and didn't like what he saw. He also saw that the Emperor's non-human bias was only as good as the air around it, once Thrawn began to rise through the ranks. Fel found himself admiring Thrawn's plans for the ambush which destroyed the Alliance's supply convoy near Derra IV, but could not reconcile Palpatine's hypocrisy. Although he was promoted to Colonel and given command of the entire 181st Fighter Group, Fel became disheartened with the Empire. Ysanne Isard's sacrifice of an entire fighter wing to lure Rogue Squadron to Brentaal was an action he couldn't reconcile in his own mind. After the 181st was sent to Brentaal to help defend the world - more of an exercise to bring down the Cabal that to save the planet - Fel decided that enough was enough. When the New Republic had defeated the Imperials, Fel was captured when Colonel Salm hit his Interceptor with an ion cannon blast, rendering his fighter inoperative. Shortly before the Battle of Brentaal, he had arranged for Wynssa - now his wife - to disappear. He pledged to help the New Republic if they would help him locate Wynssa, a proposition to which the Republic's Starfighter Command agreed. However, Fel soon turned his back on the Republic and returned to Imperial service. Wedge Antilles, the real-life brother of Wynssa Starflare, thought he had encountered Fel again, during the series of skirmishes against the Warlord Zsinj. In reality, though, the Fel he discovered was Tetran Cowall, and his abilities were augmented with a droid brain in several of his wingmate's TIE Interceptors. It was later learned that Fel had joined the forces aligned with Grand Admiral Thrawn, and he spent the next several years working with the true Imperial leadership to eliminate the various warlords who claimed Imperial rights. He lost an eye in the final battle of his career, and retired to work with Voss Parck as a commander at the Hand of Thrawn compound on Nirauan. Fel was also the "parent" of a number of clones developed at Thrawn's request. The clones were dispatched to several sleeper cells - excellent pilots awaiting Thrawn's reactivation codes. The clones were flash-imprinted with much of Fel's ability as a pilot and warrior, but without his personality. However, many groups managed to retain his love of the open air and farming, and decided not to heed the recall which came ten years after Thrawn's death. Shortly after the Battle of Garqi, it was revealed that Soontir and Syal had had five children together, including a son, Jagged, who eventually rose to power in the Imperial Remnant's military. Both Soontir and Jagged became leaders within the Chiss Navy, and were instrumental in keeping the Chiss from seeing more intense action as the rest of the galaxy struggled against the Yuuzhan Vong



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Well, I was gonna start to make an answer to all of those, when Wraith told me he was done.



Wraith: Yep. :D

Jan: Copy and past?

Wraith: Aha. :)

Jan: *mumbling* mrrm grrph mathgd :mad: *presses the delete button*

Wraith: Sorry. :(


Kinda takes away the joy of doing research on these things and adding only what is necessarry in my own words, when I get beaten by someone that just copy and pasts the entire thing. :rolleyes:


Oh, well.


Squadron: 181st Squadron


Son: Jagged

Wife: Syal Antilles, Wedges sister, stagename Wynssa Starflare, a holodrama star.

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