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Who do you think ordered the clone army? (SPOILERS)


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My friend and I were talking about this and we think it may have somthing to do with quigon because of the various references to him that had no real purpose.

It probably wasn't palpatine because yoda said that it would have to have been a jedi that erased the files from the archives. While it's true that he could have had dooku do it, it is unlikely for 2 reasons.

a)It's unlike palpatine to leave loose ends like this lying around for the 4-7 years that had to be between maul's death and dooku's joining of the darkside.

b)Dooku had no idea where the clone army came from. It is unlikely that he would not have put 2 and 2 together when he saw the army if his master had previously ordered him to erase the files. This would have kept the cloners in his mind and he would have guessed the truth.

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It's pretty obvious the clones were ordered by Palpatine under an assumed name. Qui-Gon's name wasn't thrown out there for no reason--Dooku was Qui-Gon's master, Qui-Gon was Obi-Wan's master. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had been together 10 years before Qui-Gon died in TPM and had been like a father to his Padawan. Dooku was pulling on Obi-Wan's heartstrings, trying to manipulate his feelings in an effort to turn Obi-Wan against the Republic.

A) Dooku obviously erased the files.

B) Dooku did know about the Clone Army. He was trying to start a war, and in order for there to be a war of any substance, both sides had to have an army. The longer the war, the more Palpatine can secure his place as dictator. Dooku created the Droid army by making promices to the Trade Guilds and the Geonesians, and Palpatine had the clone army created--both knew about the other's efforts. The Sith were behind both army and they knew it and that was the whole point of this movie.

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When Kaminoans mention Sifo-Dyas, the Jedi master who ordered clone army to be made for Republic, Obi-Wan remembers that he died ten years ago.


There could be two possibilities:

1. Darth Sidious/Palpatine killed Sifo-Dyas ten years earlier and then imposing himself as this master, ordered clone army.

2. Darth Sidious/Palpatine invented this character just to distract the Jedi Council and even somehow made them to remember that he actually once was the member of the Jedi Council; Mace Windu even asks Yoda, should they tell the Senate about their decreasing ability to use The Force.


Because clones were "discovered" just in time to use them againts Count Dookus' and Confederacy's forces(there were no other choice), the Jedi Council probably starts to argue who knew about this order and it might grow dissension inside the Council. At the same time they don't watch over the Senate and Palpatine controlling the clone army; remember that they didn't believe in the truth that Count Dooku told to Obi-Wan.

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If I did it my way...burger king style



*Mysterious cloaked man pulls up to "drive thru", opens canopy of ship


*voice from aged speaker:

"Welcome to McClones, how may we be of service?"


*Cloaked Man looks over the menu and then responds with a raspy, bodeing voice:

"Yes, I would like to order a number II and a diet Coke..."


*Voice from speaker:

"Exellent choice sir, Would you like to make that a combo and SuperSize that order? It comes with fries and a larger drink."


*Cloaked man weighs heavy on the newly posed option, it is clearly visible that the inner turmoil taking place is so great that his discipline is affected and he is literally shaking. He calls upon the force to quell the tremors.

"hmmmm, I shall take that proposition. The journey will be long and a larger beverage will quench my enormous thirst."


*Voice from speaker:

Thank you sir, your total will be 2,500,000 credits, please pull up to the first window.


*The myterious customer slowly pulls his ship to the first window, he peers in and sees a figure coming over to it. The window is opened with a startling WHOOSH. The strange creature inside speaks:

"My apologies sir, but the clones aren't ready just yet, would you please move your ship forward and over to the designated waiting area? It should only take 10 years or so"


*The Mans eyes are alight with a rage even the sun could not match. The hatred and anger well up so quick that he felt he might explode into a supernova if he did not do something right then and there. It takes every bit of strength to maintain control of himself, blood trickles out the corner of his mouth and he realizes he is biting through his lip. He glares at the creature, and thinks about how easy it would be to crush the fragile windpipe of the attendent or how pleasing it would be just to blast the entire structure with an array of weaponry matched by no other ship in the galaxy. It is time to decide the fate of another pathetic life form.


*He throws a switch and slams the canopy shut, the engine roars as the man almost gives the ship full power, and then moves over to the waiting area.

He hisses to himself:

"Damn, happens every time I go to a drive thru, now my fries are going to be cold."

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Originally posted by Nebelwerfer_

You're lame if you haven't watched the movie yet, and don't say the lord's name in vein cause nobody wants to read it.


Hey, I want to read people offending your God. C'mon people, blashpheme away!!!


PS Just because someone hasn't seen the movie, it doesn't make them lame, it just means that they have a life.

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Dooku does it under the name of a recently killed Jedi master, Cyfo-Dyas. From the looks Yoda and Mace give each other he was probably killed suspiciously. Dooku might have murdered him b/f leaving the order.

Dooku then recruits Jango under his real name, (his sith one) Tyranus.



It is all in the movie if you payed any attention at all.

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Originally posted by Nebelwerfer_

I just can't get over how much "Cyfo-Dyas" and "sidious" sound the same.


PS (off the subject)


I thought there were going to be royal guards, tusken females, and aura sing in this movie... where were they?


Royal Guards were apparently in the scene where Palpatine discusses things with the Jedi Council--I missed it too. I guess Tusken Females look exactly like Tusken males...lol.

Aura Sing was going to be in it?...

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Originally posted by DemonKing

Forget who ordered it...who the hell PAID for it?


Food for thought.




You don't need to pay for those clones


'You don't need to pay for those clones'


Move along


'Move along'

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Originally posted by Vestril


Royal Guards were apparently in the scene where Palpatine discusses things with the Jedi Council--I missed it too. I guess Tusken Females look exactly like Tusken males...lol.

Aura Sing was going to be in it?...


I also believe they were behind Palpatine when you see the clone army march and such.

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Originally posted by Jedi_Monk

It's pretty obvious the clones were ordered by Palpatine under an assumed name. Qui-Gon's name wasn't thrown out there for no reason--Dooku was Qui-Gon's master, Qui-Gon was Obi-Wan's master. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had been together 10 years before Qui-Gon died in TPM and had been like a father to his Padawan. Dooku was pulling on Obi-Wan's heartstrings, trying to manipulate his feelings in an effort to turn Obi-Wan against the Republic.

A) Dooku obviously erased the files.

B) Dooku did know about the Clone Army. He was trying to start a war, and in order for there to be a war of any substance, both sides had to have an army. The longer the war, the more Palpatine can secure his place as dictator. Dooku created the Droid army by making promices to the Trade Guilds and the Geonesians, and Palpatine had the clone army created--both knew about the other's efforts. The Sith were behind both army and they knew it and that was the whole point of this movie.


Agreed. Palpatine engineered the separatist movement as an excuse to gain dictatorial powers and eventually become emperor.

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i agree, sidious planned the whole war... crafty basstid...


and where was aura sing? she was supposed to be in this one... a bigger part i though i heard? was it all a conspiricy? or did it get cut from the flick? like the dooku two sabres thing...

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Why does Dooku try and get obi wan to help him "destroy the sith"? And why does he tell obi wan that the senate is under the control of the sith? i know that the jedi don't believe him, they think he's just being deceptive. But what purpose does it serve Dooku. And i don't buy that he was just sowing seeds of distrust.

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Originally posted by Prowl lightstar

Why does Dooku try and get obi wan to help him "destroy the sith"? And why does he tell obi wan that the senate is under the control of the sith? i know that the jedi don't believe him, they think he's just being deceptive. But what purpose does it serve Dooku. And i don't buy that he was just sowing seeds of distrust.


A very good question. He was almost telling Obi Wan the truth - except for the part about helping him destroy the sith. Unless Dooku did want Sidious dead; perhaps to become the master Sith instead of the apprentice as he was.

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