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Backstabbed by JK2!!


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As fun as JK2 was, it is now ruined by the exploitation of the backstab. If you want to win, you will do it before it gets done to you. 10 seconds tops to win. Push or pull your opponent down then backstab...DEAD. Or in FFA, go to the nearest group of say 3 enemies, let them hack at you because you will block most of them. Simply perform a med/heavy backstab and watch all 3 enemies die by one move.


Until this is fixed.... I quit. It is no fun to win by the backstab exploit, and no fun to lose by getting it done to you.


DaL :mad:

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Adapt to the changes and win, bitch piss and moan gets you nowhere.


Once again kids...


Absorb stops push/pull 100% of the time.


Protect will stop the 1-hit kill of the backstab unless you are almost dead to begin with (if you are low, you are screwed anyways).


Switch to light stance and execute the lunge move if you see someone running backwards towards you (how hard can it be to kill someone not even looking at you?)


As for 'crowd killers", they have been in every FPS since DOOM, deal with it.


I suggest for any one who comes here to bitch about <insert move here> DFA’s, backstabs, kicks, or whatever, to go and try to spam these moves in a server with decent players. Notice how you never pull them off because they know which Force powers to use and when to use them. Notice how almost every time you try to pull them, they turn blue and kill you? Notice how if you do knock them down they turn green, get up and kill you?


This is how you get "skillz", you watch and learn, then adapt. No matter what patch comes out there will always be players who pay attention, practice, learn and adapt.


In v1.02 the dark side was stronger, now it's the light side. Big deal, next patch maybe it will be guns, maybe the stun baton will be a super weapon, who cares. Just pay attention and learn. And I am sorry, but anyone who can't beat a person running around backwards needs to dust off their OGC and go back to Counter-Strike so they can "own".

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I gave up all multiplayer game modes except for duel becuase of this crap. I figure most of these idiots don't have the patience or talent for duel. (Especially no force duel)


If I see a Ass fighter walking backwards pressing attack more than once I flame the hell out of them and others do to. Eventually they get pissed and leave. There is no place for this crap on multiplayer. It ruins the whole star wars feel. I'm not even bitching about the power of the move. I just hate seeing it everywhere used as a primary tactic.


It sucks that I can't enjoy the rest of the multiplayer game modes becuase of moron ass fighters.


You ass fighters will pay!


In case you want to know I found that the blue upper cut can actually block this if timed right. The blue upper cut is the best way to take care of DFA spamers and ass fighters. When they are stuck in the animation, strafe to the side and uppercut them. Stay away from the blade becuase you will die even at the last second of the animation if you touch the blade. (worse part of the move)

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Listen Homo Ewok,

I wasnt saying there was no way around it. I was saying that I shouldnt have to be restricted to Duel servers for fair combat. Even in duel servers it happens but atleast you dont have 3 people trying it at once. Push and Pull are one thing, Pull/Backstab is another. I have even seen people do backstabs in the air!! I know it isnt supposed to be possible, but I saw it, and the guy was bragging about having "scripted" it.

JK2 shouldnt be about who can backstab the quickest.


"SSC=Kal-El I backstab like "there is no tommorow" in Team FFA and CTF, however NEVER in duels unless someone starts backstabbing first."


I do the same thing, unfortunately, 95% of people backstab first. Have some honor people!



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I've never lost a game to an assfighter, they are easy to kill.



If you have trouble with a repeat offender assfighter (like them doing it through the whole game) start whipping out weapons and just blow them away and they might get the picture sometimes.

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Originally posted by Homosexual Ewok

Adapt to the changes and win, bitch piss and moan gets you nowhere.


Once again kids...


Absorb stops push/pull 100% of the time.


And that helps me on a NO FORCE server HOW?


My God, you're gay AND an complete idiot. Not everyone plays exactly like you pal.

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Originally posted by Lord Sokar


And that helps me on a NO FORCE server HOW?


My God, you're gay AND an complete idiot. Not everyone plays exactly like you pal.


Originally posted by Homosexual Ewok


Switch to light stance and execute the lunge move if you see someone running backwards towards you (how hard can it be to kill someone not even looking at you?)


Read the whole post Corky, I am sorry I did not do it in big bold shiny letters, next time I'll do it in pretty colors too...

Try reading the whole thing next time before you flame you twit.


I am sorry but 90% of you people that bitch...suck.

Yes you do, when I play in public servers it's always the guys with 3 kills that piss and moan about this or that move. You know what? People try and back stab me constantly, guess what? They almost never succeed. Why? Because unlike 90% of you damn babies I can pay attention to decent players and learn from my mistakes. Like I said before get your OGC and go back to Counter-Strike with the rest of the brats where you belong.

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I must admit I couldn't stand the dfa whores in the old patch now since the dfa isn't all that gay anymore there is a new breed. Called the Asswhore. Here's the thing, I could careless about winning, I just want to have a good game with skilled players. Unfortunately we cannot separate people like myself with the people who just want to rack up kills to win with as little skill as possible (aka the asswhore). Remember getting first place doesn't necessarily make you a good player. For all you asswhores out there, you better pray to GOD that Raven, doesn't wake the hell up and fix the backstab. Hell knowing them they will get rid of the backstab and make some other move a 1 hit kill and spawn the next breed of "...whores".:D

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I agree tha a one hit kill is going to get abused for sure on a MP game. I use it only after a good fight and with no health left. Basically a survival tactic. Usually after we both know we are severely injured.


But other than that its a whore move. Totally abused on most servers. An ass fighter (asswhore) is someone who relies on the backstab in any stance as a PRIMARY tactic.


I can usually avoid getting too close, which can make long waits for others on duel servers, but it can make for long waits if you get nailed with it first attack. Then the poor bastard has to wait for another 5 duels or more.


I'm not saying it should never be used. I'm saying it shouldn't be abused as a primary tactic. People that use the backstab as a primary tactic tend to WALK BACKWARDS alot!


The walking backwards swinging is actually what pisses me off the most. It ruins the whole star wars atmosphere and turns it into a ghey ASS WARS game.


I don't play any MP game mode anymore other than duel. Atleast in duel if a ASS Fighter (ASSWHORE) starts abusing backstab as a primary tactic ppl will start to ridicule them untill they leave. Some are fairly stubborn and will stick around and take the abuse and keep doing it but much more obvious.


If they start to go ass crazy in a duel map I'll show them that I know how to back stab too, but with out the ghey walking backwards crap!


I'll backflip as they rush me and make sure I land short and backstab on the landing. Clean and precise, the way a skilled backstab 1 hit kill should be.


After a couple rounds like that they will leave because they are sick of waiting. Too bad they don't realize thats how others feel all the time. They can dish it out but they can never take it. I watched a poor dude get backstabbed 12 times in a row with less than a full minute of gameplay. I have no idea why he stayed.


I hope I run into everyone of you ass fighters (ASSWHORES), because I will show you how much it can ruin a persons fun.

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Well I never (as in not-at-all) do the backstab, because it actually IS ways overpowered. That is the truth, its nice to have those people always saying to 'adapt', but actually it's kinda silly to push7pull someone down (totally Ok so far!) but then TURN YOUR BACK on him to du a backstab... shouldn't a nice and clean over head strike (yellow stance) do LOTS more damage than THIS?


Ok, don't get me wrong. i mostly play duels and normally I don't have problems with ppl doing backstabs.

But I think I'm the only person here who does not say thet HE farespretty well against those backstabbers, BUT who actually thinks of the game as a whole..... Don't you see how STUPID it looks when you're new to this game, just enjoying being a jedi Knight for the first time around, joiniing a server and seeing everyone running backwards?


The Patch is nice and all, but I really think Backstab should be toned down, as well as saber throw (too strong, to easy too throw/pull people). btw. i don't get killed by those people more than by others and i use throw a lot myself, BUT I see, that it does not play the way it should. (simply put: too much throwing and backstabbing)


So i don't want to flame anyone. this is just MY tiny opinion.

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not a flame here, but all the ways of getting around pull backstab seem to be light side biased. what about dark siders? sure I can turn on dark rage, but that isn't as effective if you ask me because the pull whore will wait till rage wears off to pull backstab me.


Make sense? Sure rage can work, but it's not anywhere near as effective as absorb if you ask me.


Bottom line?


Pull backstabbing is ghey no matter how one person can claim they can counter it and that we all should just adapt.


trust me I have adapted well to 1.03, so adaptation is not the problem. however I shouldn't HAVE to adapt to pull backstabbing because it is an Exploit. Not what the designer had in mind for balanced MP game play I am sure.


Let me ask anyone (no one in particular on this thread BTW) who whores moves like ass fighting or pull backstabbing, do you feel like a jedi? do you realise how boring it is to fight you? Are you making up for a lack of skill fighting another way? Have YOU adapted those other aspects of the game? Is being on the top of the score board all that matters to you while probably disrupting everyones fun?


People like this unfortunately exist in all games, however while raven made a VERY great game with LOADs of potential, MP is inherantly imbalanced and or exploitable in each patch.


People who disagree are entitled to that opinion, but it doesn't change the facts, an exploit is an exploit, no matter how well you can deal with it.


Finaly i agree some things need changing, but nerfing things is NOT the answer, it only pisses people off. With the exception of one or two things, rather than nerfing, raven should beef up or invent a counter for it


Sure some people might complain if the counter to saber throw is that the saber gets knocked to the ground, but so what, thats fair to me and most others! It also serves the purpose of making it so that people who throw won't abuse it since there is a penalty.


Backstab? Backswing? By themselves i see little wrong these moves except they are spammed...


Throw force pull and sometimes push into the mix however and now it's an exploit. If you ask me an exploit involving more than just one ability is the hardest to tweak. the reason you have pull push ETC in the game is obvious, as is backstab, and backswing. However combined they become exploitable like the funky hit detection and turnability of the DFa move.


The DFa move was easy to fix and only pisses off the DFA spammers since now it is used as intended. Win a saber lock and boom you can do DFA and win now. Someone charging you? give it a whirl it might work nicely if you time it right.


however how can we fix pull and backstab/slash?


do we nerf pull? Nerf push? Nerf backstab/slash?


You do and more people will whine and piss and moan... but then again what other option do we have besides playing on NF saber only servers?


If we give people the ability to block on the ground it can piss off people using push and pull to get some advantage as was intended.


But what if we give a person on the ground more of an ability to push or pull? Kind of an omni directional push/pull that only works when on the ground?


That could work, but might cause other problems.


Quicker animations for standing up? Well thats ok I guess, but unless you made it instantanious it wouldn't be an effective way to avoid backstabs since people who remotely know how to do them can do them fast.


One way might be to make it so backstab/slash can't be turned mid animation.


This would cure a LOT of the ffa assfighters of thier disease (though not all).


So what do we do, get rid of what I and most others think are valid powers and moves? (I think backstab by itself is a very valid move to keep in the game since it has uses that are stylish and not lame).


No bad idea... It would cure the problem, but would nerf it too much, I and many others, like being able to pull off a stylish backstab to a charging enemy once in a while.


Winning is only half of the fun for me. losing is only annoying when it's by spam or exploit. but what makes this game fun for me is good solid fights. guns or otherwise...


thats most of my two cents on this subject.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't care what you guys say about "adapting". Ass fighting has ruined this game.

I bought this game the DAY it was released and played non-stop for the first month. MP was so much fun back then. I quit for a while...then patches came out. I started playing again last week only to find the majority of players are "ass fighters" and the game ruined. Its a shame such a great game was ruined by some dim witted developer.

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Originally posted by Homosexual Ewok


Why? Because unlike 90% of you damn babies I can pay attention to decent players and learn from my mistakes. Like I said before get your OGC and go back to Counter-Strike with the rest of the brats where you belong.


Decent players??? Decent ****in players??? Ha ha ha. U ****in twit... pricks who run around backwards are not decent players. People who face each other and use combinations of moves, slashes, stances etc.. are decent players. Everyone else is right of course. I too have now learned to adapt, at first all that happened was these ass fighters kept killing me.


Last night some fool was chasing me around deathstar corridors backwards!!! I couldn't believe it. I jumped over him and backstabbed him, and it felt great. Same guy on me again... backwards - I opened up on him with the flechette - dead. I've learned the way, and the only way some backstabbing **** will get me now is by pure luck. Makes me so angry though. Decent players my arse - you're obviously a pathetic player, who racks up kils and thinks you're the winner of a round. Afraid not, you're a **** unskilled player, who can't stand losing. End of story.

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Fink... I think he meant that he watches the decent players (non-Assfighters) tactics and adds them 2 his own in an effort 2 beat the assfighting whorage. ;)


I Think JKII is like alot of online games, they all need perfecting and patching as more and more defects or problems arise, its just a matter of time b4 a patch is released, as long as the game sells well it will b supported patch wise.

As for these assfighters, i think i have beaten 9/10 of them in duels, I do agree partly with Homo-Ewok about peepz whinging about it, it is and will be a continuous bitching session on the forums until a patch is released (me prays 4 it asap), but until then its up 2 everyone to learn and adapt the best u can, and resist using it as it only promotes its use.

I NEVER do it EVER, the only times ive ever done it is when ive been running away from an enemy backward slashing and 1 of my teamm8s has blocked me from behind and started the move resulting in a kill of course (killed the flag carrier, sorry if ur reading).

Its a move that require no skill and results in good frags, so this means it will be used mostly by the people who only care about frags and score or n00bs, dont get me wrong i like 2 win, and if anyones ever fought me then they know i like a good duel, with no below the belt moves, however if someone pulls out the Assfighting tecnique then i start my counter with a pull, verticle heavy strike (atleast it can b blocked) then slide in a few heavy swings and finish em.


Think about this b4 u sleep 2nite, all the anti-assfighters out there that dont perfom this sh1te move, all the time uve been toneing ur skillz, all them assfighters have been perfoming a move thats likly 2 be removed or toned down heavly, so just laugh when they cant get them frags they got so used 2 getting so easily, wont it b fun ripping apart these once annying ex-assfighters that are now nothing but an unexperenced n00bs.


Peace (dont flame me im kool) :cool:

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