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Backstabbed by JK2!!


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I am SICK fo you guys complaining about asswhores. You guys are PATHETIC that you can't even defend against a SIMPLE move. NF duels? It's even EASIER to defend against! Don't BLAME your opponent if you're too used to your goddamn blocking and just stand there like a retarded tree waiting to be backstabbed!


YOU ****heads hated DFA in 1.02 and got it nerfed.


YOU ****heads now hate backstab and are going to get it nerfed.


next YOU ****heads are giong to hate SOMETHING else ridiculously stupid and get it nerfed.


I'm going to make a MOD for you ****HEADS where you can't ****ING MOVE and just stand there and a RANDOM player DIES so there is NO way for someone to exploit a move alright???


Goddamn ****ing pathetic. I've held my anger in enough as I see people complaining about **** they cannot handle in a game.


And yes fink, using backstab is for decent players, you know why? Because IT WORKS. I don't give a DAMN if I'm ruining your fun and I don't give a DAMN if you get pissed off. The fact is that the move get's us UP the ladders and rankings. Now granted assfighters are the n00b brand of backstabbers, but there ARE skilled backstabbers out there. The fact that you COMPLAIN and can't get around the move shows that you are NO WHERE NEAR a decent player.


The fact is the game will always have WHINERS like you guys. Just let it go, because if you got your way every time, your game would be brought down to a game of pong, or not even...it'll be as random as a roll of the dice, because you can't HANDLE someone killing you.


Look, I'm sorry if I flamed you or offended anyone, but you guys have to understand that you shouldn't count on Raven or a PATCH to fix things for you. If you all learned how to defend against this kind of move, it would plain and simply be used a lot less, and you will bring assfighting down YOURSELVES.


And as for FFA, what is the difference of having some guy come into a group and backsweep and kill, as compared with a guy coming with a rocket launcher and shooting it into a pile of you guys? It's the same goddamn thing.


Oh and stop complaining about the backstab. You guys asked for DFA to be nerfed and YOU guys asked to lower damage because it was 'too random' (laugh, look at it now). So therefore YOU made this backstab whoring possible. LIVE WITH IT.


and yes I know I'm going to get flamed, but if you actually listened to what I said instead of getting angry at every word I said insulting you guys, you may understand where I am coming from.


Leave the homosexual ewok alone. If you say you have skill, and are the 'decent' players, then prove it to me. I have played the top ranking players on the twl (not for rank, but for fun) and I can say 4/5 of them use backstab CONSTANTLY. It's the move to use to win.


And don't give me the crap about it being for fun and not for competition. If this wasn't about competition, you wouldn't be complaining. It is the fact that you lost once or twice to a backstabber that you feel is not fair. You feel that a person spamming some move should not be able to beat you. It is all about competition.


Anyways, I'm out, have fun flaming me. thank you very much for your time.

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okay, sorry guys, that got out of hand, it is early in the mornign here, and after reading that, it just got me riled up, just like how my post probably got a lot of you. The fact is those points are what I get from reading your post. I should have put it out in more of a constructive manner, instead of flaming it out. sorry again.

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Originally posted by Dark Begger

I am SICK fo you guys complaining about asswhores. You guys are PATHETIC that you can't even defend against a SIMPLE move. NF duels? It's even EASIER to defend against! Don't BLAME your opponent if you're too used to your goddamn blocking and just stand there like a retarded tree waiting to be backstabbed!


YOU ****heads hated DFA in 1.02 and got it nerfed.


YOU ****heads now hate backstab and are going to get it nerfed.


next YOU ****heads are giong to hate SOMETHING else ridiculously stupid and get it nerfed.


I'm going to make a MOD for you ****HEADS where you can't ****ING MOVE and just stand there and a RANDOM player DIES so there is NO way for someone to exploit a move alright???


Goddamn ****ing pathetic. I've held my anger in enough as I see people complaining about **** they cannot handle in a game.


And yes fink, using backstab is for decent players, you know why? Because IT WORKS. I don't give a DAMN if I'm ruining your fun and I don't give a DAMN if you get pissed off. The fact is that the move get's us UP the ladders and rankings. Now granted assfighters are the n00b brand of backstabbers, but there ARE skilled backstabbers out there. The fact that you COMPLAIN and can't get around the move shows that you are NO WHERE NEAR a decent player.


The fact is the game will always have WHINERS like you guys. Just let it go, because if you got your way every time, your game would be brought down to a game of pong, or not even...it'll be as random as a roll of the dice, because you can't HANDLE someone killing you.


Look, I'm sorry if I flamed you or offended anyone, but you guys have to understand that you shouldn't count on Raven or a PATCH to fix things for you. If you all learned how to defend against this kind of move, it would plain and simply be used a lot less, and you will bring assfighting down YOURSELVES.


And as for FFA, what is the difference of having some guy come into a group and backsweep and kill, as compared with a guy coming with a rocket launcher and shooting it into a pile of you guys? It's the same goddamn thing.


Oh and stop complaining about the backstab. You guys asked for DFA to be nerfed and YOU guys asked to lower damage because it was 'too random' (laugh, look at it now). So therefore YOU made this backstab whoring possible. LIVE WITH IT.


and yes I know I'm going to get flamed, but if you actually listened to what I said instead of getting angry at every word I said insulting you guys, you may understand where I am coming from.


Leave the homosexual ewok alone. If you say you have skill, and are the 'decent' players, then prove it to me. I have played the top ranking players on the twl (not for rank, but for fun) and I can say 4/5 of them use backstab CONSTANTLY. It's the move to use to win.


And don't give me the crap about it being for fun and not for competition. If this wasn't about competition, you wouldn't be complaining. It is the fact that you lost once or twice to a backstabber that you feel is not fair. You feel that a person spamming some move should not be able to beat you. It is all about competition.


Anyways, I'm out, have fun flaming me. thank you very much for your time.


But I'll quote it so if you delete it, it's still here...

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Originally posted by Dark Begger

And yes fink, using backstab is for decent players, you know why? Because IT WORKS. I don't give a DAMN if I'm ruining your fun and I don't give a DAMN if you get pissed off. The fact is that the move get's us UP the ladders and rankings. Now granted assfighters are the n00b brand of backstabbers, but there ARE skilled backstabbers out there. The fact that you COMPLAIN and can't get around the move shows that you are NO WHERE NEAR a decent player.



I don't think you're understanding me... I'm giving out about SPAMMING backstab. Don't get me wrong, cos I use backstab in certain situations as well, it's a great move. What I hate is ass fighters, and just guys who pull\backstab all the time. The only thing I would like to see changed is that if you get pulled to the ground for someone to try a backstab, you can lie there, and it'll go over your head. It makes sense to me, it's realistic, just like ducking a swing is possible.


Also, I can get around backstab, but you'll always get caught once or twice which is fine. I've stopped complaining about it in-game now 'cos it's not worth it. ****, while you're trying some shít will probably come up and backstab you!!! :)


Homo Ewok, sorry... I think I took you up wrong, but I reckon you know the type of people I'm giving out about. Sorry all, I've only been on here a few days, and just wanted to express what I think on the matter, I know it's been discussed alot around here. That's the last I'll really be talking about it anyway. No offence intended to anyone.

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Okay, I'll have a go with the flaming...but I'll be gentle. :)



"The fact that you COMPLAIN and can't get around the move shows that you are NO WHERE NEAR a decent player."


Wrong. I'm so tired of reading this same bs over and over. Most of us are...


(Now please pay attention to what I'm about to say.)


....NOT COMPLAINING BECAUSE WE CAN'T COUNTER a move, but because someone whoring it makes playing this game BORING.


Many so-called "whiners" don't play for the sole purpose of racking up frags. Instead we play to have FUN. Yes...REALLY!


Imho we have two kinds of problems:

1) people who play like asses

2) "unbalanced" games that allow these asses to carry on exploiting..whatever it is they exploit.


If every duel turns into a saber-tossing contest after the first successful hit, then something is wrong. If people run backwards something is wrong. If the most used and efficient way to kill your opponent is to TURN YOUR BACK at them and swing, something is definetly wrong. If 90% of all kills are the result of the same on-hit-kill move, something is wrong with the game AND the people playing it.


And if something is wrong, *constructive* criticism is needed.

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so the main problem you face is the n00b brand of backstabbers. They do tend to make the game look bad, but I think having these types of players is much better than having countless script kiddies and hackers like counter-strike does. That's why I am on the most part, happy that there are assfighters rather than hackers.


Oh, and thank you for your calm and cool answer, I looked at the 'last post' section and saw your name and at once was ready to see the flame of the century, but I'm glad you took it with minimal offense.

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But, I can see why people complain about pull-backstabers.What I do is if someone does it constantly, I say outloud to everybody"Insertname is a pull-backstaber!".He either then leaves the server or changes his style.

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

....NOT COMPLAINING BECAUSE WE CAN'T COUNTER a move, but because someone whoring it makes playing this game BORING.


Many so-called "whiners" don't play for the sole purpose of racking up frags. Instead we play to have FUN. Yes...REALLY!


Imho we have two kinds of problems:

1) people who play like asses

2) "unbalanced" games that allow these asses to carry on exploiting..whatever it is they exploit.


If every duel turns into a saber-tossing contest after the first successful hit, then something is wrong. If people run backwards something is wrong. If the most used and efficient way to kill your opponent is to TURN YOUR BACK at them and swing, something is definetly wrong. If 90% of all kills are the result of the same on-hit-kill move, something is wrong with the game AND the people playing it.


And if something is wrong, *constructive* criticism is needed.


Okay, then, how about we all downgrade back to 1.02, as there was no move that was uber and all attacks were powerful and used?


Normal attacks were used to win the game, not specials, only the DFA was spammed at times..and even that was getting less used as people figured out that it wasn't as uber as they thought it was.


In 1.02:

1) people did not run backwards then.

2) The most used efficient way to kill an opponent is not to turn yoru back at them.

3) 90% of all kills are NOT the result of one move.


So 1.02 was that sabering system that you want I guess?

But then we look at it this way...this was what was complained about in 1.02.


1) DFA is too strong and uber, nerf it so people won't whore it.

2) heavy stance is for n00bs, nerf it (and Raven took it as a concern for the rest of the stances also...) down to do less damage.

3) ....(other minor complaints..cant think of them now..)


ok...now let's compare the two.


1) people running backwards in 1.03. why? Because saber damage is so low now that someone can do that without feeling a sense of danger with their back turned. But saber damage was tuned down by people complaining..so..what should we do here?


2) again, the most used way to kill a guy is to turn around and kill him. But you NERFED one of the options of protection (DFA) and you lowered damage..so ...it was brought on by complainers...


3) 90% of the kills in 1.03 are from ONE MOVE. Well then..again..if you did not nerf DFA or lower saber damage..we wouldn't be in this position...hmmm...



So all the problems that people are complaining about now, are due to the changes that THEY asked for.


And next, when something else is nerfed, there will be ANOTHER set of complaints Luc. Imagine if after patch after patch after everyone complains and complains about someone having a SLIGHT..and I mean SLIGHT upper hand because they can do a move or a series of moves that is a tiny bit more difficult to counter. Imagine what would happen and become of the game? Might as well have a game where the jedi's sit on horses all tied up with their lightsabers pointed forwards, and with the psuh of a button the horses move forward and the opponent who falls off loses. But then again..won't the game be boring then? The way to fix this is not to LIMIT the moves that can be done (ie backstab, DFA). The way to fix this is to ADD to some other aspect of the game to fix it. Thus, MORE variety will be added and it will be LESS boring.

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Originally posted by =SSC=Kal-El


I'm just a ray 'o sunshine aren't I?



Oh yes...it's obvious that you brighten everyone's day here. ;).



I'm glad that you're out there flaming people with stupid posts, so that I don't have to do it and be infamous on here. LOL

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Oookay. That was a looong post Dark Begger. I won't get into the "1.02 is better than 1.03"-argument, ' cause...well, I just don't feel like it :p



"And next, when something else is nerfed, there will be ANOTHER set of complaints Luc."



That is unfortunately correct. (Still, that doesn't mean that 1.03 should be "whine-proof" :D)



"The way to fix this is not to LIMIT the moves that can be done (ie backstab, DFA). The way to fix this is to ADD to some other aspect of the game to fix it. Thus, MORE variety will be added and it will be LESS boring.



I totally agree. Don't balance by nerfing - just ADD stuff. This, however, doesn't mean that I want the old buggy DFA (kills players a mile away even though the saber is buried in the ground) back.


There is one solution to all these problems: Find a server with players who share you views on how the game should be played. If they don't manuever to get the bs/sweep off, there is no problem anymore. Simple(?).


But no matter how you look at it, backstab is crappy. It should be modified either by making it much harder to pull off or nerfing the damage. Or blockability. Or it's speed. Or...whatever.


One thing that hardly ever mentioned is the "powerup-problem". Theres waaaaaaaaayyyyyy too much of those. You can barely move 3ft without steeping on a shiel or a medkit. This leads to one-hit-kill-spamming. That's the only way to murder people dead on some maps. :(


Okay, I gotta go and get my l337 butt kicked in mp now. :D

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I'm glad you agree.


And when I said just to add stuff...I meant not to nerf...like, obvious bugs (DFA in 1.02, turn radius and in ground 1hit kills) were bugs. If THOSE were only taken out, and not nerfing it (I dont' think turning in the air is that big of a problem, as long as it doesn't 1hit kill in the ground...) then I think 1.02 saber combat would be much better. 1.02 saber combat, less the DFA for some (didn't really bother me...), was excellent. There were DFA whores, but that move did NOT I repeat did NOT own servers. Normal swings were equally as powerful as special moves, and assfighting was impossible because you would be dead if you got close..(which is how it should be). There were a variety of moves that you could have used to win, and although the blue normal swings weren't really used much, it's forward lunge was used quite often, the yellow normal swings were chained to do combos and were devastating. Heavy stance was slow, but it was powerful. No one stance ruled the server. Two did, medium and heavy...as light stood in the shadows most of the time. But that is better than it is now..the 1 move has monopolized the game, when in 1.02 there was no dominating force. Everyone complains about how they WHORE that move and ONLY use that move. I ask them to look back in 1.02, and what move did people whore? DFA..but not as much as backstab..not even near as much. DFA whores did not own the ladders...now backstab whores do (and hwen I say backstab whores..I don't mean assfighters..I mean those who can use it quickly and unexpectedly.)


Anyways...increasing damage will bring a spark of 1.02 back into JK2, which is oddly taking a step forward by taking a step backward.


;) hehe..I hope I didn't confuse people with the last part there...

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This reminds me of the n00bs in CS who complained that the AWP should be removed. cuz it kills with one hit...


Guess they all ported over to JK2. :D


Backward running backstabbers who whine when they die

= AWP players who think they are holding a machine gun in CS who whine when they die.


People who can't even kill backstabbers and whine when they die

= people who can't even kill AWP users and whine when they die.


/me binds mouse1 "+back;+attack"

*why am i running backwards?*

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I agree with dark begger on that 1, the only thing that bothered me in 1.02 was that if u got 2 close 2 a guy who just buried his sabre in the ground u would die.

That was the only problem with the dfa, other than that is was easily avoidable.


Changeing the subject a tad, some times when ive pulled over a guy when he had started the backstab, when he jumps back up and the sabre just touches me i die instantly?

Anyone else experienced that???

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I agree with derekdrygon. Having Ghoul2 set to 1 and g_sabertracesaberfirst set to 0 makes the MP game much more fun in my opinion. It makes backstab blockable and makes it harder to block attacks coming from behind you (and in general, which I think was one complaint about 1.03). The few servers I've played on with this have been much more fun. Just my opinion though.

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