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Patch Rant


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Raven sure managed to **** up this game. I wonder where their common sense went when they made that patch. Sabrefighting is nothing short of gangbanging, normal fighting is pointless, you see people run around backwards waving their sabres like mad, those people have the highest performance too.

Not even a *mod* releases something that ****s up gameplay that already was really good THAT bad.

What were they thinking? I bought that game because it's pre-patch gameplay values, now its literally worth crap.

It eludes me bigtime, that patch tops mod patch ****ups by far. Usually things are just not improved, but Raven managed to degrade it bigtime. Worse, they got payed for it.

Maybe I'm just wrong and Lucasarts wanted the patch that way. Either way, the patch makes the multiplayer part of the game a substandard, boring, game, with nice graphics.


I know none of the people this is adressed to will be reading this, so sorry for the people who have been reading this and who're "innocent" in terms of designing this patch.

I just hope they'll fix this patch again. It really scares me to buy any lucasarts game or even sign up for sw galaxies, even if the game is great, I wasn't aware what can be done to it afterwards.



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Hey, Moderators, I think a whole new forum ought to be set up to cope with all these complaints, that way we don't have to keep seeing the same tiresome old arguments again and again in this one.


We could have a forum for those of us who like the patch aswell, if only to see if it gets asmany posts.


And to the guy above: I like what raven have done to the game because of previous balance issues :p

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I like the patch.


It adds to my MP experiance alot. Blocking saber and such are now visible. Saber deadlocks are a nice touch too. I personally like the new deul levels too. Plus they have perfect bot support.


I really hated it earlier. You could just swing your saber wildly and...tada! Your opponent is dead because he couldn't block a saber. Now you can see saber parring which is a great touch.

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Hey Arker,


Just to let you know, you are FAR from being alone in your hate of 1.03. Although most of us who registered our complaints here have found that there are plenty of 1.02 servers left and some of us are even starting new pre-patch servers (I have the dedicated servers if anyone needs them).


Leave the patch to the noobs who needed the protection and come to NuclearFallout.net for a good TFFA game.

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I keep trying to play and like this patch to no avail. Maybe if the game was released like this I might, but as it stands, this game kicked a lot of ass, and now it's a newbie fest. I'll take DFA anyday over the bull**** in this patch.

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I'm sorry but I really have to break your bubble...


1.03 requires skill. Of course it does!

Watch a game, any game anywhere. What do you see? Are the same 2 or 3 guys always on the top? Yes? Okay. Ask yourselves "why do those few guys keep winning?".


A) For some strange reason they're incredibly lucky game after game, fight after fight, week after week


B) They actually have some skill, which helps them to win.



Now please STFU about 1.03 not requiring any skill! How can you say A GAME doesn't require skill? Just because you got your ass kicked? What? ...no-one can be better than you? If they beat you now even though you owned in 1.02 it *has to be* luck? If you lose using the same technique as you did in 1.02, then 1.03 is based purely on luck?


What kind of ridiculous crap is that? It doesn't make any sense?! Do you realize how dumd it sounds? They nerfed just about everything and you're saying that getting frags is much easier? Hitting someone numerous times is easier to pull off than one lucky swing? Nerfing the "n00b-spam no. 1 DFA" makes the game easier for n00bs?


If someone gets loads of frags by running backwards, then there's not much you can do about it. If someone is dumb enough to fall for it then; fair enough. Usually it's just another retard who walks backwards as well not seeing where they're going. A fact is however, that a backstab-spamming assfighter will NEVER get their butt pressed against a skilled player.


Saying that being good at a game requires no skill is paradoxal....and stupid. Learn.

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To me, the patch doesnt necessarily not need skill, its just its way too forgiving of making mistakes. On one end I have ppl do somthing utterly stupid and instead of ending up dead after a good hit with a heavy swing, he is just grazed. He gets up and after about 5 more stupid mistakes finally dies.


By the same token I have made some dumb@ss mistakes myself, and ended up taking a good hit. ooooo a whole 30 points that hurt!


If someone screws up in a fight they should die.


Its this "forgiving" nature of the patch that makes it noobie friendly, not a lack of needing skills.

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Originally posted by Talon_of_BHG

To me, the patch doesnt necessarily not need skill, its just its way too forgiving of making mistakes.

Its this "forgiving" nature of the patch that makes it noobie friendly, not a lack of needing skills.


Yes. Now that is a valid point. I agree, it is "too forgiving".

But still the good players are hard to beat, newbies are easy..

Saying that it requires no skill causes me to go on a rant...rantpage every now and then.


And flippo, I've noticed that too, the backstab/sweep-spammer always wins *if* the server is crowded with newbies.


It's laughable when 6 guys attack someone simultaneously time and again from all angles.. you kinda feel sorry for them. 1 x sweep = 6 frags. I've tried to tell my team mates to "STAY THE HELL AWAY", but...they are just too eager to fight, I guess. LoL!

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The main reason I like the patch is because of the advanced blocking. It makes it look nearly identical to the movies. Just take a quick look at the battle between Qui-Gon and Maul. They fight and fight and fight until one of them gets lucky and finds an opening. He hits it. Qui-Gon is dead.


Lightsaber dueling is allways based on luck. Sometimes you may find a big hole in their defense and tearn them down with an earth shattering blow. But other times there is no hole and you fight iit back and forth in a spectacular display of dodging and parrying.


This patch was ment to make saber combat closer to a SW feel. Not to make it where you make one mistake, you die. Everybody hates when they die and everybody does mistakes of one kind or another, whether they can control them or not. Even Jedis make them yet sometimes they are still able to get that desperate parry in there or are able to force push the other off balance long enough to recover.


The only real problem I saw with it was in a saber lock sometimes your sabers don't touch (maybe the handles do). (and of course the backstabs are a bit to powerful)

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