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Got Any Cool Star Wars names?


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I call myself Darth Vicious for gaming.

was simple but rather like the darth names in the movie. i think sideous is a word, or close to one. am i thinking of insideous or is that a variation?

Oh well, still think my name is cool.

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Jabba, captiain Piett, general Veers, Admiral Ozzel, Zev, Hobbie, biggs, Wedge, Janson, Dack, capitan Needa, General Rieekan, Wampa, Tauntaun, Bantha, Dewback, Dengar, Lobot, Fx-7, Major Derlin, Mynock, Dianoga, anyway thouse are a few names i found.

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Nice concept:


Pick any name, write it backwards and add some dashes somewhere.



Bluezman --> namzeulb --> Nam Ze-Ulb (resembles Qui-Gonn Jin)


Michael --> leahcim--> Le-ah Cim


George --> egroeg --> Egroeg


Tom Sawyer --> mot reywas --> Mot Reywas (resembles Mon Mothma)






You get great stuff this way. Most names sound "sith-ish" though. I like to call myself "Bluezman" when playing light side and "Nam Ze-Ulb" when playing dark side :D


Whadd'ya think?

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LOL. That test told me my name was Darmi Beval of the planet Prozac.


Kieran Halcyon was a good name from the books.

Seth Asenyth is a good name I made up that sounds starwars-ish. I've used that for a few of my past RP characters.

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